Milk and Milk Products

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• Milk is one of the most essential of all foods. Milk is one of the most
complete single foods available in nature for health and promotion of
growth. All mammals produce milk after the birth for the young ones
and man uses milk of many animals as his food. The cow is the most
important of all these animals as supplier of milk. Buffalo and goat
milk is also used as food.
• Milk is a complex fluid containing lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and many
other organic and inorganic salts dissolved or dispersed in water. The most
variable component of milk is fat followed by protein.
• Milk Fat: Buffalo’s milk contains 6.5 % fat. Cow’s milk contains 4.1 % fat.
Milk fat or butter fat is of great economical and nutritive value. The flavour
of milk is due to milk fat.
• Milk is a true emulsion of oil-in-water. Fat is present in the form of the fine
globules with diameter varying from 1 to 10 microns. Each globule of fat is
surrounded by a thin layer which is composed of a lipid-protein complex
and a small amount of carbohydrate. The lipid portion includes both
phospholipids and triglycerides.

Other lipid materials present in milk are phospholipids, sterols, free fatty
acids, carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins. Carotenes are responsible for
the yellow colour of milk fat. Gerber test is used to know the percentage of
fat present in food.
• Milk Proteins: The main protein in milk is casein and it constitutes
about 3.0- 3.5 % of milk. It is present as calcium caseinate in colloidal
suspension. When milk is converted into curd by lactic acid bacteria, a
fine precipitate of casein is formed.
• When milk is curdled by the addition of lemon juice, casein is
precipitated as a flocculent precipitate. When milk is acted upon by
rennin or pepsin in the presence of calcium salts, a thick curd of
calcium paracaseinate is formed. This is the basis of manufacture of
• In addition to casein, milk contains an albumin( lactalbumin) at a level
of 0.5 % and a globulin ( lactoglobulin) in small amounts ( 0.1 %).
The normal acidity of fresh milk is about pH 6.6. Casein is a good
source of essential amino acids. Casein contains 8.2 % calcium and
5.7 % carbohydrates.
• Whey proteins: Whey proteins are made up of α- lactalbumin and β-
lactoglobulin, serum albumin, immune globulins, enzymes and
proteose-peptones. β-lactoglobulin accounts for about 50 % of total
whey proteins. These are not precipitated by acid or rennin. They can
be coagulated by heat. Whey also contains small amounts of
lactoferrin and serum transferrin. By a process of ultra-filtration, whey
protein concentrate and isolates were produced. Whey protein isolate
can be given in lactose intolerance.
• Carbohydrates:- Milk contains 4-5 % carbohydrate. The chief
carbohydrate present in milk is lactose. It is present to the extent of
about 4.4 to 4.8 % . When milk is autoclaved, the colour becomes
light brown. This is due to reaction between the reducing group of
lactose and the amino group of lysine residue in casein. This reaction
is known as Maillard reaction.
• Minerals:- The important minerals present in milk are calcium,
phosphorus, sodium and potassium. The salts of these minerals
function as buffers maintaining the PH of milk at a constant level at
about 6.5-6.6. At this PH, casein exists mostly as calcium salt in
colloidal suspension. Calcium is essential for the formation of curd
from milk by the action of rennin.
• Enzymes:- The enzymes found in milk can originate from the
mammary glands or may be released by contaminating bacteria.
Alkaline phosphatase exists as lipoprotein and is distributed between
the lipid and aqueous phases. This enzyme is inactivated by normal
pasteurization procedures and its activity is tested to determine the
effectiveness of pasteurization.

