The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit 1

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The Human Person as an

Embodied Spirit
Who said it?
1. The nature of human is seen in the
metaphysical dichotomy between body *St. Thomas
and soul. Aquinas
2. There is no dichotomy between person’s *Aristotle
body and soul. *Plato
3. Of all creatures, human beings have the
unique power to change themselves and
things for the better.
Going Back Relevance of the Past
Do you still remember What is the relevance of
those days when you were our childhood memories to
playing outside your home? our present times?

Reasoning Getting Ready

Do you believe that there is a big
Why do we have to go back
difference between MAN, PERSON,
and remember our
and HUMAN not only with the
childhood days?
definition but its usage to the
society as a whole?

It is generally and commonly defined to

represent the entire human race.
A term used to separate man from other
Human Classifications like animals.

A general term refers to the deepest and

natural behavior of a person that distinguish
human from animals. A collective traits that
formed and considered the very essence of
humanity. Nobody can be considered man
without human nature.

A term used to refer for various classifications and

species. For a living man, human is under the
classification of Mammalia.
Refers to an individual who possess self-awareness,
self-determination, rational mind, and the capacity
to interact with other and with himself/herself.

A general term refers to the state of

being a person with unique, sacred
and ethical status within him/herself.
A human person is
typically with a body From an
Ape under
and Eve
which is tangible and has the Class:
a three components of

Cognitive Physical
Self Self

the essential components deals with essential

of a human person that features of the human
deals with THE WHAT OF A way of life or THE WHO OF
PERSON which includes A PERSON which includes
human persons’ belief, his/her body type,
desire, dreams, and
strength and appearances
1. "Self-awareness refers to person having a
clear perception of oneself, including his or
her thoughts, emotions," identity, and
actions (Abella, 2016). It is the ability of one's
WHAT IS consciousness to look inward thus
discovering the presence of a self.
PERSON AS 2. A human person can connect and interact
EMBODIED with another person, an animal or an
inanimate object. We call this externality. So
SPIRIT? even though human beings have interiority
they are not trapped inside their heads. They
can go beyond their limited selves and
embrace others.
3. We are not determined by others. Because we
have interiority; we can direct the course of our
own life. This is what we call self-determination
which is "the capability of persons to make choices
and decisions based on their own preferences,
WHAT IS monitor and regulate their actions, and be goal
HUMAN oriented and self-directed" (Abella 2016) Thus
human beings are free.
PERSON AS 4. Finally a human person has an inherent value and
EMBODIED importance. This is what we call dignity. That is why
no amount of money can equal the value of a
SPIRIT? human life. This is also the reason why individual
rights are absolute (Rand 1964).
1. Life is full of suffering
2. Suffering is caused by passionate
FROM TEARS desires, lusts, and cravings
TO 3. Only as these are obliterated, will
ENLIGHTMENT suffering cease
4. Such eradication of desire may be
accomplished only by following
the Eightfold Path of earnest
1. Right belief and acceptance of the "Fourfold
2. Right aspiration for oneself and for others
BUDDHISM: 3. Right speech that harms no one
FROM TEARS 4. Right conduct, motivated by goodwill toward all
TO human beings
5. Right means of livelihood or earning one's living
ENLIGHTMENT by honorable means
6. Right endeavor, or effort to direct one's energies
toward wise ends
7. Right mindfulness in choosing topics for thought
8. Right medication, or concentration to the point
of complete absorption in mystic ecstasy.

Is the religion based upon the teachings and

miracles of Jesus where there is only one God?
Suffering leads to the Cross, the symbol of
reality of God's saving love for the human being
and Evil is being disobedient, contradicting the
nature of God and distancing God.

For Augustine (354-430 CE), philosophy is amor sapiential, the love of

wisdom; its aim is to produce happiness. Wisdom is not just an abstract
logical construction; but it is substantially existent as the Divine Logos.
Hence, Philosophy is the love of God; it is then religious.

Teachings of Christianity are based on love of God. For Augustine's

Christianity, the revelation of the true God is the only full and true
philosophy. All Knowledge leads to God, so that faith supplements and
enlightens reason that it may proceed to ever richer and fuller

St. Thomas of Aquinas, another medieval philosopher,

of all creatures, human beings have the unique power to
change themselves and the things for the better. His
philosophy is best grasped in his treatises Summa Contra
Gentiles and Summa Theological.
Consider humans as moral agents, the spiritual and
material and that choosing between 'good' and 'evil' is our

Create a music video of
Freddie Aguilar's "Higit sa Lahat
ay Tao". This could be your
personal collections of photo or
short videos depicting the
message of the song. If you do
not have photos or videos, you
can create one.

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