Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

School of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Chapter One


By Tadele Libay November,

What is Fluid Power?

• Fluid power is the transmission of forces and motions

using a confined, pressurized fluid.

• In hydraulic fluid power systems the fluid is oil, or

less commonly water.

• In pneumatic fluid power systems the fluid is air.

• Liquids used: petroleum oils, synthetic oils and water

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Application Areas of Hydraulics

• Mining: The Caterpillar 797B mining is the largest truck in the

world at 3550 hp .It carries 400 tons at 40 mph, uses 900 g of diesel
per 12 hr shift, costs about $6M and has tires that are about $60,000
• Manufacturing: Shultz Steel, an aerospace company in South Gate
CA, has a 40,000-ton forging press that weighs over 5.2 million
pounds (Fig. 4). It is the largest press in the world and is powered by
hydraulics operating at 6,600 psi requiring 24 700 hp pumps.
 Harvesting : Hydraulic motor driven elevator conveyor system
sends harvested, husked ears of corn to a wagon trailer.
 Robotic dexterous arm: Robotic arm and fingers that can use
human tools such as hammers, electric drills, and can even pick
up an egg

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Application Areas of Hydraulics

Fig 1. Caterpillar 797B mining truck Fig 2. Caterpillar 345C L excavator

Fig 3. MAST Laboratory for earthquake simulation Fig 4. Forging press 4

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Application Areas of Hydraulics

Fig 5. Hydraulic Tunnel boring Machine Fig 6. Airplane Landing Gear Fig 7. Hydraulic Car Brake System

Fig 8. Agricultural Application

Fig 9. Hydraulic Robotic Arm
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Application Areas of Pneumatics

Some examples of everyday pneumatic systems are

shown below. How many do you recognise?

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Application Areas of Pneumatics

Pneumatics are also used a lot in industry. It can be used

to do lots of different jobs such as moving, holding or
shaping objects.


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Hydraulics versus Pneumatics

• Hydraulic systems are usually preferred for

applications that require:
– High power/ load capacity
– Precise positioning
– Smooth movement
• Pneumatic is well suited for applications that
– low power/ light to moderate load capacity
– Low to moderate precision
– Quick response

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Advantages of Pneumatics

Clean: Pneumatic systems are clean because they use compressed

air. If a pneumatic system develops a leak, it will be air
that escapes and not oil. This air will not drip or cause a
mess which makes pneumatics suitable for food production

Safe: Pneumatic systems are very safe compared to other

systems. We cannot, for example, use electronics for paint
spraying because many electronic components produce sparks
and this could cause the paint to catch fire.

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Advantages of Pneumatics

Reliable: Pneumatic systems are very reliable and can keep working for a
long time. Many companies invest in pneumatics because they
know they will not have a lot of breakdowns and that the
equipment will last for a long time.

Economical: If we compare pneumatic systems to other systems, we find

that they are cheaper to run. This is because the components
last for a long time and because we are using
compressed air.

Flexible: Once you have bought the basic components, you can set them up
to carry out different tasks. Pneumatic systems are easy to install
and they do not need to be insulated or protected like electronic
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Advantages of Pneumatics Compared to Hydraulics:

– Compressed air is available in most factories and they are easily

adaptable (modified) to our need
– Pneumatic machines are relatively cheap
– No firing hazard especially in areas where explosives are there
– They are clean

Disadvantages of Pneumatics:
– If compressed air is not available, compressing air is expensive
– Accuracy of actuators reduce due to compressibility of air
– Slower transmission of signal (due to compressibility of air)
– They are often employed for light duty

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Components of A Fluid Power

Hydraulic System: There are six basic components

1. A tank (reservoir) to hold the oil
2. A pump to force the oil through the system
3. A power source to drive the pump (electric, others)
4. Valves to control oil direction, pressure, and flow rate.
5. An actuator to convert the oil pressure into force
(cylinders) or torque (motors).
6. Piping, which carries the oil from one location to

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Basic Hydraulic System with Linear Hydraulic

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Pneumatic Systems

Again six basic components

1. An air tank for storing compressed air
2. A compressor to compress the air
3. A Power source for the compressor (electric, others)
4. Valves to control air direction, pressure, and flow rate
5. Actuators, similar in operation to hydraulic actuators
6. Piping to carry the pressurized air from one location to

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Pneumatic Systems

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Thank You

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