Milk lipase is responsible for the development of rancid flavours in

milk. Lipases may be important in the development of desirable
flavours in some cheeses.
• Color:- White colour of milk is caused by the reflection of light by
the colloidally-dispersed casein, calcium and phosphorus. Yellowish
colour of milk is due to the presence of carotene and riboflavin. Fat-
soluble carotenes are found in milk fat; riboflavin is water soluble
which can be visible clearly in whey water.
• Flavour:- Milk is slightly sweet because of its lactose content.
Flavour sensation of milk in mouth is due to fat protein and salt
calcium phosphate. The slight aroma of fresh milk is produced by a
number of low molecular weight compounds such as acetone,
acetaldehyde, dimethyl sulphide and short chain fatty
acids. Boiling Changes in the flavour of fresh milk is more when milk
is boiled than in pasteurized milk.
• Milk has good quality protein and the biological value is > 90, though milk contains
only 3-4 % protein. Lysine is one of the essential amino acids which is abundant in
milk proteins.
• Milk is the only substance that contains lactose. Milk sugar due to its controlled
glycaemic effect, is preferred as a source of carbohydrate.
• The fat of milk is easily digestible. It contains linoleic acid (2.1 %) linolenic acid
(0.5 %) and arachidonic acid (0.14 %). Skimmed milk does not contain any fat.
Buffalo milk contains high amount of fat.
• Dairy foods are a major source of calcium. The calcium to phosphorus ratio (1.2:1)
in milk is regarded as most favourable for bone development. In addition, dairy
products contain other nutrients such as vitamin D and lactose which favour calcium
absorption. The calcium requirement cannot be met easily without taking milk.
• Milk is a poor source of iron. Khoa contains more amount of iron because during the
process it gets from the containers.
• Riboflavin is present in a higher concentration in milk than the other B-vitamins and
its stability to heat makes milk a dependable source of this vitamin. In cheese
making, riboflavin is present in whey water. Since it is sensitive to light, when milk
is exposed to sunlight 50 per cent of riboflavin is lost. Only fair concentration of
Thiamin occur in milk. It is not a good source of niacin but it is an excellent source
of tryptophan. Milk is a very poor source of vitamin C. The amount of vitamin A and
Nutritive value of milk and milk
products (per 100g)
Food Moistur Energy Protei Fat Carbo - Calcium Phos – Iron Vitamin Thiamin Riboflavi Niacin Vitami
e (kcal) n (g) hydrates (mg) phoru (mg) A (IU) (mg) n (mg) n
(g) (g) (g) s (mg) B12
(mg) (µg)

Buffalo’s Milk 81.0 117 4.3 6.5 5.0 210 130 0.2 160 0.04 0.10 0.1 0.14

Cow’s Milk 87.5 67 3.2 4.1 4.4 120 90 0.2 174 * 0.05 0.19 0.1 0.14

Human Milk 88.0 65 1.1 3.4 7.4 28 11 - 137 0.02 0.02 - 0.02

Curds (Cow’s Milk) 89.1 60 3.1 4.0 3.0 149 93 0.2 102 0.05 0.16 0.1 0.13

Cottage cheese 57.1 265 18.3 20.8 1.2 208 138 - 366 0.07 0.02 - -
(Channa)(Cow’s Milk)

Cheese 40.3 348 24.1 25.1 6.3 790 520 2.1 273 - - - -

Khoa 30.6 421 14.6 31.2 20.5 650 420 5.8 497 0.23 0.41 0.4 -
(Whole Buffalo Milk)

Skimmed Milk Powder 4.1 357 38.0 0.1 51.0 1370 1000 1.4 0 0.45 1.64 1.0 0.83
(Cow’s Milk)

Whole Milk Powder 3.5 496 25.8 26.7 38.0 950 730 0.6 1400 0.31 1.36 0.8 -
• Homogenised milk: In homogenised milk, the fat globules are broken
up mechanically to less than 1 micron in diameter so that fat does not
rise to the surface to form a cream layer. The process consists of
forcing milk heated to about 57 to 60 ⁰C (135-140⁰F) through a very
small orifice at high pressure. All homogenised milk should be
pasteurized after homogenisation to destroy the enzyme-lipase which
otherwise would cause the milk to become unfit for human
consumption within a few hours due to the development of bitterness
and rancidity. One disadvantage of homogenised milk is that milk fat
cannot be separated as cream in a cream separator. The fat in
homogenised milk is more readily digested by infants than that from
ordinary milk.
• Standardised Milk
• In standardised milk, the fat content is maintained at 4.5 per cent and
S.N.F. at 8.5 per cent. It is prepared from the mixture of buffalo milk and
skim milk.

