Drug Development Process-1

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There are five steps in the drug development process, according to

the FDA.

1. Discovery and development

In this step, researchers examine new insights into a disease
process, which allows them to design a product to stop the effects of
the disease.

They test molecular compounds to find possible beneficial effects

against certain diseases.

Researchers discover new drugs through existing treatments and

new technologies as well.

Then, they conduct experiments to gather information on how the

drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted.
They also discover its

Potential benefits

Mechanisms of action

The best dosage and the best way to give the drugs

Side effects of adverse events, how it affects different groups of


How it interacts with other drugs and treatmentsits effectiveness

compared to other drugs.
2. Preclinical research
The second step in the is preclinical research, which includes in
vitro and in vivo trials.

In the preclinical research step, drugs go through laboratory and

animal testing to answer basic questions about safety.

In this step, FDA requires researchers to use laboratory best

practices as defined in medical product development regulation to
test safety.

These regulations include study conduct, personnel, facilities,

equipment, written protocols, operating procedures, study reports,
and a system of quality assurance oversight for each study.
3. Clinical research
The third step is clinical research. This refers to studies or trial that are done
in people.

Through clinical research, specific questions related to a medical product are


Through these answers, researchers decide who qualifies to participate, how

many people will be apart of the study, how long the study will last, a control
group, how the drug will be administered,

What assessments will be conducted, and how the data will be reviewed?
4. Drug review
The fourth step of the process is the FDA drug review.

First, a pharmaceutical company submits a New Drug


FDA reviews the drug and approves or rejects it.

Finally,an FDA advisory committee provides their input.

5. Drug safety monitoring

The last step in the drug development process is FDA

post-market drug safety monitoring.

This is where FDA reviews reports of problems with drugs

Can decide to add cautions to the dosage or usage

information, as well as other measures for more serious
Pharmaceutical industry faces a host of drug development challenges.

Main challenges is the lengthy process, according to the National

Institutes of Health (NIH) Due to the lengthy process, NIH states, there is
a high degree of uncertainty that a drug will actually succeed.

 Many disorders have unknown pathophysiology, it is oftentimes

difficult for researchers to target identification.

Another major challenge in the drug development cycle, according to

experts in the pharmaceutical and drug development field, is increasing
costs and pressure on pricing.
But experts believe that public-private partnerships,
adaptive designs, and big data can help improve this

Public-private partnerships come in different forms, each of which

offer specific opportunities and face distinct challenges.

Adaptive trial designs are also beneficial because they allow

modifications to the trial after its initiation without undermining its
validity. But these designs require careful planning and
specification before a trial starts.

The use of big data is vital for researchers to leverage existing

information into knowledge usable for drug discovery and

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