CH 4
CH 4
CH 4
Research Design
1. Research Design
• Having decided what you want to study, you now need to
determine how you are going to conduct your study.
• There are a number of questions that need to be answered
before you can proceed with your research journey.
– What procedures will you adopt to obtain answers to
research questions?
– How will you carry out the tasks needed to complete the
different components of the research process?
– What should you do and what should you not do in the
process of undertaking the study?
• Basically, answers to these questions constitute the core of
a research design.
• A research design is the road map that you decide to follow
during your research journey to find answers to your research
questions as validly, objectively, accurately and economically as
• It is a procedural-cum-operational plan that details what and
how different methods and procedures to be applied during the
research process.
• A research design is a plan, structure and strategy of
investigation so conceived as to obtain answers to research
questions or problems.
• The plan is the complete scheme or program of the research.
• It includes an outline of what the investigator will do from
writing hypotheses and their operational implications to the final
analysis of data.
• A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection
and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance
to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
1. Research Design...
• A research design is a plan that contains decisions:
– Study design you plan to use (case study, cross-sectional,
experimental, descriptive, etc.)
– How you select your respondents (sampling)
– How to collect information from your respondents
– How the information collected is analyzed
– How you communicate your findings
• Through a research design you:
– conceptualize an operational plan to undertake the various
procedures and tasks required to complete your study
– ensure that these procedures are adequate to obtain valid,
objective and accurate answers to the research questions.
2. Sampling
• Let us take a very simple example to explain the concept of
sampling. Suppose you are interested in the mean age of the
students in your class.
• There are two ways of finding this out.
• The first method is to contact all students in the class, find out
their ages, add them up and then divide this by the number of
• The second method is to select a few students from the class,
ask them their ages, add them up and then divide by the number
of students you have asked.
• From this you make an estimate of the average age of the class.
• Similarly, suppose you want to find out the average income of
families living in a city.
• Imagine the amount of effort and resources required to go to
every family in the city to find out their income.
2. Sampling…
• You could instead select a few families as the basis of your enquiry.
• Then, from what you have found out from the few families, make
an estimate of the mean income of families in the city.
• Therefore, sampling is the process of selecting a few (a sample)
from a bigger group (the sampling population) as the basis for
estimating or predicting the prevalence of an unknown information,
situation or outcome regarding the bigger group.
• A sample is a subgroup of the population that you are interested in.
• The focus of your study is to find answers to your research
questions as they relate to the total study population and not the
• However, through the process of sampling you attempt to estimate
what is likely to be the situation in the total study population.
• This process of selecting a sample from the total population has
advantages and disadvantages.
• The advantages are that it saves time as well as financial and
human resources.
• The disadvantage is that you do not obtain information about the
population's characteristics but only estimate or predict them on
the basis of what you found out in your sample.
• Hence, there is the possibility of an error in your estimation.
2. Sampling…
• Therefore, sampling is a trade-off between certain benefits and
• While on the one hand, you save time and resources, on the
other hand you may compromise the level of accuracy in your
• Through sampling you only make an estimate about the actual
situation prevalent in the total population.
• If you ascertain a piece of information from the total sampling
population, if your sample truly represents the study population
and if your method of enquiry is correct, your findings should
be reasonably accurate.
• But the possibility of an error is always there.
• Tolerance of this possibility of error is an important
consideration in selecting a sample.
2. Sampling…
• A sample is a subgroup of the population which is the
focus of your research enquiry.
• It is selected in such a way that it represents the study
• We collect the required information from sample.
• It is done to save time, money and other resources.
• In majority of cases where sampling is done, there will be
a difference between the sample and population statistics,
which is attributable to selection of units in the sample.
• The greater the sample size, the more accurate the estimate
of the true population mean.
2. Sampling…
• The selection of samples in quantitative and qualitative research
is guided by different philosophies.
• In quantitative research, we select a sample in such a way that it
is unbiased and represents the population.
• In qualitative research, a number of considerations influence it:
– The ease in accessing the potential respondents
– Our judgement that the person has extensive knowledge about the
event, or situation of interest
– How typical the case is of a category of individuals
– Simply that it is totally different from others
• In quantitative research, the purpose of sampling is to draw
inference about the population from which the sample is
selected from.
