Jury Slides Updated 2020
Jury Slides Updated 2020
Jury Slides Updated 2020
Examinable Issues:
- Value of Jury
-Jury in criminal
trials & Art 6
-Jury Reforms
Who are Juries?
-12 ordinary person, randomly selected to
decide verdict of defendant in the
Crown Court
-Decide questions of fact
General Qualification?
-18 – 75yrs
-Regd on Electoral Register
-Lived in UK at least 5yrs
-X ineligible / disqualified
-Prior to Criminal Justice Act 2003 -judges,
lawyers, police, clergy, mental disorder
-After CJA 2003 -All eligible except people
with mental disorders.
- >5yrs imprisonment – X for life
- past 10yrs imprisoned – X 10 yrs
- people on bail
Challenging Jury Composition
Jury Vetting
The parties to any jury trial have the right to look at the panel list from
which the jury in their trial will be chosen. This allows them to make
enquiries about panel members and decide whether any should be
Routine police checks - carried out on each juror to ensure there is no
disqualified juror sitting in the jury.
Arguments agst
Why? Secrecy :
-No accountability
-Finality -Injustice
-Independence -Auld Report
-Protection of jury recommends COA to
enquire alleged
impropriety by jury
Juries and Article 6 ECHR
Gregory v UK (1997)
-note to judge -jury showing racial overtones
-Judge warned jury – guilty verdict
-No breach of Art 6 -ambiguous nature of the
note -judge's warning was reasonable.
-Gregory distinguished
-jury making racist comments + judge received
letter of apology frm jurors.
-judge warned jury, did not discharge them.
-guilty verdict -def appealed.
Ct’s presumption – If one of the jurors during trial falls below std expected of a
juror, the other jurors will report to the judge before the verdict. Inquiries should
not be ordered in cases where the finality of the verdict is accepted, unless there
are strong & compelling evidence.
Other Misbehaviour cases:
2011 – Joanne Fraille imprisoned for contempt of Court after
she contacted def on Facebook & disclosed details of jury
The above offences are indictable and the maximum penalty is 2
(two) years' imprisonment and/or a fine.
Criminal trials
- Acquittal by jury -X appeal
-Def convicted of indictable offence may
Appeal to COA Criminal Division or
Criminal Cases Review Commission
(assess whether convictions shld be
refered to COA)
Civil trials
- can appeal if Perverse verdict
- Special Juries -qualified experts or
jurors -competency test
-Judge-run trials -single trained judge
-panel of J + experts
-Special Juror – 11 ordinary + 1 expert
-Bench of judges
-Single judge