Competency Programme - CP4 Innovation and Digital Transformation Day 1 Session 4

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In Partnership with:

Working Together: Innovation

and Digital Transformation
Session 4. Why is innovation challenging in the Public
SESSION 4: Why is innovation challenging in public sector?
What can be done?

Learning Outcomes

1. Explain why innovation is challenging in the public sector (vs.

private sector) and what can be done about it

General Characteristics of the public sector vs private

1. Difficult to value public outputs / performance

• difficult to determine optimal size of org.
• Organizations grow and grow big
• how to trade off multiple / conflicting goals?

• Result: inefficiency in resource allocation

Discussion: How do you solve this problem of big

government and inefficient resource allocation?

General Characteristics of the public sector vs private sector

2. Limited competition:
agencies survive despite
• X-inefficiencies
• dynamic inefficiencies
(failure to innovate)

1. What are examples of these
problems in Saudi Arabia?

2. How do you solve the problem of

red tape?

Characteristics of public sector

Why little incentive to innovate in public

• no competitors to imitate
• not able to capture full benefits of
• cannot borrow funds for start up costs
• civil service rules make it difficult to get
specialized expertise

1. What are examples of these problems in your organization?
2. How can these problems be solved?

Characteristics of public sector

3. Ex-Ante Controls: Civil Service Inflexibility

• Problem of evaluating ex-post performance 🡪
need for ex-ante controls
• Directly restrict discretion of agency heads
• Need for continuity and non-partisanship comes
at a cost on flexibility of staffing
• Difficult to fire for political reasons, difficult to
fire for incompetence
• Fixed pay schedules: minimize political
leverage 🡪 under-reward most productive and Discussion:
over-reward least productive 1. What are examples in KSA?
2. How do you solve these

Characteristics of public sector

4. Bureaucratic procedures
• Bureaucratic pay not tied to performance but
long run promotion tied with observed
• Incentive🡪 risk aversion🡪 everything must pass
thru channels (RED TAPE)
• Bureaucratic corruption = red tape + unclear
procedures + discretion – accountability

• Dilemma: checks-balances needed to minimize

discretion in use of public funds
• Discussion: What are examples of these in KSA?
How do you solve red tape?
Characteristics of public sector

5. Bureaucratic failure as market failure

5.1 Organizational Public Goods

• Organizational reputation is a public good
(private cost, public benefit)
• Requires extra effort to meet customer demands
quickly, effectively, cheerfully

• Undersupply of organizational public goods
• Acute in developing countries: poor pay / working
conditions 🡪 poor motivation

What can be done about these problems?

1. Vision statement / political support for

2. Performance measurement and management
3. Performance based budgeting / output based
4. Public private partnership
5. Output and outcome based contracts
6. Competition (to spur innovation)
7. Autonomous organizations (to give flexibility
from civil service rules)

What can be done about these problems?

7. Build professional capacity / meritocracy

8. Accountability (to stop kicking the ball around)
9. Benchmarking (domestic and international)
10. Use of technology 🡪 solve red tape
11. Hard deadlines (so there is sense of urgency)
12. Sunset provisions (automatically subject to
review / updating)
13. Spring cleaning (to review / remove
unnecessary / outdated regulations)
14. Sand box regulations

Your learning journey
Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Session 5: Recap of Day 1

Session 1: Program Overview Lecture Discussion Session 17: Recap Day 4
Session 9: Recap of Day 2
9.00 What is innovation? Three Case Study 4: Australia Session 13: Recap of Day 3 Case Study 15
Case Study 8: Listening and
10.15 types of innovation. What is digital Case Study 11: Video Discussion: AI and the Future of Work
Learning: The Sawti App AI applications & issues
Innovation in KSA transformation? How do we
measure progress

Break Break Break Break Break

Session 6: Case Study 5

Session 2: Case study 1: Digital Transformation in the Session 10: Case Study 9 Session 14: Case Study 12 Session 18: Workshop:
10.30 Master Card Digital Video Discussion: China’s Social
Innovation in Singapore and UK Credit Innovation Completion of Innovation
lessons for KSA Lessons from the Transformation Project Idea
Government Digital Service

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Session 7: Case Study 6

Session 3: Case Study 2 & 3 Session 15: Case Study 143 Session 19: Presentation &
13.30 Argentina, Peru, Mexico Session 11: Case Study 10 Saudi
S. Korea and UAE and Arabia’s Covid 19 response Video discussion: feedback on innovation
Lessons in building a Unified AI and Fintech / Edutech
lessons for Saudi Arabia project
Government Website innovation

15.00 Break
Break Break Break Break

Session 4: Lecture
Session 8: Case Study 7 Session 16: Case Study 14
15.15 discussion Why is innovation Session 12: Lecture / Video
Kenya and India What is AI? How does it work? Video Discussion AI in Session 20: Closing program
challenging in public sector?
Mobile Payment Innovation Healthcare
What can be done? 12
The Academy for Developing Administrative Leaders

Thank You

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