Yoga and Prevention of Common Diseases
Yoga and Prevention of Common Diseases
Yoga and Prevention of Common Diseases
Lifestyle Diseases
Ritvik 12 A
Yoga and Life Style
Yoga and Lifestyle both are interrelated. If you do Yoga regularly then you can lead
a good lifestyle.
Asanas are the third step of eight elements after Yama and Niyam. Asanas are slow
stretching activities, in which holding body postures brings stability of body and
poise to mind.
Yoga Asanas have great curative, preventive and therapeutic effects. Asanas can
cure and prevent many chronic health problems such as:
Skeletal or Ortho related problems.
Digestion related.
Cardiac related problems
Immunity related problems
Nerve related problems
Life style diseases like Obesity, Hypertension, Low back pain etc..
Obesity contd..
Obesity is supposed to be a gift of modern life style. It is the most common nutritional or
metabolic disorder. Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat accumulates to such
an extent that health may be affected.
It is commonly defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30kg/m2 or higher. Obesity, in
absolute terms, is an increase of body adipose tissue (fat tissue) mass.
Combination of excessive calorie consumption and a sedentary lifestyle are the
primary causes of obesity. In a few cases, increased food consumption can be
attributed to genetic, medical or psychiatric illness.
Some patients may be obese due to the abnormal secretion of the Thyroid gland or
due to hereditary causes. Actually, there are no specific causes but factors
influencing are:
Causes of Obesity…
Diet: Consumption of high calorie and low fibre diet.
Sedentary Lifestyle: significant role in obesity.
Genetics: Polymorphisms in various genes controlling appetite and metabolism may
predispose to obesity.
Medical and psychiatric illness: Certain physical and mental illness and the
pharmaceutical substances used to treat them can increase the risk of obesity.
Early malnutrition: Malnutrition in early life is believed to play a role in the rising
rates of obesity in the developing world. Endocrine changes that occur during periods
of malnutrition may promote the storage of fat, once more calories becoming
Gut Flora: There is an indication that gut flora in obese and lean individuals can
affect the individuals' metabolic potential. This apparent alteration of the metabolic
potential is believed to confer a greater capacity to harvest energy contributing to
Causes of Obesity…
Neurobiological mechanism: Leptin and ghrelin are considered to be complementary in
their influence on appetite, with ghrelin produced by the stomach, modelling short-term
appetite control. In particular, they, and other appetite related hormones act on the
hypothalamus, a region of the brain central to the regulation of food intake and energy
Socio-economic: High socio-economic group.
Heredity: Obesity may inherit from parent to child.
Endocrine factors: Hypothyroidism, Cushing Syndrome, etc.
Faulty metabolism: The person whose rate of metabolism is low, tend to get
fatdeposited in their body.
Psychological factors: Worry, anxiety, fear, feeling of loneliness, dissociation and
frustration may stimulate the person to over eat.
Water retention: Too much consumption of tea, coffee, aerated water, alcoholic drinks
results in deposition of fluid in the body tissues and causes increase in weight.
Yogic Management of Obesity…
1. Om chanting and prayer.
7. Dhyana (Meditation)
8. Yama and Niyama: will help to have controlled behaviour and would pacify the
wondering mind. It also helps to have control over the eating habits of a
Asanas for Obesity…
Hypertension is the elevation of the blood pressure above normal. The levels
of Systolic and Diastolic pressure are both risk factors. BP > 140 mmHg. &
Diastolic Bp > 90 mmHg are generally accepted as hypertension.
Classification of hypertension
1. Primary Hypertension (high blood pressure in the absence of any
underlying disease):
Benign Hypertension
Malignant Hypertension
2. Secondary Hypertension (high pressure due to some underlying
Cardiovascular Hypertension
Endocrine Hypertension
Renal Hypertension
Neurogenic Hypertension
Pregnancy induced Hypertension Manifestations of Hypertension:
Management of Hypertension
I. Dietary Management
Maintain a healthy life style by maintaining adequate nutrition.