• In qualitative research, it is designed to gain in-depth knowledge
about a situation or event.
2. Sampling
• Regarding sample size, quantitative research is guided by
predetermined sample size.
• In qualitative research, we don’t have predetermined
sample size but during data collection, we wait for point of
data saturation.
• In quantitative research, randomization is used to ensure
that a sample is selected in such a way that it represents the
study population to avoid bias.
• In qualitative research, no such attempt is made.
• Here, we purposely select ‘information-rich’ respondents
who will provide the information we need.
2. Sampling...
• A sample should be representative of the population
• A representative sample closely matches the characteristics
of the population.
• A sample that is not representative of the population is
called biased sample.
• The various strategies in quantitative research can be
categorized as:
– Probability sampling
– Non-probability sampling
– Mixed sampling
2. Sampling...
1. Probability sampling
• In probability sampling, every member of the population has
an equal and independent chance of appearing in the sample.
• A participant is included in the sample based on chance
• Probability sampling eliminates the possibility that the
sample is biased by the preferences of the person selecting
the sample.
• In addition, random sampling affords some assurance that the
sample does not bias itself.
• Sampling is typically done without replacement.
• Once an individual is chosen for your sample, he or she
cannot be chosen a second time for that sample.
2. Sampling…
• The three most common ways of selecting a random sample are:
– The fishbowl draw: if the population is small, number each
element using a slip of paper for each element, put all slips
into a bowl and then pick them out one by one without
looking. Do this until the number of slips selected equals the
sample size.
– A computer program: there are a number of programs that
can help you to select a random sample.
– A table of randomly generated numbers: most books on
research methodology and statistics include a table of
randomly generated numbers in their appendices. You can
select your sample using these tables.
2. Sampling…
A. Simple random sampling
• This method is randomly selecting a certain number of
individuals from the population.
• It is randomly selecting a certain number of individuals from the
• This is the most commonly used method of selecting a
probability sample.
• Here, every member of the population have an equal chance of
being included in the final sample.
• Simple random sampling requires a population list (sampling
frame) in order to select sample.
• The elements can be selected using the fishbowl draw, a
computer program, or a table of randomly generated numbers.
2. Sampling…
• Random sampling reduces the possibility of systematic bias in
your sample.
• However, it does not guarantee a representative sample.
• You could, quite at random, select participants who represent
only a small segment of the population.
• To illustrate simple random sampling, let us take this class as
– There are 80 students in a class, and so the first step is to
identify each student by a number from 1 to 80.
– Suppose you decide to select a sample of 20 using the simple
random sampling technique.
– Use the fishbowl draw, the table for random numbers or a
computer program to select the 20 students.
– These 20 students become the basis of your enquiry.
2. Sampling…
B. Stratified sampling:
• Stratified sampling provides one way to obtain a representative
• You begin by dividing the population into segments, or strata.
• In this method, the researcher stratifies the population in such a
way that the population within a stratum is homogenous with
respect to stratification characteristic.
• The population is divided into segments or strata.
• The stratification characteristic should be clearly identifiable in
the study population.
• For example, you could divide the population of a town into
whites, blacks, and Hispanics.
• Next, we select a separate random sample from each stratum.
• Because individuals are selected from each stratum, we guarantee
that each segment of the population is represented in the sample.
2. Sampling…
• Stratification variables can be categorical variables (e.g., gender,
ethnicity, personality type) or quantitative variables (e.g.,
intelligence, height, age), and more than one stratification
variable can be used.
2. Sampling…
2. Sampling…
C. Cluster sampling
• Simple random and stratified sampling are based on a
researcher’s ability to identify each element in a population.
• It is easy to do this if the total population is small.
• But if the population is large, as in the case of city, state or a
country, it becomes difficult and expensive to identify each
sampling unit.
• In such cases, the use of cluster sampling is more appropriate.
• To make sampling more manageable, you could identify
naturally occurring groups of participants (clusters) and
randomly select certain clusters.
• For example, you might be interested in surveying children in a
large school district.
• You could randomly select certain departments or classes from
which to sample.
2. Sampling…
• In cluster sampling, the researcher randomly selects clusters
rather than individual units in the first stage of sampling.
