Samskrtam Day2
Samskrtam Day2
Samskrtam Day2
Day 2
Prayer for Today yatraiva yatraiva mano madīyaṃ
tatraiva tatraiva tava svarūpam।
yatraiva yatraiva śiro madīyaṃ
tatraiva tatraiva padadvayaṃ te॥
• Sanskrit Pronounciation Guide
• Pronunciation of vowels:
• Pronunciation of vowels:
• Pronunciation of vowels:
Consonants are pronounced in association with any of the vowels, as they do not
have independent pronunciations.
For example, क् as it is, can’t be pronounced.
Added with अ, क् + अ = क, read as ‘co’ in come.
क् + इ = कि read as ‘ki’ in king
क् + उ = कु read as ‘cu’ in cushion
क् + ऐ = कै read as ‘ki’ in kite
Pronunciation of
consonants - Examples