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Executive Master of Business Administration (2022-2024)


DELL Case Study Solution

• Anoop Kumar M EMBA22002

• Daksh Aggarwal EMBA22006

• Purnima Sharma EMBA22015


Dell Inc. is an American based technology company. It develops, sells, repairs, and
supports computers and related products and services. Dell is owned by its parent
company, Dell Technologies.
Dell's vision of customer experience revolved around being the most successful
computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in
the markets they serve. This vision emphasized that superior service and low-
cost products would inspire customer loyalty and create more profitable, long-
term customer relationships. Dell aimed to differentiate itself by providing an
unparalleled level of service in the industry, from the initial purchase through
setup and ongoing product use.
Explain Dell’s Vision of customer experience and how the company
successfully addressed it?

Direct Customer Relationships: Hiring and Training: Dell hired and Customer Interaction Council: Dell Key Operational Measures: Dell
Dell's innovative "Dell Direct" model trained its call center employees for established a Customer Experience used key operational measures to
cut out intermediaries and enabled technical aptitude and customer Council to make service its top track and improve customer
the company to interact directly service experience. This ensured priority. This council helped in experience. They measured order
with its customers. This direct that they could deliver quality aligning all 26,000 employees fulfillment, performance, and
connection allowed Dell to gather service and support to customers. toward providing excellent service. service and support. By tracking
pertinent customer information and By focusing on first-time resolution, Dell's emphasis on customer "ship to target," "initial field-
offer more appropriate service and they aimed to solve customer interactions and thorough customer incident rate," and "on-time, first-
support. They took their problems efficiently and effectively. support helped reduce future time fix," they ensured high-quality
relationship with customers support issues, complaints, and service delivery.
seriously and worked hard to returns.
establish and maintain it.
Explain Dell’s contact center design. Describe how effective call center management helps Dell increase the
contact center's efficiency.

Dell's contact center Direct Customer Technical Aptitude and On-The-Job Training: First-Time Resolution Diagnostic Tools: Dell Visible Performance
design is a crucial Interaction: Dell's Customer Service: Dell After initial training, (FTR): Dell emphasizes embeds diagnostic Metrics: Dell closely
element of its contact centers are carefully screens and new hires are paired resolving customer tools into its products, tracks performance
customer service designed to facilitate hires contact center with experienced issues during the first allowing contact metrics and makes
strategy, focused on direct interactions employees with both representatives for on- interaction. This center representatives them visible to both
providing efficient and between customers technical aptitude and the-job training. This approach aims to to run equipment individual
effective support to its and highly trained customer service approach helps them solve problems checks and make fixes representatives and
customers. The representatives. experience. This gain practical efficiently and over the phone. This the entire contact
company's approach Customers can reach ensures that the experience and minimize the need for reduces the need for center. Metrics include
to contact center out to Dell via phone representatives can familiarize themselves customers to contact on-site visits and average queue length,
design involves several or online channels to effectively address with Dell's policies and support multiple times ensures a quicker the number of calls
key components: get the assistance they technical issues while procedures for the same issue. resolution of technical waiting, and the
need providing excellent problems. length of the longest
customer service. wait. This
representatives to
provide efficient
• Feedback and Coaching: Managers offer
regular feedback and coaching to
representatives based on their performance
metrics and customer feedback. This
coaching helps representatives improve their
skills and address any weaknesses.
• Performance Visibility: Managers make
performance metrics visible to the entire
team, promoting healthy competition and
motivation among representatives. This
visibility ensures that individual and team
performance remains a focus.
• Process Improvement: Managers work to
streamline and improve contact center
processes. They identify bottlenecks,
inefficiencies, and areas where automation
or self-service options can be introduced to
enhance efficiency.
What should be Dell’s after-sale service strategy to
deal with large server-related services?
• Dell's after-sale service strategy for dealing with large server-related services should align with the company's overall vision of delivering the best customer
experience. To effectively address the unique requirements of large server-related services, Dell should consider the following components in its strategy:

• Guaranteed On-Site Support: Large servers are critical components of a business's IT infrastructure, and any downtime can result in significant financial
losses. Dell should continue to offer guaranteed on-site support for large servers within a specified timeframe, such as four hours. This commitment to rapid
response is vital in ensuring minimal disruption to a customer's operation

• Highly Skilled Technicians: Dell should maintain a team of highly skilled, certified technicians with expertise in handling complex server-related issues. These
technicians should have in-depth knowledge of Dell's server products and the ability to diagnose and resolve problems effectively.

• Embedded Diagnostic Tools: Continue to embed diagnostic tools into the server products themselves, enabling remote troubleshooting and problem
resolution. This feature allows contact center representatives to run checks and make fixes over the phone, reducing the need for on-site visits and
minimizing downtime.

• Customer Knowledge Base: Provide customers with access to a comprehensive knowledge base that includes technical resources and solutions. This
empowers customers to diagnose and resolve minor issues on their own, reducing the need for direct support and improving overall efficiency.

• Third-Party Surveys: Continue to use third-party firms to conduct surveys after large server service calls. These surveys should assess the quality of service,
response times, and customer satisfaction. The results should be made visible to all Dell employees, promoting accountability and driving improvements.

• Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Clearly define SLAs for large server-related services, specifying the expected response times, problem resolution times,
and the scope of service. Dell should commit to meeting or exceeding these SLAs to ensure customer confidence.

• Feedback and Improvement: Actively seek and consider customer feedback to drive improvements in the large server-related services. Dell should be open
to making necessary adjustments based on customer suggestions and complaints.

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