Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Management, KITSW
After preparing Trail Balance ,the next stage follows the preparation of
Trading Accounts as well as P&L A/c to determine the result of business
Even though Trail balance reveals arithmetic accuracy it won’t reveal the
financial position of the business organizations.
By preparing final accounts we can know net result of the business
The preparation of Final accounts will have two stages.
1. Preparation of Trading Account and P&L A/c
2. Preparation of Balance Sheet
Trading Account reveals the overall result of trading done in the business
through purchase and sale of goods.
Trading account is a nominal account.
It is a part of Profit and loss account.
It is generally prepared to find the gross profit or gross loss of the
business during the financial year.
Format of Trading Account:
Items appearing on Debit side :
Opening stock
Purchases: includes both cash and credit purchase of goods. Purchase
returns must be deducted from the total purchases to obtain net result.
Direct expenses: expenses which are incurred from the stage of purchase
to the stage of making the goods in saleable condition are termed as direct
For example wages , carriage inwards / carriage, Octroi duty, customs duty,
dock duties, clearing charges, import duty etc. ,
Other expenses.
Items appearing on Credit side :
Sales includes both cash and credit sales made during the year. Net sales
will be derived by deducting sales returns from total sales.
Closing stock
Trading A/c of ABC Co. Ltd. For the year ending 31st March, 2019.
Dr Cr
The Trading account does not reveal the net position of the business as it
does not take all the expenses into account.
The of aim of Profit and Loss account is to ascertain the Net Profit earned
or Net Loss suffered during the particular period.
The operating expenses and sales & distribution expenses of the business
will be considered.
The Profit and Loss account is open with either gross profit or gross loss
b/d from trading account.
It is prepared to find out net profit or net loss of the business.
Importance of P & L A/c:
Provides information about Net profit / Net loss out of business operations.
Helps to ascertain whether the business is being run effectively or not.
Helps in taking steps for effective control of various expenses.
Profit and Loss A/c of AB Co Ltd. For the year ending 31 st March,2019.
Dr Cr
Particulars Amt.(Rs) Amt.(Rs) Particulars Amt.(Rs) Amt.(Rs)
To Salaries 7,000 By Gross Profit 33,100
To Carriage on sales 800 By rent received 5,000
To discount allowed 2,000 By commission received 4,900
To Repairs 3,500
To insurance premium 1,100
To audit fee 6,000
To General expenses 4,600
To Travelling expenses 2,300
To Bad debts 4,000
To Commission paid 1400
To Telephone charges 3,050
To Net Profit 7,250
(transferred to Capital
43,000 43,000
The Balance Sheet is prepared with an intension to know the financial position of the business
at the end of the year.
It is a statement at a given date showing on one side the traders’ property and possessions and
on the other side his liabilities.
A Balance Sheet is said to be a list of assets and liabilities of the business at a specific point of
According to AICPA , Balance Sheet is a list of balances of the assets and liabilities accounts of
a specific business at a specific point of time.
The total value of the assets is always equals to the of the liabilities as it is based on the
Balance Sheet of Aravind & Co. As on 31stMarch,2019.
9. Depreciation on Buildings Dr. Show the depreciation Liablitiies – Deduct depreciation from
amount the Buildings
10. Interest on Capital Cr. Interest on Capital Liabilities – Add to Capital
11. Interest on Drawings Dr. Interest on Drawings Liabilities – Less from Capital along
with drawings
12. Bad Debts Dr. Bad Debts Assets – deduct from Debtors
13. Reserve for Bad Debts Dr. Show the reserve for Assets – deduct from Debtors
Bad Debts
14. Further Bad Debts Dr. Add to existing Bad Assets – deduct further Bad Debts only
Debts from debtors
15. Goods withdrawn for personal Dr. Less from Liabilities – Deduct from Capital
use Purchases
Liabilities Amt.(Rs.) Amt.(Rs.) Assets Amt.(Rs.) Amt.(Rs.)
2,79,800 2,79,800