Aquaponics For Safe Food Production and
Aquaponics For Safe Food Production and
Aquaponics For Safe Food Production and
environmental sustainability
Presented by:
Md. Mosharraf Hossain
PhD Fellow
Roll No.: 02
Reg. No.: 48594
Session: 2017/18
Department of Aquaculture
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Supervisory Committee
Dr. Md. Abdus Salam
Supervisor Professor
Department of Aquaculture, BAU, Mymensingh
Background with
Expected Outcomes
Activity Planning
Time Schedule
Background with Justification
The human population worldwide currently
exceeds 7 billion, and it is projected to reach
8.5 billion by 2030, and 9.7 billion by 2050
(UN, 2016).
Fish production increased both nationally as
well as globally. Bangladesh is now in 3rd
position among the fish producing countries
in the world after China and India
(FAO, 2018);
Production of safe food for huge population
has become the burning question at the
present era;
Bangladesh is a small but highly disaster
prone country with huge population
Pond based aquaculture is being intensified
but flood and cyclones sweep away the crops
and farmers incurred huge loss in every year.
What is Aquaponics?
‘Aquaponics is the art of
growing food with fish poop’, “Essentially, all life depends upon the
soil ... There can be no life without soil and
(Anonymous) no soil without life; they have evolved
together.” Charles E. Kellogg
An integration of two systems:
Hydroponics and Aquaculture
Background with Justification (Contd..)
Why aquaponics?
• Reduced labour ;
• Higher production rate in limited space;
• No chemical fertilizer or pesticidies are used;
• Zero water exchange;
• Aquacultural waste products are used;
• Provides income from two separate products;
• Year round production can be possible;
• Can be used in underground and indoors; and
• Works in draught or places with poor soil
Background with Justification (Contd..)
Environmental, economic and social impacts of aquaponics
Category Impacts
(1) Use and recycling of water resources;
(2) Energy consumption & production;
Environmental (3) Recycling of organic waste ; and
Background with Justification (Contd..)
Several research have done on design,
production performances of fish and vegetables,
feasibility of different types of aquaponics etc. at
home and abroad;
In Bangladesh, most of the research works on
aquaponics have done by Prof. Dr. M A Salam,
BAU, Mymensingh. No specific works have done
on the sustainability of aquaponics addressing
bacteriological profile of aquaponically grown
products in Bangladesh;
Therefore, this research will be undertaken for
developing a cost effective aquaponic system to
produce safe food by utilizing rooftop or
backyard and fallow land to improve human
health and reduce environmental hazards;
Objectives of the Study
Broad Objective
The proposed research aims to
conduct for developing a cost
effective aquaponic system to
produce fish and organic vegetables
addressing bacteriological profile that
will mitigate the increasing demand
of safe food and environmental
Objectives (contd..)
Specific Objectives
• To optimize stocking density of fish and vegetables in aquaponic system;
• To assess the changes of water quality parameters;
• To evaluate the growth and production performances of fish and
• To measure the availability of nutrients and uptake by the plants;
• To identify the presence of bacterial pathogens and their abundance;
• To evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of aquaponic system; and
• To disseminate the developed aquaponic technology through extension
materials, trainings, workshops, demonstration and utilizing mass media.
Materials and Methods
Study Site
The study will be conducted at BAU Aquaponics Oasis, Department of
Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU),
Laboratory to be used
Water quality tests, proximate analysis for feed, fish and vegetables,
bacteriological study of tank water and vegetables and nutrient analysis will be
done at Central Lab, Aquaponics, Fish Nutrition and Fish Disease Lab of
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.
Materials and Methods (Contd…)
Aquaponic Components
Culture system
Media based aquaponics system.
Materials and Methods (Contd…)
Parameter to be studied
Expected output
Suitability of strawberry production in media based aquaponic system will be
Taste of aquaponically produced strawberry will be known; and
Pathogenic bacteria will be identified if any; and
Cost-benefit ratio will be measured.
Experiment -02: Optimizing stocking density of tilapia in
media based aquaponic technique
Aquaponics is a novel alternative method of fish and crop
production system by combining aquaculture and hydroponics;
The principle of aquaponic system is fish excrete contains
potentially toxic nitrogen compounds into nitrite and then nitrate
by nitrifying bacteria which provided in the system.
There also need to create a balance of the macro- and micro-
nutrient amount that fish can release in the water;
It is clear that the supplied feed and stocking density is directly
related to maintain the metabolites flow into the aquaponic
system; and
Thus, an experiment will be conducted to compare the effect of
stocking density on growth performance of tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus) with bush bean in a recirculating aquaponic system.
Experiment -02 (Contd…..)
Expected output
Optimum stocking density of tilapia will be ensured;
Expected output
Suitable stocking of tomato saplings in aquaponic system will be ensured;
Nutrient uptake rate by the tomato plants will be known; and
Cost-benefit ratio will be measured.
Experiment 04: Effect of different media on Production
performances of bush bean in aquaponic system
A media bed in an aquaponic system that utilizes media such
as expanded clay, bricklets, gravels etc. as a foundation for root
growth. Water is pumped into a media filled grow bed and then
allowed to flow back to the fish tank.
Most grow beds are composed of heavy substrate such as clay
balls, gravels, sand, perlite, etc. These serve as support systems
for the plants and as bioremediation medias (Rakocy and
Hargreaves, 1993).
Thus it is important to find out the suitability of other media
types to support plant growth.
Therefore, an experiment will conduct to compare the
production performances of vegetables on different media based
in a recirculating aquaponic system.
Experiment 04 (Contd……)
To assess the effect of different substrates on the vegetable growth
and water filtration capacity
To measure the nutrient uptake rate of different media
To evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of different media based
aquaponic system.
Tested crops
Fish : Tilapia Vegetables : bush bean
Treatment Media Replication Fish Vegetable
density saplings
design T1 Bricklets Best Best
T2 Gravel result result
3 from from
T3 Bricklets and exp.-2 exp.-3
gravel mixed
T4 Char coal
Experiment 04 (Contd…)
Same as experiment -01
Expected output
Effects of performance of substrates on vegetable growth will be known;
Water filtration capability of different substrates will be identified;
03 18
Experiments perform
04 Data compilation, processing and analysis 03
Activity chart