Deld Unit II
Deld Unit II
Deld Unit II
Logic Design
Unit II
Logic Design
Bhagyashri More, Department of Computer Engineering, MESCOE, Pune
Code Converter: BCD, Excess-3, Gray,
Agenda Binary Code
A1 Y1
A2 Combinational Circuit Y2
An Yn
-Examples: Code converter, Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Binary Adder, BCD Adder,
Multiplexer, De-multiplexer.
-This circuits do not need any memory as the outputs are dependent on the present inputs at any instant of time.
Combinational Circuit
Procedure for Designing Combinational Circuit:
1. Define and understand problem
2. Identify and determine the number of input variables available and output variables required; assign
labels to inputs and outputs.
3. Derive truth table for describing the relationship between the input and output variables.
4. Obtain the Boolean expression for every output variable in terms of the input variables. Simplify the
Boolean expression for output variables.
5. Draw the logic diagram
Half Adder
An adder is a digital logic circuit in electronics that is extensively used for the addition of
- Types of Binary Adder:
1. Half Adder 2. Full Adder
- Half Adder:The half adder circuit has two inputs: A and B, which add two input digits and generates a carry
and a sum.
Half Adder
Half Adder
Truth Table: Logic
A B Sum Carry Diagram:
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
K-map: K-map:
For Sum: For Carry:
B 0 1 B 0 1 AB
0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 Sum = A’B +
0 1 Carry = AB
Half Adder
Half Adder Limitations:
The main reason to call these binary adders like Half Adders is, that there is no range to include the carry bit using
an earlier bit. So, this is a main limitation of HAs once used like binary adder particularly in real- time situations
which involve adding several bits. So this limitation can be overcome by using the full adders.
Full Adder
-Full Adder: The difference between a half-adder and a full-adder is that the full-adder has three inputs and two
outputs, whereas half adder has only two inputs and two outputs.
- The first two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input carry as Cin.
A Sum
Full Adder
B Carry
Full Adder
Truth Table:
For Sum:
A B Cin S(Sum) Cout(Carry) BCin C ’
0 0 0 0 0 A 00 01 11
0 0 1 1 0
00 1 1 03 12
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 1
1 4 05 17 06
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 AB’C’ ABC
1 1 0 0 1
Sum = AB’Cin’ + ABCin + A’B’Cin + A’BCin’
1 1 1 1 1
= A (B’ Cin’ + BCin) + A’ (B’Cin +
BCin’ )
= A (B EXNOR Cin) + A’ (B ⊕ Cin)
A (B+⊕A’X
= AX’ Cin)’ + A’ (B ⊕ Cin)
…….(B⊕Cin)= x
= A ⊕ (B ⊕ Cin)
Full Adder
Truth Table:
For Sum:
A B Cin S(Sum) Cout(Carry) BCin
0 0 0 0 0 A 00 01 11
0 0 1 1 0
00 0 1 13 02
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 1
0 4 15 17 16
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 AC AB
1 1 0 0 1
Cout = AB + BCin + ACin
1 1 1 1 1
Full Adder
Sum = A ⊕ B ⊕ Cin Cout
= AB + BCin + Acin
Logic Diagram:
Full Adder
The addition of multiple bits can be obtained by increasing the number of the Full Adder in a circuit.
1. Arithmetic Logic Unit use to compute binary addition.
2. Ripple ahead carry adder
3. Digital calculator
4. Microcontroller to calculate PC (program counter)
5. In Digital Signal Processor and Networking system.
Full Adder
Full Adder using Half
Full Adder
A A⊕ A ⊕ B ⊕ Cin
B S (Sum)
AB (A ⊕ B) Cin
Half Subtractor: Half substractor is a combinational circuit which performs substraction of single bit
binary numbers. It has two input A and B with two output as differences (D) and borrow (Bout).
Half Subtractor
Bout (Borrow)
Half Subtractor
Truth Table: Logic
A B D Bout Diagram:
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
K-map: K-map:
For D: For Bout:
B 0 1 B 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
AB’ 1 0 Difference = A’B + AB’
=A⊕B Bout = A’B
Half Subtractor
Half Subtractor Limitations:
One major disadvantage of the Half Subtractor circuit when used as a binary subtractor, is that here is no provision
for a “Borrow-in” from the previous circuit when subtracting multiple data bits from each other. Then we need to
produce what is called a “full binary subtractor” circuit to take into account this borrow-in input from a previous
Full Subtractor
-Full Subtractor: The main difference between the Full and the previous Half
Subtractor Subtractor circuit is that a full subtractor has three inputs and two
- The first two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input borrow as Bin.