Regularize eating habits by consuming foot at regular intervals of time.
Avoid fried foods.
Avoid high salt content foods.
Sprinkle lemon juice over vegetables instead of table salt.
Take foods rich in fibre, like vegetables and fruits such as apples, oranges, carrots,
tomatoes, and beans etc.
Do not skip a meal.
Avoid pickles, chutneys, pappads, etc. which has high salt content.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants like Citrus fruits, papaya, tomatoes, grains, cereals,
potatoes, green leafy vegetables, etc.
Avoid dishes, containing baking powder.
Yogic Management of Hypertension contd…
Low back pain is the most common cause of job- related disability and a
leading contributor to missed work. Fortunately, most occurrences of low
back pain go away within a few days. Others take much longer time to resolve
or lead to more serious conditions.
Chronic back pain is a major cause of social and financial concerns as it is
associated with impaired quality of life, loss of productivity and large health
care expenses. Acute short- term low back pain generally lasts from a few
days to a few weeks. Most acute back pains are mechanical in nature - the
result of trauma to the lower back or a disorder such as arthritis.
Pain and strain may be caused by sports injury, work around the house or in
the garden, or a sudden jerk such as car accident or other stress on spinal
bones and tissues..
Low Back Pain contd..
Symptoms may range from muscles ache to shooting or stabbing pain, limited flexibility
and/or range of motion or inability to stand straight. Occasionally, pain felt in one part of
the body due to disorder or injury, may "radiate" elsewhere in the body.
Causes of lower back pain:
As age advances, bone strength and muscle elasticity and tone tend to decrease. The discs
begin to lose fluid and flexibility, which decreases their ability to cushion the vertebrae.
Pain can occur when, someone lifts something which is too heavy or over stretches, causing
a sprain, strain or spasm in one of the muscles or ligaments in the back.
When the nerve roots become compressed or irritated, back pain results.
Yogic Management to Low Back Pain
1. Om chanting and prayer
2. Spinal exercise: The simple spinal movements facilitate the practice of a further
range of Yogic techniques by loosening the joints and muscles.
3. Sukshma Vyayama: Griva-sakti-vikasaka (Strengthening the Neck),
SkandhatathaBahu- mula-sakti-vikasaka (Developing the strength of the Shoulder-
Blades and Joints), Purnabhuja-sakti- vikasaka (Developing the arms), Kati-sakti
(strengthening the Back).
4. Yogasanas: Tadasana, UrdhwaHastottanasana, Katichakrasana, Ardhachakrasana,
Konasana, Uttanapadasana, Pavanamuktasana, Setubandasana, Vajrasana, Ushtrasana,
Vakrasana, Ardhamatsyaen- drasana, Marjari-asana, Gomukhasana,
Uttanamandukasana, SaralaMatsyasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana,
Makarasana, Shavasana.
5. Pranayama: Nandishodhana Pranayama, Suryabhedana, Pranayama, Ujjayi,
6. Special Practices: YogaNidra
7. Dhyana: Meditation Tips to a healthier back
Yogic Management to low back pain
Following any period of prolonged inactivity, begin a program of regular low-impact
exercise. Yoga can help to stretch and strengthen muscles and improve posture. Low
impact for appropriate exercises age are designed to strengthen lower back and
abdominal muscles can help as well.
Sleep on the side to reduce any curve in the spine. Always sleep on a firm surface.
Don't try to lift objects too heavy. Keep the objects close to the body. Do not twist when
Maintain proper nutrition and diet to reduce and prevent excessive weight, especially
around waistline that taxes lower back muscles. A diet with sufficient daily intake of
calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D helps to promote proper bone growth.
If one smokes, quit smoking. Smoking reduces blood flow to the lower spine and causes the
spinal disc to degenerate.
Avoid excessive stress. Stress will also contribute to the pain intensity.
Asanas for back pain