Marketing Planning, Organization and Control (1) MM

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Marketing Planning

Planning: Definitions
“A systematic process of forecasting the future
business environment and deciding on the most
appropriate goals,
goals objectives and positions for
best exploiting that environment.”
Planning is an activity and a process = formalised
The marketing PLAN;
“Provides clear and unambiguous statement [of intent] about
the strategies and actions that will be implemented, by
whom, when and with what [anticipated/required]
Why Plan?
 Planning helps:
 to develop systematic, long-term thinking
 to create an organised approach
 to develop specificity & consistency
 to get agreement from colleagues &
support from others.
• common goals and mutual benefits
 toidentify sources of competitive
Benefits of Planning

Brassington & Pettitt, (2006)

Rationale for planning
Planning should answer questions including:
1) Why are we here?
• What business are we in?
2) Where are we now?
3) What issues do we face?
4) Where do we want to be?
• Goals vs. capabilities
5) How do we get there?
• Activities and Controls
Planning coordinates all
marketing activity
 Environmental analysis: SWOT
 Understanding customers: Buyer Behaviour
 Setting strategy: Segmentation, targeting and
 4P’s/ 7P’s Marketing Mix: Marketing
1. Mission
Phase One
– Goal Planning framework
Setting 2. Corporate Objectives

3. Marketing Audit
 Environmental analysis:
Phase Two SWOT
– Situation 4. SWOT Analyses
 Understanding customers:
Buyer Behaviour
5. Assumptions

 Segmentation, targeting and

6. Marketing objectives & = Core positioning
Phase strategies strategy
Three –  4P’s/ 7P’s Marketing Mix
Strategy 7. Estimated results
8. Alternative plans &

Phase Four 9. Budget

– Resource
Allocation & 10. 1st yr detailed Measurement
Monitoring implementation plan & Review
Group Vision & Mission
Mission statement or
Corporate objectives
Sets out:
 Specific long-term objectives for the company
and organisation as a whole
 Like all objectives, should be SMART:
 Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic,
Objectives will include:
 Performance Objectives
 Directional Objectives
 External Objectives
 Internal Objectives
Situation Audit
External Macro Environment Micro Environment
Factors Political Competitors
Technological Distributors
Legal Customers/Market
Environmental Trends

Internal Position Capability

Factors Financial Situation Organizational
Market Position Structure
Management and
Marketing Research
Pricing Capability for
Selling and Distribution Change
Advertising and Sales
Marketing Strategy & Actions

 Includes:
 target market
 positioning
 marketing mix
 customer service
 research and development
 marketing research
Marketing Organization

 Organization is not an end in itself but

a means to the end of business
performance and business results.
 It also provides a vehicle through
which the decisions are implemented.
 It refers to dividing the work according
to the different skills, efforts and
Need and Importance of
Marketing Organization
 To divide and fix authority among the
 To locate responsibility
 To establish sales routine
 To avoid repetitive duties
 To enable the top executives to
devote more time in planning policy
Principles of Organization
 There must be clear lines of authority from top to
 Responsibility should always be coupled with
corresponding authority.
 There should be a limit to the number of positions
 The organization should be kept as simple as
 No one in organization should report to more than
one line authority.
 The organization should be flexible so that it can be
adjusted to changing conditions.
Marketing Organization
 Function oriented-marketing organization
 Product –oriented marketing organization
 Customer-oriented marketing organization
 Geography –oriented marketing organization
 Combined base
(Functional specialists are appointed who report to general marketing manager)
Product basis departmentation
Customer/distribution channels departmentation .
Geographic / territorial or area type of departmentation of
sales organization
Based on functions,products,customer and territory departmentation
Control and Evaluation Process

Measures include:

•evaluation mechanisms

•feedback mechanisms

•contingency planning

•Budgets / Profit & Loss

Brassington &
Pettitt, (2006)
Marketing Costs and Profitability

Brassington & Pettitt, (2006)

Problems with planning

Companies become obsessed with the process or

technique rather than the actual content and
delivery of the plan!!
Unreliable or insufficient market research data can
make plans flawed from beginning!

 However all organisations should plan!

Marketing Planning is
Conflicting pressures make choices difficult:

Enhancing Increasing
customer service Vs. profitability

Short-term Long-term
profit value creation

Revenue Vs. Cost

maximisation minimisation

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