A D (Difference)
Full Adder
B Bout(Borrow)
Full Subtractor
Truth Table:
A’B’Bin A’BBin
A B Bin D Bout BBin ’
0 0 0 0 0 A 00 01 11
0 0 1 1 1
00 1 1 03 12
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
1 4 05 17 06
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 AB’Bin’ ABBin
1 1 0 0 0
Difference = AB’Bin’ + ABBin + A’B’Bin + A’BBin’
1 1 1 1 1
= A (B’ Bin’ + BBin) + A’ (B’ Bin +
= A (B’ Bin’ + BBin) +A’(B ⊕ Bin)
= A (B ⊙ Bin) +A’(B ⊕ Bin)
= A (B ⊕ Bin)’ +A’(B ⊕ Bin)
= A ⊕ B ⊕ Bin
Full Subtractor
Truth Table:
A B Bin B Bout BBin
0 0 0 0 0 A 00 01 11
0 0 1 1 1
00 1 1 13 12
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
0 4 05 17 06
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 A’ A’
1 1 0 0 0
Bout = A’B + BBin + A’Bin
1 1 1 1 1
Full Subtractor
Difference = A ⊕ B ⊕ Bin
Borrow = A’B + BBin + A’Bin
Logic Diagram:
Full Subtractor
The subtraction of multiple bits can be obtained by increasing the number of the Full Subtractor in a circuit.
1. Arithmetic Logic Unit use to compute binary subtraction.
2. Digital calculator
3. In microcontroller
4. In Digital Signal Processor and Networking system.
5. Subtractors are used in processors to compute tables, address, etc.
Full Subtractor
Full Subtractor using Half Subtractor:
Full Subtractor
Full Adder using Half
• Block Diagram
Propagation Delay in Parallel Adder
•One main disadvantage of “cascading” together 1-bit binary adders to add large binary numbers is
that if inputs A and B change, the sum at its output will not be valid until any carry- input has “rippled”
through every full adder in the chain because the MSB (most significant bit) of the sum has to wait for
any changes from the carry input of the LSB (less significant bit).
• Consequently, there will be a finite delay before the output of the adder responds to any
change in its inputs resulting in a accumulated delay.
A A3 A2 A1 A0
B B3 B2 B1 B0
+ C2 C1 C0 C-1
C3 S3 S2 S1 S0
Look Ahead Carry Adder
•One solution is to generate the carry-input signals directly from the A and B inputs rather than
using the ripple arrangement above. This then produces another type of binary adder circuit called a
Look Ahead Carry Binary Adder where the speed of the parallel adder can be greatly improved
using carry-look ahead logic.
Ai Pi
Si (Sum)
Ci (Carry)
• Gi is a carry generate which produces the carry when both Ai, Bi are one regardless of the
input carry Ci-1.
• Pi is a carry propagate and it is associate with the propagation of carry from Ci-1 to Ci.
Look Ahead Carry Adder
Ai Pi
Si (Sum)
B Gi
i Ci (Carry)
Pi = Ai⊕ Bi
Gi = Ai Bi
Si = Pi ⊕ Ci-1 = Ai ⊕ Bi ⊕Ci-1
Ci = Gi + Pi Ci-1
4 Bit Parallel Adder using look ahead carry generator A+B A+(-
1 0 0 1 B)
0 1 1 0
Block diagram: A 0110
B 1001 2’S COM 0111
2’S B 1 0 0 1
1. 1’S COMP 0 1 1 0
2. + 1
3. A + (-B)
A + (-B)
A-B A 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 -B 0 1
0 0 1 ------------------------------------
1 1
------------------------ 1 1 1 1 11 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1
4 Bit Parallel Subtractor
4 Bit Parallel Subtractor using 2’s Complement Method
Block diagram:
A+B 7483
A- 7483
A+(- 1’S OR 2’S
A + 2’S B 0101
1’S 1010
+1 1
10 11
BCD Adder
1. Use the binary rules of addition to add the BCD numbers
2. If the result of the addition is less than or equal to 9, then it is a valid BCD number.
3. if the result is greater than 9, then you need to convert it into a valid BCD code by adding 6(0110) in result.
