Candidiasis Oral

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Candidiasis Oral

Giavanny Eka Rani Puteri

Candidiasis Oral

Thrush is an infection of the buccal cavity

by Candida albicans.
The disease is typically limited to infants and
neonates, patients on antibiotics or steroids, and
patients with polyendocrine disorders or
underlying immune dysfunction. Thrush may be
the first sign of HIV infection; its appearance in
advanced HIV indicates poor prognosis.
 Frequency
 United States : As many as 37% of newborns may develop thrush during the first
months of life.
 International : Thrush is universal and is more common in poorly nourished
 Mortality/Morbidity
Thrush is usually a mild and self-limited illness. Consider the possibility of an underlying
immunodeficiency when thrush occurs after early infancy or without a reasonable
 Sex
Thrush occurs equally in males and females.
 Age
Thrush is rare during the first week of life. Incidence peaks around the fourth week of
life; thrush is uncommon in infants older than 6-9 months. Thrush can occur, however, at
any age in predisposed patients.
Candida yeasts
normally live on the
skin or mucous
membranes in small
amounts. However, if
the environment inside  Kingdom: Fungi

the mouth or throat  Phylum: Ascomycota

becomes imbalanced,  Subphylum: Saccharomycotina

 Class: Saccharomycetes
the yeasts can multiply
 Order: Saccharomycetales
and cause symptoms.  Family: Saccharomycetaceae
 Genus: Candida
 Species: Candida albicans
Faktor Predisposisi
Being in poor health
Being very old or very young
Having an HIV infection or AIDS
Long-term use or high dose antibiotics
Receiving chemotheraphy or drugs that weaken the
immune system
Taking steroid medications
Gejala dan Tanda
 The most common symptom of oral thrush is white
patches or plaques on the tongue and other oral
mucous membranes. Other symptoms include:
Redness or soreness in the affected areas
Difficulty swallowing
Cracking at the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis)
Pemeriksaan Penunjang
Laboratoty studies :
Plaques can be cultured, although cultures are rarely
indicated. A simple Gram stain demonstrates large,
ovoid, gram-positive yeast.
Histology findings :
Pseudohyphae and gram-positive yeast can be seen on
Gram stain or with potassium hydroxide stain.
For thrush in infants, treatment is often NOT needed. It
usually gets better on its own within 2 weeks.
Good control of blood sugar levels in persons with
diabetes may clear a thrush infection.
Antifungal :
Amphotericin B
Follow Up
 Complications
 Very rarely, extensive tracheal and esophageal involvement in thrush
may lead to dysphagia and respiratory distress in otherwise healthy
 Bronchopulmonary candidiasis has been reported.
 Systemic dissemination may occur in immunosuppressed patients.
 Candidal esophagitis is a common complication of thrush in
immunocompromised patients. In one study, it was the most common
opportunistic infection in adults with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS) (13.3 episodes per 100 person-years).
 Prognosis
Thrush is considered a self-limited disease, but resolution is
hastened by medical therapy.
 CDC – Oral Candidiasis
 Emedice.Medscape – Thrush
 Medline – Thrush

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