Chemistry Investigatory Project
Chemistry Investigatory Project
Chemistry Investigatory Project
CLASS = 12
SUBMITTED TO = Ms.Vaishali Kohle
External Examiner : Principal Sign
2023 – 2024
( PGT Chemistry teache
External Examiner:
-Internal Examiner:
I wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks to
SCHOOL BHOPAL for her encouragement and for all the
facilities that she provided for this project work. I sincerely
appreciate this magnanemity by taking me into her fold for
which i shall remain indebted to her. I extend my heartly thanks
to MS. VAISHALI KOHLE ,Chemistry Teacher who guided me
to do this project successful completion of this project. I take
this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude for her
invalueable guidance, constant encouragement, constructive ,
comments, sympathetatic attitude and immense motivation by
which has sustained my effort at all stages of this project work.
To compare the rate of fermentation of
given sample of wheat flour, gram
flour,rice flour and potato using yeast.
Statement of purpose
The purpose of the experiment is to compare the rate of
fermentation of the given samples of wheat flour, gram,
rice flour and potatoes .
Again Georgia, in the Caucasus area. Seven thousand years ago jars containing the
remains of wine have been excavated in the Zagros. There is strong evidence that people
were fermenting beverages in Babylon circa 5000 BC, circa 3150 BC, pre Hispanic
Mexico circa 2000 BC,and Sudan circa 1500 BC. There is also evidence of leavened bread
in ancient Egypt circa1500 BC and of milk fermentation in Babylon circa 3000 BC .French
chemist Louis Mountains in Iran, which are now on display at the University of
Pennsylvanias Pasteur was the first known zymologist, when in 1854 he connected yeast
to fermentation. Pasteur originally defined ferment ation as
Types of fermentation
Food fermentation has been said to serve five main
Enrichment of the diet through development of a diversity of
flavors, aromas, and textures in food substrates
Fermented foods generally have a very good safety record even in the developing
world where the foods are manufactured by people without training in
microbiology or chemistry in unhygienic, contaminated environments.are
consumed by hundreds of millions of people every day in both the developed
and the developing world. And they have an excellent safety record. What is
thereabout fermented foods that contributes to safety? While fermented foods
are themselves generally safe, it should be noted that fermented foods by
themselves do not solve the problems of contaminated drinking water,
environments heavily contaminated with human waste, improper personal
hygiene in food handlers, flies carrying disease organisms,
Wheat flour, gram flour, rice flour and potatoes contains starch as the major
constituent. Starch present in the food materials is first brought into solution
in the presence of enzyme diastase, starch undergo fermentation to give
Starch gives blue violet colour with iodine whereas product of fermentation
starch do not give any characteristic colour. When the fermentation is
complete the reaction mixture
stops giving blue violet colour with iodine solution. By comparing the time
required for completion of fermentation of equal amounts of different
substances containing starch the rates of fermentation can be compared.The
enzyme diastase is obtained by germination of moist barley seeds in dark at
15 degree celsius. When the germination is complete the temperature is
raised to 60 degree celsius to stop further growth. The seeds are crushed into
water and filtered. The filtrate contains enzyme diastase and is called malt
Areobic fermentation = Aerobic fermentation or aerobic glycolysis
is a metabolic process by which cells metabolize sugars via
fermentation in the presence of oxygen and occurs through the
repression of normal respiratory metabolism