3 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 0 8 1 0 0 0
6 0 1 1 0 8 1 0 0 0 9 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
9 1 0 0 1 14 1 1 1 0 17 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
BCD Adder
1. The 4 bit binary adder IC 7483 can be used to perform
addition of BCD numbers.
2. In this, if the four-bit sum output is not a valid digit, or if a
carry C3 is generated then decimal 6 (0110 binary) is to be
added to the sum to get the correct result.
3. The output of combinational circuit should be 1 if the sum
produced by adder 1 is greater than 9 i.e. 1001.
BCD Adder
Design Combinational Circuit
BCD Adder
1. The output of the combinational circuit should be 1 if
Cout of adder-1 is high. Therefore Y is ORed with Cout
of adder 1.
2. Output of Combinational circuit is connected to B1 and
B2 input of adder 2; B0 and B3 connected to ground
permanently. This makes B3B2B1B0 = 0110 when Z=1
otherwise B3B2B1B0 = 0000.
3. The sum output of adder 1 are applied to A3-A0 of
adder 2.
4. The output of Combinational circuit is to be used as final
output carry and the carry output of adder 2 is to be
Example: 6 + 9 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
A 0110
B 1001
11 1 1
111 1 invalid BCD 0
+ 011 0 add 0110
1 010 1 1
1 5 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1
Code Converter: BCD, Excess-3, Gray,
Agenda Binary Code
Types of multiplexer:
1. 2:1 multiplexer 3. 8:1 multiplexer 5. 32:1 multilexer
2. 4:1 multiplexer 4. 16:1 multiplexer
2:1 MUX
• A 2:1 multiplexer consists of two inputs D0 and D1, one select input S and one output Y.
Depends on the select signal, the output is connected to either of the inputs.
• Since there are two input signals only two ways are possible to connect the inputs to the outputs,
so one select is needed to do these operations.
E S Y E S D1 D0 Y
0 X 0 0 X X X 0
D1 Y 1 0 D0 1 0 X 0 0
E 1 1 D1 1 0 X 1 1 ES’Do
1 1 0 X 0
1 1 1 X 1 ESD1
Y = ES’Do + ESD1
2:1 MUX
• Logic Realization of 2:1
4:1 MUX
• A 4:1 multiplexer consists of four inputs D0, D1, D2 and D3; two select inputs S1 and S0 and
one output Y. Depends on the select signal, the output is connected to either of the inputs.
Do E S1 S0 Y
0 X X 0
D1 4:1
Y 1 0 0 D0 ES1’S0’D0
1 0 1 D1 ES1’S0D1
1 1 0 D2 ES1S0’D2
1 1 1 D3 ES1S0D3
S1 S0
D1 1 0 0 1 D1 ES2’S1’S0D1
1 0 1 0 D2 ES2’S1S0’D2
D2 MUX 1 0 1 1 D3 ES2’S1S0D3
1 1 0 0 D4 ES2S1’S0’D4
D4 1 1 0 1 D5 ES2S1’S0D5
1 1 1 0 D6 ES2S1S0’D6
D5 1 1 1 1 D7 ES2S1S0D7
S2 S1 S0
8:1 MUX
• Logic Realization of 8:1 MUX
Y = ES2’S1’S0’D0 + ES2’S1’S0D1 + ES2’S1S0’D2 + ES2’S1S0D3 + ES2’S1’S0’D0 + ES2’S1’S0D1 + ES2’S1S0’D2 + ES2’S1S0D3
16:1 MUX
• A 16:1 multiplexer consists of sixteen inputs D0 to D15, four select input S3,S2, S1, S0 and
one output Y. Depends on the select signal, the output is connected to either of the inputs.
Block Diagram:
. 16:1
s3 S2 S1 S0
IC number Description Output
74150 16:1 multiplexer Inverted input
74151 8:1 multiplexer Complementary output
74151A 8:1 multiplexer Complementary output
74152 8:1 multiplexer Inverted input
74153 Dual 4:1 multiplexer Same as input
74158 Quad 2:1 multiplexer Inverted input
74157 Quad 2:1 multiplexer Same as input
74151 IC
Data Inputs Select Inputs
D3 Y
S2 S1 S0
Data Inputs Complementary Enable
Applications of MUX
1. Communication System – A Multiplexer is used in communication systems, which has a transmission
system and also a communication network. A Multiplexer is used to increase the efficiency of the
communication system by allowing the transmission of data such as audio & video data from different channels
via cables and single lines.