• A cluster is a collective type of unit that includes multiple
elements - it has more than one unit in it.
• Some examples of clusters are neighborhoods, schools,
classrooms, families, and work teams.
• All of these collective-type units include multiple individual
elements or units.
• In this case, the researcher divides the population into groups
called cluster based on visible or easily identifiable
• Clusters can be formed on the basis of geographical proximity
or a characteristic that has a correlation with the main variable
of study.
2. Sampling…
• We briefly explain two types of cluster sampling: one stage and
two stage.
• In one-stage cluster sampling, to select a sample, you randomly
select a sample of clusters.
• After that, you include all of the individual units in the randomly
selected clusters in your final sample.
• The second type of cluster sampling is two-stage cluster sampling.
• In the first stage, you randomly select a sample of clusters.
• In the second stage, you draw a random sample from the elements
in each of the clusters selected in the first stage.
• For example, in stage one you might randomly select 30 physics
classrooms and in stage two randomly select 10 students from
each of the 30 physics classrooms.
• Elements from cluster are selected using simple random sampling.
2. Sampling…
D. Systematic random sampling
• This technique involves sampling every kth element after a
random start.
• The first element is selected at random in the range of 1 to k.
• The kth element, or skip interval, is determined by dividing the
sample size into the population size to obtain the skip pattern
applied to the sampling frame.
Contingency Questions
• In questionnaires, certain questions will be relevant to some of the
respondents and irrelevant to others.
• In a study of birth control methods, you would probably not want to
ask men if they take birth control pills.
• This sort of situation often arises when researchers wish to ask a
series of questions about a certain topic.
• For example:
• you may want to ask whether your respondents belong to a
particular organization and, if so, how often they attend meetings,
whether they have held office in the organization, and so forth.
• you might want to ask whether respondents have heard anything
about a certain political issue and then learn the attitudes of those
who have heard of it.
Questionnaire Design…
• Each subsequent question in series such as these is called a
contingency question.
• Whether it is to be asked and answered is contingent on
responses to the first question in the series.
• The proper use of contingency questions can facilitate the
respondents’ task in completing the questionnaire, because they
are not faced with trying to answer questions irrelevant to them.
Questionnaire Design…
• There are several formats for contingency questions.
• The one shown in the figure above is probably the clearest and
most effective.
• The figure below shows another approach to deal with
contingency questions: giving instructions to jump some
question depending on the answer.
Questionnaire Design…
Matrix Questions
• Quite often you will want to ask several questions that have the
same set of answer categories.
• This is typically the case whenever the Likert response
categories are used.
• In such cases, a matrix of items and answers is often possible, as
illustrated in the figure below.
Questionnaire Design…
• This format offers several advantages over other formats.
• First, it uses space efficiently.
• Second, respondents will probably complete such a set of
questions more quickly than other formats would allow.
• In addition, this format may increase the comparability of
responses given to different questions, both for the respondent
as well as for the researcher.
• Because respondents can quickly review their answers to earlier
items in the set, they might choose between, say, “strongly
agree” and “agree” on a given statement by comparing the
strength of their agreement with their earlier responses.
Questionnaire Design…
Formulating Effective Questions
• The way you ask a question determines the response that you
are likely to get from your respondents.
• Your output in terms of the responses and their quality depends
upon your input in terms of questions you ask of your
• The wording and tone of your questions are therefore very
• You should be very careful about the way you formulate
• The following are some suggestions and considerations to keep
in mind when formulating questions.
Questionnaire Design…
a. Always use simple and everyday language.
• Your respondents may not be highly educated.
• And even if they are, they still may not know some of the
‘simple’ technical jargon that you are used to.
• Particularly in a questionnaire, take extra care to use words that
your respondents will understand as you have no opportunity to
explain the questions to them.
• A pretest should show you what is and what is not understood
by your respondents.
• For example:
Is anyone in your family a dipsomaniac?
• In this question, many respondents, even who are well educated,
will not understand ‘dipsomaniac’.
• Hence, they do not answer it or answer without understanding.
b. Do not use ambiguous questions.
• An ambiguous question contains more than one meaning and that
can be interpreted differently by different respondents.
• This will result in different answers, making it difficult to draw any
valid conclusions from the information.
• The following questions highlight the problem.