• Toned Milk
• Toned milk is prepared by mixing reconstituted from skim milk powder
with buffalo milk containing 7.0 per cent fat. The fat content of the
toned milk should not be less than 3 per cent and S.N.F. 8.5 per cent.
• Double toned milk
• This is prepared by admixture of cow's or buffalo's milk or both with
fresh skimmed milk or by admixture with skim milk reconstituted
from skim milk powder or by partial removal or addition of milk to
skim milk. It should be pasteurised and show negative phosphatase
test. Its fat content should be less than 1.5 per cent and S.N.F. not less
than 9 per cent.

• Recombined Milk
• Recombined milk is a homogenised product prepared from milk fat,
non-fat milk solids and water. It should be pasteurised and show a
negative phosphatase test. Its fat content should be less than 3 per cent
and S.N.F. 8.5 per cent.
• Filled milk
• Filled milk is a homogenised product prepared from refined vegetable
oil and non-fat milk solids and water. Its fat content should not be less
than 3 per cent and S.N.F. 8.5 per cent.

• Sterilised milk
• Standardised cow's or buffalo's milk is sterilised in bottles by heating
continuously to a temperature of 115oC for 15 minutes to ensure
destruction of all micro-organisms and preservation at room
temperature for not less than 85 days from the date of manufacture. It
shall be sold only in the container, in which milk was sterilised.
• Ultra high temperature (UTH) processed milk
• Milk is heated at temperatures higher than those used for
pasteurisation, 138°-150°C for 2-6 seconds. Then, under sterile
conditions it is packaged into pre-sterilized containers, which are
aseptically sealed so that spoilage organisms cannot enter. Hydrogen
peroxide may be used to sterilize the milk packing materials. UHT
milk can be stored unrefrigerated for at least 3 months.

• UHT milk has cooked flavour due to denaturation of the whey protein
β lactoglobulin. Off flavours develop due to chemical and enzymatic
activity. The addition of flavourings to milk masks off flavour.
• Flavoured milk
• Flavoured milk may contain cardamom, pista, banana, strawberry,
chocolate, coffee or any other edible flavour, edible food colour and
cane sugar. It is either pasteurised or sterilised. Shelf life can be high
if it is sterilised.

• Research has shown that carbon dioxide when added to milk creates a
unique sensation in the mouth that actually makes milk more thirst
quenching. It is also showed that carbon dioxide could extend the
shelf life of dairy products by displacing some of the oxygen needed
for spoilage bacteria to grow. A non-fat milk-based drink contains the
same nutrition as skim milk. It is designed to appeal to kids through
the addition of interesting flavours and a bit of carbonation. It is being
commercially produced.
Processing helps to produce milk that has initial low bacterial
count, good flavour and satisfactory keeping qualities. There
are three operations of milk processing and they are

• Clarification
• Pasteurization
• Homogenization

• Milk is passed through a centrifugal

clarifier. The speed is adjusted in such a
way that cream is not separated but dirt,
filth and cells from the udder and some
bacteria are removed. The clarified milk is
ready for pasteurization
• Pasteurization derives its name from the French scientist Louis Pasteur
who, found that heating of certain liquids to a high temperature improved
their keeping quality. In general terms, it is the heating of milk to a
temperature which destroys organisms responsible for tuberculosis and
fever and nearly all the other micro-organisms present in that product
without seriously affecting the composition or properties of the product.
• Pasteurization should be followed by immediate cooling of the product to
the temperature sufficiently low to check the growth of micro-organisms
which are resistant to the temperature used. At present, pasteurization is
considered as an essential feature in the manufacture of butter, ice-cream
and also in cheese industries. Pasteurization also inactivates some of the
natural enzymes like lipase.

