Fishbay - in MIS Presentation
Fishbay - in MIS Presentation
Fishbay - in MIS Presentation
Fishing on the Net
Group-10, an online fish store which started their business by identifying
the market gap which demanded the purchase of fish from a smooth, N
hassle-free channel. It gave its customers the option of choose the type of
fish and the cut they wanted.
• Orders placed till 3 p m - > delivered on the s a m e day,
• Orders placed in evening - > delivered the following day
• Average footfall of customer amounted INR 10000, which increased to D
1 5 0 0 0 INR or even 1 8 0 0 0 INR on weekends.
D u e to the popularity and efficiency of, m a ny nearby restaurants C
started to order from, relatively in large quantities but at lower T
• These clients normally placed an order once every three days
• Each order amounted to between INR 8 0 0 0 and 1 0 0 0 0
• Major advantage in this case was the low transportation costs and low N
chances of spoilage in transit.
Mohammad Haneef, the owner of, is faced with a crucial decision regarding the direction
of his business.
The dilemma revolves around whether to stick to the original business plan, serving individual fish
buyers who are less price-sensitive but order smaller quantities.
Haneef is considering catering to restaurant business opportunities, which would involve serving
larger orders but at lower negotiated prices.
The primary issue at hand is the need for Haneef to choose between two distinct market segments –
continuing with individual fish buyers or switching to the commercial market by serving restaurants.
The challenge is exacerbated by limited resources, as Haneef does not have the capacity to pursue
both consumer segments simultaneously.
The decision requires careful consideration, as Haneef aims to optimize his business strategy within
the constraints of resource availability.
who didn’t have the • Geographical
option not expansion perishability
time to go to the available • Dependency on
fish markets. • Demand by
• Small staff local neighboring states
• Built customer businesses for supply during
the off season
loyalty by offering
discount coupons
The extent of rivalry is high
in the market, government
The bargaining power of the The bargaining power of the is supporting the local
buyer is relatively medium supplier is quite low, sellers to set up businesses
because the buyers have because the market is overly in the market, meeting
other alternatives. crowded with suppliers. standards of hygiene and
high perishability factor
Porter’s Five
The threat of new entrants
is also very high, because
The threat of substitution is the government is
relatively low for this subsidizing the local sellers