2. Computer Memory – A Multiplexer is used in computer memory to keep up a vast amount of memory in the
computers, and also to decrease the number of copper lines necessary to connect the memory to other parts of the
3. Telephone Network – A multiplexer is used in telephone networks to integrate the multiple audio signals on a
single line of transmission.
4. It is used in A/D and D/A converters.
5. Parallel to serial converter
Multiplexer Tree
•The multiplexers with more number of inputs can be obtained by cascading multiplexers with less
number of inputs. Such a configuration is called as multiplexer.
• E.g. Implementation of 8:1 Mux using 4:1 mux.
D2 D1 4:1
MUX -1 Y1
D1 D2
S2 S1
8:1 D3 S0 Y
D3 E
S0 E
D4 D4 D 4:1
0 MU Y2
X -2
D5 D5 D1
D6 S2 S1 S0 D2
74153 IC
D2 D1 4:1
MUX -1 Y1
Strobe G1 S1
S1 D3 S 0
Strobe G2 S1
D4 D 4:1
0 MUX -2 Y2
D5 D1
D6 D2
D7 D3
74153 MUX
S2 S1 S0 Y1 Y2 Y
DO D0 (E)
0 0 0 D0 D4 D0
D2 D1 4:1
MUX -1 Y1
0 0 1 D1 D5 D1
S2 S1
0 1 0 D2 D6 D2
D3 S0 Y
S1 0 1 1 D3 D7 D3
S0 E
S0 1 0 0 D0 D4 D4
D4 D 4:1
0 MUX -2 Y2 1 0 1 D1 D5 D5
D5 D1
1 1 0 D2 D6 D6
D6 D2
1 1 1 D3 D7 D7
D7 D3
Multiplexer Tree
16:1 MUX using 4:1 MUX
1. Implement the following expression using a MUX F(A,B,C) = ∑m(0,2,3,5,6)
0 0 0 1 D0
0 0 1 0 D1
0 1 0 1 D2
0 1 1 1 D3
1 0 0 0 D4
1 0 1 1 D5
1 1 0 1 D6
1 1 1 0 D7
2. Implement the following Boolean function using 8:1 MUX F(A,B,C,D) = ∑ m(0,2,5,7,9,10,13,15)
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
A’ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
3. Implement the Full Adder using 8:1 MUX.
Types of demultiplexer:
1. 1:2 demultiplexer 3. 1:8 demultiplexer 5. 1:32 demultilexer
2. 1:4 demultiplexer 4. 1:16 demultiplexer
• A 1:2 demultiplexer consists of one input line, two output lines and one select line. The signal
on the select line helps to switch the input to one of the two outputs.
• There are only two possible ways to connect the input to output lines, thus only one select signal is
enough to do the demultiplexing operation. When the select input is low, then the input will be passed to
Y0 and if the select input is high then the input will be passed to Y1.
E S Y1 Y0
0 X 0 0
1 0 0 D
1 1 D 0
Y0 = ES’D
Y1 = ESD
• Logic Realization of 1:2
•A 1-to-4 demultiplexer has a single input (D), two selection lines (S1 and S0) and four outputs
(Y0 to Y3). The input data goes to any one of the four outputs at a given time for a particular
combination of select lines.
• This demultiplexer is also called as a 2-to-4 demultiplexer which means that two select lines
and 4 output lines.
Block Diagram: Function Table:
• Logic Realization of 1:2
• A1-to-8 demultiplexer that consists of single input D, three select inputs S2, S1 and S0 and
eight outputs from Y0 to Y7.
•It is also called as 3-to-8 demultiplexer due to three select input lines. It distributes one input line to
one of 8 output lines depending on the combination of select inputs.
From the above table, the full subtractor output D can be written as D = f
(A, B, C)= ∑m (1, 2, 4, 7)
And the borrow output can be expressed as
Bout = F (A, B, C) = ∑m (1, 2, 3, 7)
From these Boolean functions, a demultiplexer for producing full subtractor output
can be built by properly configuring the 1-to-8 DEMUX such that with
input D=1 it gives the minterms at the output.
And by logically ORing these minterms, the outputs of difference
and borrow can be obtained as shown in figure.
