Consumer Behavior: Meaning

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Consumer behavior


Complex purchases
Reasons for complexity

I need more information

Risk manipulation and its role

Is mutual fund a complex buying decision

Factors affecting

Threat after 2008 crisis

Mutual funds are a part of equity market

A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is invested by the fund manager in different types of securities depending upon the objective of the scheme.

How do mutual funds work?

History of mutual funds in india

FIRST PHASE: 1964 87
Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established on 1963 by an Act of Parliament. ,In 1978 UTI was de-linked from the RBI and the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) took over the regulatory and administrative control in place of RBI. SECOND PHASE: 1987 1993 (Entry of Public Sector Funds) 1987 marked the entry of non UTI, public sector mutual funds set up by public sector banks and Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC).

THIRD PHASE: 1993 2003 (Entry of Private Sector Funds) 1993 was the year in which the first Mutual Fund came into being, under which all mutual funds, except UTI, were to be registered and governed. FOURTH PHASE: since February 2003 In February 2003, following the repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act 1963 UTI was bifurcated into two separate entities. One is the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India. The second is the UTI Mutual Fund Ltd, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC.



SBI Mutual Fund is Indias largest bank sponsored mutual fund. SBI Mutual Fund is a joint venture between the State Bank of India and Socit Gnrale Asset Management , one of the worlds leading fund management companies that manages over US$ 500 Billion worldwide.



Advantages of mutual funds

(a) Age distribution of the Investors of Chandigarh

No. of Investors 35 30 25 20 No. of Investors 15 10 5 0 <= 30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 >50

Educational Qualification of investors

Number of Investors
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of Investors

Graduate/ Post Graduate

Under Graduate Others

Occupation of the investors

No. of Investors 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Govt. Service Pvt. Service Business Agriculture Others

No. of Investors

(d). Monthly Family Income of the Investors

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
<=10,000 10,001-15,000 15,001-20,000 20,001-30,000 >30,000

(2) Investors invested in different kind of investments.

No. of Respondents 250 200 150 100 50 0
de po si ts In su ra nc M ut e ua Po lF st un of d fic Sh e ar (N es SC /D ) eb en tu re G s ol d/ Si lve Re r al Es ta te A/ C

No. of Respondents

Sa vin


xe d

(3) Preference of factors while investing

No. of Respondents 70 60 50 40 No. of Respondents 30 20 10 0 (a) Liquidity (b) Low Risk (c) High Return (d) Trust

(4) Awareness about Mutual Fund and its Operations


No. of Respondents





(5) Source of information for customers about Mutual Fund

No. of Respondents 70 60 50 40 No. of Respondents 30 20 10 0 Advertisement Peer Group Bank Financial Advisors

(6) Investors invested in Mutual Fund

No. of Respondents


80 60 40 20 0 YES NO
No. of Respondents

7. Reason for not invested in Mutual Fund

No. of Respondents 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Not Aware Higher Risk Not any Specific Reason No. of Respondents

8. Investors invested in different Assets Management Co. (AMC)

No. of Respondents 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Associated with SBI Better Return Agents Advice No. of Respondents

9. Reason for invested in SBIMF

No. of Respondents 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Associated with SBI Better Return Agents Advice No. of Respondents

10. Reason for not invested in SBIMF

No. of Respondents

Agents Advice

Less Return

No. of Respondents

Not Aware






11. Preference of Investors for future investment in Mutual Fund

No. of Investors 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SBIMF UTI HDFC Reliance ICICI Prudential No. of Investors

12. Channel Preferred by the Investors for Mutual Fund Investment

No. of Respondents

Financial Advisor Bank AMC

13. Mode of Investment Preferred by the Investors

In family Income group, between Rs. 20,001- 30,000 were more in numbers, the second most were in the Income group of more than Rs.30,000 and the least were in the group of below Rs. 10,000. About all the Respondents had a Saving A/c in Bank, 76% Invested in Fixed Deposits, Only 60% Respondents invested in Mutual fund.

Mostly Respondents preferred High Return while investment, the second most preferred Low Risk then liquidity and the least preferred Trust. Only 67% Respondents were aware about Mutual fund and its operations and 33% were not.
Among 200 Respondents only 60% had invested in Mutual Fund and 40% did not have invested in Mutual fund. Out of 80 Respondents 81% were not aware of Mutual Fund, 13% told there is not any specific reason for not invested in Mutual Fund and 6% told there is likely to be higher risk in Mutual Fund.

& Recommendations
Mutual Fund Company needs to give the training of the Individual Financial Advisors about the Fund/Scheme and its objective, because they are the main source to influence the investors.

Mutual Fund Company needs to give the training of the Individual Financial Advisors about the Fund/Scheme and its objective, because they are the main source to influence the investors. Before making any investment Financial Advisors should first enquire about the risk tolerance of the investors/customers, their need and time (how long they want to invest). By considering these three things they can take the customers into consideration

1. They think their money will not be secure in Mutual Fund. 2. They need the knowledge of Mutual Fund and its related terms. 3. Many of people do not have invested in mutual fund due to lack of awareness although they have money to invest. 4. As the awareness and income is growing the number of mutual fund investors are also growing.

There are many AMCs in Chandigarh but only some are performing well due to Brand awareness Some AMCs are not performing well although some of the schemes of them are giving good return because of not awareness about Brand. Reliance, UTI, SBIMF, ICICI Prudential etc. they are well known Brand, they are performing well and their Assets Under Management is larger than others whose Distribution channels are also important for the investment in mutual fund. Financial Advisors are the most preferred channel for the investment in mutual fund. They can change investors mind from one investment option to others.

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