2022-04-13 The Cost of Capital
2022-04-13 The Cost of Capital
2022-04-13 The Cost of Capital
Sources of Capital
Component Costs
Adjusting for Flotation Costs
Adjusting for Risk
• 10%, $100 par value, quarterly dividend, perpetual preferred stock sells for $111.10.
• Common stock sells for $50. D0 = $4.19 and g = 5%.
• b = 1.2; rRF = 7%; RPM = 6%.
• Bond-Yield Risk Premium = 4%.
• Target capital structure: 30% debt, 10% preferred, 60% common equity.
rp = Dp/Pp
= $10/$111.10
= 9%
DCF: rs = (D1/P0) + g
rs = rd + RP
rRF = 7%
RPM = 6%, and
Firm’s beta is 1.2
rs = rRF + (rM – rRF)b
= 7.0% + (6.0%)1.2 = 14.2%
rs = rd + RP
rs = 10.0% + 4.0% = 14.0%
Method Estimate
CAPM 14.2%
DCF 13.8
rd + RP 14.0
D 0 (1 g)
re g
P0 (1 F )
$4.19(1.05 )
5 .0 %
$50(1 0.15 )
5 .0 %
NO! The composite WACC reflects the risk of an average project undertaken by the firm.
Therefore, the WACC only represents the “hurdle rate” for a typical project with average
Different projects have different risks. The project’s WACC should be adjusted to reflect
the project’s risk.
The next slide illustrates the importance of risk-adjusting the cost of capital. Note, if the
company correctly risk-adjusted the WACC, then it would select Project L and reject
Project H. Alternatively, if the company didn’t risk-adjust and instead used the composite
WACC for all projects, it would mistakenly select Project H and reject Project L.
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