Quarter 2 - Module 2
Quarter 2 - Module 2
Quarter 2 - Module 2
Kinship, Marriage,
and the Household
Kinship (kaugnayan ng magkamag-
anak) is a social institution that refers
to relations formed between members
of the society.
Descent (pinagmulan ng angkan) refers
to the origin or background of a person
in terms of family or nationality. It is a
biological relationship.
Principles of Descent
Unilineal descent usually traced through
a single line of ancestors either from the
patrilineal or matrilineal descent but not
Patrilineal descent, affiliates a person
with a group of relatives through his or her
Principles of Descent
Matrilineal descent, affiliates a person with a
group of relatives through his or her mother.
Bilateral descent, affiliates a person with a
group of relatives through either his or her
parents. Kinship is traced through both ancestral
lines of the mother and the father.
Types of Kinship
Consanguineal kinship or kinship
based on blood (kadugo) is considered as
the most basic and general form of
Affinal kinship or kinship based on
marriage refers to the type of relations
developed when a marriage occurs.
The Family Code of the Philippines
defines marriage as a special contract
of permanent union between a man and
a woman entered into in accordance
with law for the establishment of
conjugal and family life.
Marriage across Cultures
Endogamy and Exogamy
Endogamy or compulsory marriage, it
refers to marriage within their own clan or
ethnic group.
Exogamy or out-marriage, it refers to
marriage outside their own clan or ethnic
Marriage across Cultures
Monogamy and Polygamy
Monogamy refers to a marriage where an
individual has only one spouse at a time.
Polygamy refers to a marriage of having more than
one spouse at a time.
◦ polygyny, the marriage of one man having multiple female
◦ polyandry is the marriage of one woman having multiple
male partners at the same time.
Referred Marriage and Arrange Marriages
Referred marriage happens when someone
finds his/her partner through friends,
relatives or people who act as matchmakers.
Arranged marriage is usually called fixed
marriage. It happens when marriage is
arranged by the parents of the groom and
Types of Arranged Marriages
Child marriage. The parents of a small child
arrange a future marriage with another child's
parents. The children are betrothed to each othe
Exchange Marriage. This form of marriage
involves a reciprocal exchange of spouses
between two nations, groups, or tribes.
Types of Arranged Marriages
Diplomatic Marriage: Marriages are
arranged for political reasons, to cement
alliances between royal families.
Modern arranged marriage: The parents
choose several possible mates for the child,
sometimes with the help of the child.
Post Marital Residency Rules (based on
Patrilocal residence occurs when the married
couple stays with or near the husband’s kin or
Matrilocal residence occurs when the married
couple stays with or near the wife’s kin or relatives.
Biolocal residence happens when the couple stays
with the husband’s kin or the wife’s kin alternately.
Post Marital Residency Rules (based on
The family is
considered the basic unit
of social organization.
Types of Family
Nuclear family is a type of family that is
made up of a married couple (parents) and
their biological or adopted children.
Extended family is composed of two or
more nuclear families in a household. Some
of the relatives are living with the nuclear
Types of Family
Blended family is a type of family where both the
parents have children from previous marital relationships
but all the members stay in one household to form a new
Conditionally separated family is a type of family
where a member is separated from the rest of the family
due to employment, military service, sickness, etc.
Transnational family is a type of a family who lives in
more than one country.
Kinship of Politics: Political Dynasties
and Alliances
Political dynasties refer to family members
who are involved in politics for several
Political alliances. Political parties tend to
align or agree to cooperate to each other for
common political agenda.
Activity 1: FAMILY IS…
What is the role of the family in the
society? Give three (3) answers.
It’s bonding time. Setback and relax at the comfort of
your home. Gather your siblings or your cousins. Grab a
snack. Play a love song. Let your parents or guardians or
other relatives share about their family life story. But
never forget, how about their love story? Share the lesson
that you learn from them. Have a lovely night.