6 - Introduction To Antibiotics
6 - Introduction To Antibiotics
6 - Introduction To Antibiotics
• Classification of antibiotics.
• Misuses of antibiotics.
• Choice of antibiotics.
• Bacterial resistance and ways to prevent it.
• General principles of chemotherapy.
• Indications for antibiotics prophylaxis
Antibiotics: Chemical substances produced by various
microorganisms ( bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes) that have the
capacity to inhibit or destroy other microorganisms.
They can be classified according to:
Choice of Antibiotic:
1-Clinical diagnosis:
It means you can know the only disease by clinical diagnosis.
e.g. Syphylis : ()الُز هريIts symptoms are known and it is caused by
(Treponema pallidum) which is sensitive to penicillin, So you can prescribe
2-Pharmacological Consideration:
A-Site of infection. )e.g. in the brain we need drug cross BBB)
B. Host factors:
*Immune system :
e.g. Alcoholism, diabetes, HIV, malnutrition, advanced age (higher than
usual doses or longer courses are required). ()يعني اللي مناعتهم ضعيفه
* Genetic factors:
e.g. Patients with G-6-PD deficiency treated with sulfonamides (G-6-P is an
enzyme that protect the RBC from getting destroyed, So any oxidizing
drug will interfere with its function and result in Hemolysis)
*Pregnancy and Lactation :
Aminoglycosides may cause (hearing loss) and Tetracyclines may cause
(bone deformity)
*Extreme Age (Neonates and elderly) ()عشان الكبد و الكلي ماتشتغل زين عندهم
*Renal function (هذا النوع من االدوية تطلع عن طريق
e.g. Aminoglycosides (renal failure) الكلى مب الكبد عشان كذا اللي عندهم
) مشكلة في الكلى تزيد السمية في الدم
*Liver function
e.g. Erythromycin (hepatic failure) ()نفس فكرة اللي قبل
C. Drug Allergy(eg. penicillin (parenteral) we
need to do skin test) .
3-Microbiological information: (Bacteriological information)
In case you don’t know the bacteria or you know the bacteria but you don’t
know the sensitivity.
:Advantages :Disadvantages
Misuses of antibiotics:
*Treatment of diseases caused by viruses.
*Improper dosage. (The dose is not enough or it didn’t take enough time)
*Therapy of fever of unknown origin.
*Presence of pus or necrotic tissues , or blood at the surgical site
(The pus could block the antibiotic so first we need to remove the pus then give the
*Excessive use of prophylactic antibiotics in travelers.
*Lack of adequate bacteriological information.
*Over use as growth promoters in animals and agriculture.
*Patients do not take them according to their doctor’s instructions.
( Usually the symptoms went before the bacteria die so the patient stop taking the
antibiotic then it came back again with resistance)
*Some patients save unused antibiotics
for another illness, or pass to others.
Reasons for Misuses of Antibiotics :
1-Availabity of a very wide selection.
2-Limitation of physician’s time.
3-physician shortage and expenses.
4-availability without Rx in pharmacies.
5-public demand (pressure to prescribe).
Bacterial Resistance :
One result of the widespread use of antibiotics has been the
emergence of resistant pathogens that have been sensitive in the past.
Definition: Conc. of antibiotic required to inhibit or kill the bacteria is
greater than the conc. that can safely be achieved in the plasma.
Prevention of Resistance :
*Use antibiotics only when absolutely required ()في حاالت البكتيريا
*Use antibiotics in adequate dosage for sufficient period of time.
“Not too brief therapy, Not too prolonged therapy”
( exceptions, e.g. TB )()تحتاج وقت طويل للعالج
*Combination of antibiotics may be required to delay resistance ( e.g. TB )
)(األفضل ان يستخدم نوع واحد من المضادات لكن في حاالت خاصة نحتاج اكثر من نوع للقضاء على البكتيريا
When apparent cure achieved , continue antibiotic for about 3 days further to avoid
Skipping doses may decrease effectiveness of antibiotic & increase the incidence of
bacterial resistance.
General Principles of Chemotherapy (cont.) :
Two or more antimicrobials should not be used without good reason
due to its risky disadvantages :-
Increased risk of sensitivity or toxicity
Increased risk of colonization with a resistant bacteria
Possibility of antagonism
Higher cost
However, sometimes we need to use multiple antibiotics , e.g. :-
Mixed bacterial (polymicrobial) infections
Desperately ill patient of unknown etiology
To prevent emergence of resistance (e.g. TB )
To achieve synergism
e.g. (piperacillin+gentamicin used for (p.aeruginosae)).
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