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Intermediate Accounting, 11th ed.

Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield

Chapter 15: Stockholders’ Equity

Prepared by
Jep Robertson and Renae Clark
New Mexico State University
Chapter 15: Stockholders’ Equity

After studying this chapter, you should

be able to:
1. Discuss the characteristics of the
corporate form of organization.
2. Explain the key components of
stockholders’ equity.
3. Explain the accounting procedures for
issuing shares of stock.
4. Explain the accounting for treasury stock.
Chapter 15: Stockholders’ Equity

5. Explain the accounting for and reporting of

preferred stock.
6. Describe the policies used in distributing
7. Identify the various forms of dividend
8. Explain the accounting for small and large
stock dividends, and for stock splits.
9. Indicate how stockholders’ equity is
presented and analyzed.
The Rights of Stockholders

The stockholders have the right to:

• share proportionately in profits and losses
• share proportionately in management
• share proportionately in corporate assets
upon liquidation
• share proportionately in any new issues of
stock of the same class (preemptive right)
Components of Stockholders’
Normally three categories:
1. Capital stock
2. Additional-paid in capital
3. Retained earnings
The first two represent contributed
capital, whereas retained earnings is
earned capital.
Components of Equity

EQUITY Less:T.Stock

Earned capital Contributed capital

(Ret. Earn).

Paid-in Additional
Restrict Unrestritct
capital Paid-in

Less: T.stock
common preferred common preferred
at PAR
Accounting for Share Issues

Accounts must be maintained for:

Par value stock
preferred stock or common stock
paid-in capital in excess of par
discount on stock (if present)
No par stock
preferred stock or common stock
paid-in capital in excess of par
Stock Issuance
Par value has no economic significance.
• When par value stock is issued for cash:
Cash (proceeds)
Common Stock (# of Sh. X Par value)
Paid in Capital in Excess of Par
Many states permit no-par stock.
• When no-par stock is issued for cash:
Cash (proceeds)
Common Stock (proceeds)
Stock Issued in Lump-Sum Sales
Both COMMON and PREFERRED stocks are
issued for cash in a single transaction.
The two methods of allocation available are:
• Proportional Method [relative fair market values]
• Incremental Method
When stock is issued for services or property
other than cash, the property or services are
recorded at
• either the fair market value of assets received or
• the fair value of the non-cash consideration received,
whichever is more clearly determinable
Treasury Stock

Outstanding stock, purchased by the corporation,

is known as treasury stock.
The reasons as to why corporations buy back their
outstanding stock may include:
1. to increase earnings per share and return on equity
2. to provide tax efficient distributions of excess cash
to shareholders
3. to provide stock for employee stock compensation
4. to thwart takeover attempts
5. to create or improve the market for the stock
Recording Treasury Stock:
• Treasury stock is recorded at purchase
• Treasury stock is a contra-stockholders’
• Treasury stock is recorded at PAR value
• It is presented as a deduction from capital
Treasury Stock: Cost Method

• Debit treasury stock for purchase cost,

and credit treasury stock at cost if
shares reissued.
• The initial issue price of stock does not
affect subsequent treasury stock
• No gain or loss can be recognized when
treasury shares are re-issued.
Cost Method: Example
• Issued: 1,000 common shares; Par, $100;
issued at $110.
• Reacquired: 100 shares at $112 each.
• 10 shares were reissued at 112 (at cost).
• 10 shares were reissued at 130 (above cost).
• 10 shares were reissued at $98 (below cost).
• 10 shares reissued at $105 (below cost).
Show journal entries for these
Cost Method: Example
Issued: (par, $100); Cash 110,000
1,000 sh. at $110. Common stock 100,000
Additional PIC:
Common stock 10,000

Reacquired: Treasury stock 11,200
100 at $112. Cash 11,200
10 shares reissued Cash 1,120
@ 112. Treasury stock 1,120
Cost Method: Example
10 shares reissued Cash 1,300
at 130. Treasury stock 1,120

Additional PIC:
5 Treasury stock 180
10 shares reissued Cash 980
at $98. Additional PIC:
(T/stock) 140
Treasury stock 1,120
Cost Method: Example
Reissued 10 treasury shares at $105 (cost = $112)

Use Additional PIC (Treasury stock) first

to absorb any shortfall. Then, use retained

Cash 1,050
Addl PIC (T/stock) 40
Retained earnings 30
Treasury stock 1120
Par Value Method: Main Points

• Treasury stock is recorded at par when

bought or reissued.
• Any shortfalls between the par value and
the reissue price of treasury stock is borne:
first by Paid-In and then by Retained
Retirement of Treasury Stock

• Repurchase of stock does NOT mean

• Retired stock becomes authorized/unissued
• Active retirement is effected by application
to the State
• Constructive retirement is effected by Board
Preferred Stock

Preferred stock has certain preferences or

features not possessed by common stock.
These features are:
• preference as to dividends
• preference as to assets in the event of liquidation
• may be convertibility into common stock at the
option of the stockholders
• may be callable at the option of the issuer
• absence of voting rights
Preferred Stock: Features
• Cumulative preferred stock
• Participating preferred stock:
• Fully Participating
• Partially Participating
• Convertible preferred stock
• Callable preferred stock
• Redeemable preferred stock
• Has features that make these securities more like
debt than an equity instruments; therefore,
these securities must be classified as liabilities
Legality of Dividends

• Dividends come from present and past

earnings in majority of states.
• Dividends come also from appreciation
of assets in some states.
• Dividends restrictions are based on
liquidity and solvency tests.
Types of Dividends

1. Cash dividends
2. Property dividends
3. Stock dividends
4. Liquidating dividends
Cash Dividends: Important Dates

There are three important dates:

1. the declaration date (dividends are
declared and accrued)
2. the record date (list of stockholders to
whom dividends are to be paid is finalized)
3. the payment date (dividends are paid to
stockholders of record)
Cash Dividends: Journal Entries

• DATE DECLARED • Retained Earnings

Dividends Payable
• No Entry
• Dividends Payable
Property Dividends

• Are payable in assets of company

• Are non-reciprocal transfers between
corporation and shareholders
• Are equal to the fair market value of
assets distributed at time of declaration
[except in spin-offs and reorganizations]
• Corporation recognizes gain/loss on the
Stock Dividends: Concept
• Stock dividends result in more shares being
issued as dividend (no cash flow is involved).
• Small stock dividends involve issues of less
than 20%–25% of stock.
• The accounting for small stock dividends is
based on the fair market value of stock
• The accounting for large stock dividends
(more than 20%–25%) is based on the par
value of stock issued.
Stock Dividends and Stock Splits
Stock Dividends Stock Splits
Par valueofofaashare
does Parvalue
Par valueofofaashare
not change decreases
Total numberof ofshares
shares Totalnumber
Total numberof ofshares
increases increases
Total stockholders’equity
equity Totalstockholders’
Total stockholders’equity
does notchange
change doesnot
does notchange
The compositionof ofequity
equity Thecomposition
The compositionof ofequity
changes (lessof
retained doesnot
does notchange
earnings; moreofofstock)
stock) amountsof
amounts ofstock
Stock dividendsrequire
require Stocksplits
Stock splitsdo
journal entries journalentries
journal entries
Statement of Stockholders’ Equity

Typical format:
1. Balance at beginning of the period
2. Additions
3. Deductions
4. Balance at end of period

Commonly used ratios:

1. Rate of return on equity:
Net income – Preferred dividends
Average common equity
2. Payout ratio:
Cash dividends

Net income – preferred dividends

3. Book Value per share:
Common stockholders’ equity
Outstanding shares
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