• Holding or Batch System: The holding system consists in bringing the

milk or cream to a temperature usually 65°C and holding at that point
for at least 30 minutes followed by rapid cooling. A higher
temperature is sometimes used in which case the time of holding may
be shortened. For example, holding at 68.3°C for 20 minutes . Careful
control of both temperature and time of heating is important.
• High Temperature Short Time Method (HTST) or the Continuous
System: The machines are so constructed for continuous operation
and for this reason the system is called as "continuous flow or flash
pasteuriser." The system depends upon the raising of the temperature
of the milk to at least 72⁰C for 15 seconds as it passes through the
machine. This is followed by cooling. This method does not impart
cooked flavour and cream line is not affected.
• Ultra High Temperature System: This UHTS system results in a
complete pasteurization of milk. In this system, milk is held for 3
seconds at 93.4°C or for one second at 149.5°C. This system is also
used extensively for the treatment of milk or cream in dairy industries.
This product has a longer shelf life than milk pasteurized by other
methods. After pasteurization, the milk is cooled rapidly to 70C or

Pasteurized milk is not sterile. It must be quickly cooled following

pasteurization to prevent multiplication of surviving bacteria.
• Nutritive Value:-Due to pasteurization, there is no
important change in nutritive value, except for the
slight decrease in the heat-labile vitamins like
thiamine and ascorbic acid. Whey proteins are
denatured only slightly and minerals are not
appreciably precipitated. Pasteurised milk produces
finer curd when milk is digested.
• Flavour: Pasteurisation does not produce
objectionable cooked flavour. The flavouring
compounds present in milk are in no way destroyed by
• Micro-organisms: Pasteurised products are not sterile. They
contain vegetative organisms and spores still capable of
growth. Pathogens like mycobacterium tuberculosis, salmonella
typhi, coryne­bacterium diphtheria and brucella are destroyed
but non-pathogens remain in the milk even after the
pasteurization is complete. Approximately 99 per cent of
bacteria, yeast and moulds are destroyed by pasteurization. The
milk does not contain heat resistance moulds and yeast.
• Enzymes: Apart from phosphatase, lipase also gets inactivated
which would have affected adversely the quality.
After pasteurization, tests for temperature, fat, specific gravity,
solids-non-fat, acidity and bacterial analysis are conducted.
Pasteurized milk can be stored for a week or more in good
condition. At room temperature it may spoilt in a day.
• The process of making a stable emulsion of milk fat and milk serum by
mechanical treatment and rendering the mixture homogeneous is
• This is achieved by passing warm milk or cream through a small aperture
under high pressure and velocity. Milk and cream have fat globules that
vary from 0.1 to 20 µm in diameter. The fat globules have a tendency to
gather into clumps and rise due to their lower density than skimmed milk.
• Homogenised milk fat globules size is 2 µm. The decrease in the size of
the fat globules increases their number and surface area. A film of
adsorbed protein or lipoprotein immediately surrounds each of the new
globules, acting as an emulsifier and preventing them from reuniting. The
newly formed fat droplets are no longer coated with the original
membrane mate­rial. This brings about the stabilisation of milk emulsion
and thus prevents the rising of the cream.
• Homogenised milk has a creamier structure, bland flavour and whiter
appearance. It has a greater Whitening power when added
to coffee and tea. A soft curd is formed when coagulated and· is easily
digested. In the manufacture of evaporated milk (condensed milk) and
ice-cream homogenization reduces the change of separation of fat
resulting in a smoother texture of the finished product. Homogenization
accelerates the action of lipase and rancidity of fat takes place.
Homogenization is done before pasteurization.
• Effect on milk proteins
When milk is sterilized, the albumin is completely coagulated. Even in
the milk which has been boiled for 10 minutes, a greater part of the
albumin is coagulated. When milk is boiled in an open pan and
allowed to cool, the ‘skin’ formed at the surface contains about 13 per
cent of the solids of milk. This includes a greater part of the albumin
and about ¼ of the fat present in milk. Casein is relatively stable to
heat. It does not coagulate at pasteurization temperature or when milk
is boiled for 5 minutes. Casein undergoes coagulation when milk is
heated at 100 0 C for 12 hours or 1 hour at 135 0 C or 3 minutes at
150 0 C.
• Effect on fat
The layer of fat that may form on milk that has been boiled results
from the breaking of the films of proteins that surround the fat
globules in the unheated milk. The breaking of films of emulsifying
agents permits the coalescence of fat globules.
• Effect on milk salts and pH
The pH of fresh milk ranges from 6.5 - 6.7. When milk is heated at 80
⁰C for 30 minutes there is loss of CO2, which causes an increase in
pH. At the same time, some of the soluble calcium and phosphate are
converted into insoluble calcium phosphate with the liberation of acid
phosphates. These two opposing factors counter balance each other
and there is no net change in pH. Heat treatment at high temperature
(110-120⁰C) leads to the production of lactic and formic acids.

