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SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Sanjay Sharma

Ashutosh Kumar Prakhar Rastogi

A collections framework is a unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections. It has:

abstract data types representing

collections Implementations: concrete implementations of the collection interfaces Algorithms: methods that perform useful computations, such as searching and sorting

These algorithms are said to be polymorphic: the same method can be used on different implementations


The initial release of Java supplied only a small set of classes for the most useful data structures : Vector, Stack, Hashtable, and Enumeration interface that provides an abstract mechanism for visiting elements in an arbitrary container. With the advent of Java SE 1.2, the designers felt that the time had come to roll out a full-fledged set of data structures. They did not want the complexity of the Standard Template Library (or STL) of C++, but they wanted the benefit of generic algorithms that STL pioneered. They wanted the legacy classes to fit into the new framework.


The fundamental interface for collection classes in the Java library is the Collection interface. The interface has two fundamental methods: public interface Collection<E> { boolean add(E element); Iterator<E> iterator(); ... }


The Iterator interface has three methods: public interface Iterator<E> { E next(); boolean hasNext(); void remove(); } By repeatedly calling the next method, you can visit the elements from the collection one by one if you reach the end of the collection, the next method throws a NoSuchElementException. you need to call the hasNext method before calling next.

There is an important conceptual difference between iterators in the Java collection library and iterators in other libraries such as STL of c++. In STL you can look up the element that is stored at that position, much like you can look up an array element a[i] if you have an array index i. You should think of Java iterators as being between elements. When you call next, the iterator jumps over the next element, and it returns a reference to the element that it just passed


The remove method of the Iterator interface removes the element that was returned by the last call to next. For example, here is how you remove the first element in a collection of strings: Iterator<String> it = c.iterator();; // skip over the first element it.remove(); // now remove it If you want to remove two adjacent elements, you cannot simply call it.remove(); it.remove(); // Error! Instead, you must first call next to jump over the element to be removed. it.remove();; it.remove(); // Ok


boolean isEmpty() returns true if this collection contains no elements. boolean contains(Object obj) returns true if this collection contains an object equal to obj. boolean add(Object element) adds an element to the collection. Returns true if the collection changed as a result of this call. void clear() removes all elements from this collection. boolean retainAll(Collection<?> other) removes all elements from this collection that do not equal one of the elements in the other collection. Returns true if the collection changed as a result of this call.

Concrete Collections


ArrayList :: An indexed sequence that grows and shrinks dynamically. LinkedList :: An ordered sequence that allows efficient insertions and removal at any location. ArrayDeque :: A double-ended queue that is implemented as a circular array. HashSet :: An unordered collection that rejects duplicates. TreeSet :: A sorted set . EnumSet :: A set of enumerated type values. LinkedHashSet :: A set that remembers the order in which elements were inserted. PriorityQueue :: A collection that allows efficient removal of the smallest element

Arrays and array lists suffer from a major drawback :: Removing an element from the middle of an array is expensive since all array elements beyond the removed one must be moved toward the beginning of the array The same is true for inserting elements in the middle. Another well-known data structure, the linked list, solves this problem.

Whereas an array stores object references in consecutive memory locations, a linked list stores each object in a separate link. Each link also stores a reference to the next link in the sequence. In the Java programming language, all linked lists are actually doubly linked; that is, each link also stores a reference to its predecessor


Removing an element from the middle of a linked list is an inexpensive operation, only the links around the element to be removed need to be updated The following code example adds three elements and and then removes the second one: List<String> staff = new LinkedList<String>(); // LinkedList implements list staff.add("Amy"); staff.add("Bob"); staff.add("Carl"); Iterator iter = staff.iterator(); String first =; // visit first element String second =; // visit second element iter.remove(); // remove last visited element


There is, however, an important difference between linked lists and generic collections. A linked list is an ordered collection in which the position of the objects matters. The LinkedList.add method adds the object to the end of the list. But you often want to add objects somewhere in the middle of a list. This position-dependent add method is the responsibility of an iterator, since iterators describe positions in collections. Using iterators to add elements makes sense only for collections that have a natural ordering, there is no add method in the Iterator interface.

