CH 15
CH 15
CH 15
Prepared by
Jep Robertson and Renae Clark
New Mexico State University
Chapter 15: Stockholders’ Equity
EQUITY Less:T.Stock
Paid-in Additional
Restrict Unrestritct
capital Paid-in
Less: T.stock
common preferred common preferred
at PAR
Accounting for Share Issues
Reacquired: Treasury stock 11,200
100 at $112. Cash 11,200
10 shares reissued Cash 1,120
@ 112. Treasury stock 1,120
Cost Method: Example
10 shares reissued Cash 1,300
at 130. Treasury stock 1,120
Additional PIC:
5 Treasury stock 180
10 shares reissued Cash 980
at $98. Additional PIC:
(T/stock) 140
Treasury stock 1,120
Cost Method: Example
Reissued 10 treasury shares at $105 (cost = $112)
Cash 1,050
Addl PIC (T/stock) 40
Retained earnings 30
Treasury stock 1120
Par Value Method: Main Points
1. Cash dividends
2. Property dividends
3. Stock dividends
4. Liquidating dividends
Cash Dividends: Important Dates
Typical format:
1. Balance at beginning of the period
2. Additions
3. Deductions
4. Balance at end of period