Iodine is a volatile substance and when heated tends to be lost from

milk. The dispersion of calcium phosphate in milk is decreased by
heating and part of it is precipitated. Some of it collects on the bottom
of the pan with coagulum of albumin and some is probably entangled
in the scum on the top surface of the milk.
• Cottage cheese is called paneer. Cottage cheese is made using curd for
curdling milk and removing the whey with weight. It does not
undergo any further processing. It is highly perishable and must be
kept refrigerated. Recipes like peas and paneer curry are made from
cottage cheese.
• The varieties of cheese are differentiated according to their flavour,
body and the texture which in turn depends upon the type of the milk
used, manufacturing and processing method adopted salts and
sweetenings added.
• Cheese is classified as hard or soft, depending on their moisture
content and whether they are ripened by bacteria or moulds or
• Cheese is made up of casein.
• Curd Formation: Pasteurised whole milk is brought to a temperature
of 31⁰ C and lactic acid producing starter culture and required
colouring matter are added. After about 30 minutes to the
mildly acidic milk, rennin solution is added, stirred and
allowed to set the curd for 30 minutes.
• Curd cutting: The curd is cut into small cubes. The removal of
whey from small cubes is easy.
• Curd Cooking: then it heat to 38 ⁰C and held at that
temperature for about 45 minutes. During this period, the
curd is stirred to prevent matting.
• Curd Drainage: Heating squeezes out whey from cubes. Heat
increases the rate of acid production which makes the curd
cubes shrink. Whey is drained off and the curd is allowed to
• Cheddaring: Next it is subjected to the process of cheddaring. This
consists cutting the matted curd into blocks turning the blocking at 15
minute intervals and then piling the blocks on one another. During the
cheddaring operation which take 2 hours, acid formation continues. The
cheddared curd is passed through a curd mill which cuts the slabs into
• Salting the curd: Whey is eliminated during this process. Salt is added to
draw whey out of curd by osmosis and also act as a preservatives and add
• Pressing: The cheese cubes are pressed under pressure overnight. This
pressing determines the final moisture content of finished product and
then the cheese is ripened from 60 days to 12 months depending on the
strong or mild flavour cheese required.
• Ripening: Ripening takes place under controlled conditions of
temperature and humidity varying periods of time and makes cheese
easily digestible. During ripening, rennin splits the protein of cheese into
peptons and peptides.
Two methods are commonly used for the preparation of milk powder

1. Drum or roller drying

• The steps involved in roller drying are (1) Filtration and pasteurization,
(2) Homogenisation, (3) Drying and (4) Powdering and packaging.
• Filtration, pasteurization and homogenization: Milk on receipt in the
factory is filtered to remove foreign matter and is pasteurized at 185oF.
The pasteurized milk is homogenized at 1000 lbs per square inch.
• Roller drying, powdering and packing: The homogenized milk is pre-
heated to 80oC and fed to roller driers (5 ft length and 2 ft diameter). The
rollers are internally heated with steam at a pressure of 50 lbs per square
inch. The dried milk is scraped off by the knife and is obtained as thin
sheets. It is powdered in a disintegrator and packed in tins (half to one kg
capacity) fitted with tagger tops and lever lids.
II. Spray drying
– The spray drying process consists of the following steps: (1) Filtration and
pasteurization, (2) Concentration and homogenization and (3) Spray drying and
– Filtration and pasteurization: The milk on receipt in the factory is filtered to
eliminate suspended foreign matter and pasteurized at 185oF.

– Concentration and homogenization: The pasteurized milk is concentrated in a

vacuum evaporator to about 45 % solids and homogenized under a pressure of
1000 lbs per square inch.
– Spray drying and packing: The homogenized milk is pre-heated to 150oF and
fed into a spray drier. The temperature of inlet air in the spray drier is about
350oF and that of the outlet air is 215oF. The powder obtained is packed in tins
of 1 kg capacity fitted with tagger tops and lever lids under nitrogen.
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