Vdocuments - MX - Anti Lock Braking System Abs
Vdocuments - MX - Anti Lock Braking System Abs
Vdocuments - MX - Anti Lock Braking System Abs
Haith Prep
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Anti-lock Braking System
Anti-lock Braking System
What is an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)?
Anti-lock Braking System
History of ABS
Motivation for ABS Development
Principles for ABS Operation
ABS Components Overview
ABS Components
Subaru Impreza ABS Application.
How does ABS work?
How ABS Work (Video)
System Diagram
Anti-Lock Brake Types
ABS Configurations
Design Challenges
Advantages & Disadvantages
ABS Problems
General information
Common questions
Anti-lock Braking System What is (ABS)?
– Nonintegrated
• A nonintegrated has the master cylinder
and control valve assembly made separate.
Anti-lock Braking System ABS Components
Sensors at each of the four wheels sense the rotation of the wheel.
Too much brake application wheel stop rotating
Sensors ECU releases brake line pressure wheel turns again.
then ECU applies pressure again stops the rotation of the wheel releases it
again and so on
This releasing and re-application or pulsing of brake pressure happens
20-30 times per second or more.
This keeps the wheel just at the limit before locking up and skidding no
ABS system can maintain extremely high static pressure and must be disabled
before attempting repairs.
How ABS Work (Video) Anti-lock Braking System
Anti-lock Braking System How does ABS work? Solenoid Valve
A. Increase pressure
C. Decrease pressure
How does ABS work? Solenoid Valve
Solenoid 2
Pressure decrease/Vent
Solenoid 2
Pressure decrease/Vent
How does ABS work? Solenoid Valve
Solenoid 2
Pressure decrease/Vent
Anti-lock Braking System System Diagram
Figure 5.
Depending on the ABS application, there are
several typical layouts.
Anti-lock Braking System Design Challenges
Fuzzy control :
Is Intelligent control systems can be used
in ABS control to emulate the qualitative
aspects of human knowledge with several
advantages such as robustness, universal
approximation theorem and rule-based
Anti-lock Braking System Advantages & Disadvantages
• Advantages:
oDo cars with ABS stop more quickly than cars without?
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