D = f (A, B, C)= ∑m (1, 2, 4, 7)
And the borrow output can be expressed as
Bout = F (A, B, C) = ∑m (1, 2, 3, 7)
Applications of Demultiplexer
•Since the demultiplexers are used to select or enable the one signal out of many, these are extensively
used in microprocessor or computer control systems such as
1. Selecting different IO devices for data transfer
2. Choosing different banks of memory
3. Depends on the address, enabling different rows of memory chips
4. Enabling different functional units.
• Other than these, demultiplexers can be found in a wide variety of application such as
1. Synchronous data transmission systems
2. Boolean function implementation (as we discussed full subtractor function above)
3. Data acquisition systems
4. Combinational circuit design
5. Automatic test equipment systems
6. Security monitoring systems (for selecting a particular surveillance camera at a time), etc.
DEMUX as Decoder
Inverted output
IC 74138
•These comparators can compare 2-bit, 4-bit and 8-bit numbers depending on the application requirement. These are
available in TTL as well as CMOS logic family ICs and some of these ICs include IC 7485 (4-bit comparator), IC
4585 (4-bit comparator in CMOS family) and IC 74AS885 (8-bit comparator).
Comparator IC 7485
• 4-bit Magnitude Comparator
The 4-bit comparator is mostly available in IC form and common type of this IC is 7485. This IC can be used to
compare two 4-bit binary words by grounding I (A>B), I (A<B) and I (A=B) connector inputs to Vcc terminal.
In addition to the normal comparator, this IC is provided with cascading inputs in order to facilitate the
cascading several comparators. Any number of bits can be compared by cascading several of these comparator
Comparator IC 7485
• 8-bit Magnitude Comparator
•An 8-bit comparator compares the two 8-bit numbers by cascading of two 4-bit comparators. The circuit connection of
this comparator is shown below in which the lower order comparator A<B, A=B and A>B outputs are connected to the
respective cascade inputs of the higher order comparator.
•For the lower order comparator, the A=B cascade input must be connected High, while the other two cascading inputs
A ,B must be connected to LOW. The outputs of the higher order comparator become the outputs of this eight-bit
Applications of Comparators
1. Comparators are used in central processing units (CPUs) and microcontrollers (MCUs).
2. These are used in control applications in which the binary numbers representing physical variables such as
temperature, position, etc. are compared with a reference value.
3. Comparators are also used as process controllers and for Servo motor control.
4. Used in password verification and biometric applications.
1. The combinational circuits that change the binary information into N output lines are known as
Encoders. The binary information is passed in the form of 2N input lines. The output lines define the N-bit code
for the binary information.
2. In simple words, the Encoder performs the reverse operation of the Decoder. At a time, only one input
line is activated for simplicity. The produced N-bit output code is equivalent to the binary information.
3. Types of Encoders
- Decimal to BCD Encoder
- Octal to Binary Encoder
- Priority Encoder
- Hexadecimal to binary encoder
Priority Encoder
•In this priority encoder, there are total of 4 inputs, i.e., D0, D1, D2, and D3, and two outputs, i.e., Y0 and Y1. The D3
has high and D0 has low priority inputs.
• When more than one input is '1' at the same time, the output will be the (binary) code corresponding to
the higher priority input. Below is the truth table of the 4 to 2 line priority encoder.
Applications of Encoders
• Uses of Encoders:
1. These systems are very easy to use in all digital systems.
2. Encoders are used to convert a decimal number into the binary number. The objective is to perform a
binary operation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.
3. Email
4. Video encoders
5. Communication system and networking
• The combinational circuit that change the binary information output lines is known
intoDecoders. The binary information is passed in the form of N input lines.
• The output lines define the 2N-bit code for the binary information. In simple words, the Decoder performs the
reverse operation of the Encoder. At a time, only one input line is activated for simplicity. The produced 2N-bit
output code is equivalent to the binary information.
• Types of decoder
1. 2 to 4 line decoder
2. 3 to 8 line decoder
3. 4 to 16 line Decoder
3 to 8 line decoder
• The 3 to 8 line decoder is also known as Binary to Octal Decoder. In a 3 to 8 line decoder, there is a total of eight
outputs, i.e., Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, and Y7 and three outputs, i.e., A0, A1, and A2. This circuit has an enable
input 'E'. Just like 2 to 4 line decoder, when enable 'E' is set to 1, one of these four outputs will be 1.