Instead, the collections library supplies a subinterface ListIterator that contains an add method: interface ListIterator<E> extends Iterator<E> { void add(E element); ... } Unlike Collection.add, this method does not return a boolean it is assumed that the add operation always modifies the list. In addition, the ListIterator interface has two methods that you can use for traversing a list backwards. E previous() & boolean hasPrevious() Like the next method, the previous method returns the object that it skipped over.

For example, the following code skips past the first element in the linked list and adds "Juliet" before the second element List<String> staff = new LinkedList<String>(); staff.add("Amy"); staff.add("Bob"); staff.add("Carl"); ListIterator<String> iter = staff.listIterator();; // skip past first element iter.add("Juliet");


Java has polymorphic algorithms to provide functionality for different types of collections

(e.g. sort) Shuffling (e.g. shuffle) Routine Data Manipulation (e.g. reverse, addAll) Searching (e.g. binarySearch) Composition (e.g. frequency) Finding Extreme Values (e.g. max)

Generic collection interfaces have a great advantageyou only need to implement your algorithms once. For example, consider a simple algorithm to compute the maximum element in a collection. if (a.length == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException(); T largest = a[0]; for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) if (largest.compareTo(a[i]) < 0) largest = a[i];

To find the maximum of an array list, you would write the code slightly differently. if (v.size() == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException(); T largest = v.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++) if (largest.compareTo(v.get(i)) < 0) largest = v.get(i);

What about a linked list? You dont have efficient random access in a linked list, but you can use an iterator. if (l.isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); Iterator<T> iter = l.iterator(); T largest =; while (iter.hasNext()) { T next =; if (largest.compareTo(next) < 0) largest = next; }

These loops are tedious to write, and they are just a bit error prone. Do the loops work correctly for empty containers? For containers with only one element? You dont want to test and debug this code every time. Thats where the collection interfaces come in. Think of the minimal collection interface that you need to efficiently carry out the algorithm. Computing the maximum can be done simply by iteration through the elements.

Therefore you can implement the max method to take any object that implements the Collection interface. public static <T extends Comparable> T max(Collection<T> c) { if (c.isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); Iterator<T> iter = c.iterator(); T largest =; while (iter.hasNext()) { T next =; if (largest.compareTo(next) < 0) largest = next; } return largest; }

Now you can compute the maximum of a linked list, an array list, or an array, with a single method. Thats a powerful concept. In fact, the standard C++ library has dozens of useful algorithms, each of which operates on a generic collection. The Java library is not quite so rich, but it does contain the basics: sorting, binary search, and some utility algorithms.

The original version of the java.util package was not having the collection framework. The classes of the java.util package were updated to support the concept of collection framework These classes were referred as the LEGACY classes. i) Enumeration interface ii) Vector class iii) Stack class iv) Hash table class

The Enumeration interface defines the methods by which you can enumerate or obtain the elements in a collection of objects. It provides two methods : i) hashMoreElements() It returns true if there are more elements yet to be inspected. ii) nextElement() It returns next element to be inspected. NOTE: Do not call this method if hashMoreElements() returns false


The Vector class implements a dynamic array of objects. Dynamic array means the size of predefined array may increased or decreased if more elements are added to it or deleted from it.

Vector operate by creating an initial storage capacity and adding capacity as per the requirement.


Vector() : It is the default constructor having an initial capacity of 10. Vector( int size ) : It creates a vector having an initial capacity specified by size variable. Vector ( int size , int inc ) : It creates a vector having an initial capacity specified by size variable and incremented by the value of inc variable.


int capacityIncrement : It stores the value of the of the increment value. int elementCount :It stores the number of elements currently in int the vector. Object elementData []: It is the array that holds the vector.


int capacity() : return the current capacity . Void addElement (Object element) :Object specified by element is added to vector. int size() : return no. of elements in vector. Void setSize (int size) :Sets capacity of the vector to the size. Object lastElement():return last element of vector Void removeallElements() : remove all the elements and sets it size to zero.


It provides the capability to create and use and use storage objects called stacks. It follow the principal of last-in-first-out ( LIFO ). LIFO means last object pushed within a stack is is the first object that can be retrieved from the stack.


The stack class provides a default constructor Stack() which is used to create an empty stack.


push ():It is used to place an object on stack. Pop ():It is used to retrieve the objects from the stack. Search ():It is used to search a specific object within a stack. Peek ():it returns the top element of the stack without popping off. empty ():It is used to determine if the stack is empty.

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