Radiation is the emission of electromagnetic waves or particles, and can occur naturally or be man-made. There are two types of radiation - ionizing radiation, which has enough energy to cause ionization, and non-ionizing radiation, which does not. Sources of radiation include natural sources like cosmic rays and radioactive elements, as well as man-made sources from nuclear power, medical procedures, and industry. Radiation is measured in units like the gray and sievert, and can have acute or long-term harmful health effects depending on dose, duration, and type of radiation. Radiation safety involves minimizing time, distance, and shielding from sources of radiation.
Radiation is the emission of electromagnetic waves or particles, and can occur naturally or be man-made. There are two types of radiation - ionizing radiation, which has enough energy to cause ionization, and non-ionizing radiation, which does not. Sources of radiation include natural sources like cosmic rays and radioactive elements, as well as man-made sources from nuclear power, medical procedures, and industry. Radiation is measured in units like the gray and sievert, and can have acute or long-term harmful health effects depending on dose, duration, and type of radiation. Radiation safety involves minimizing time, distance, and shielding from sources of radiation.
Radiation is the emission of electromagnetic waves or particles, and can occur naturally or be man-made. There are two types of radiation - ionizing radiation, which has enough energy to cause ionization, and non-ionizing radiation, which does not. Sources of radiation include natural sources like cosmic rays and radioactive elements, as well as man-made sources from nuclear power, medical procedures, and industry. Radiation is measured in units like the gray and sievert, and can have acute or long-term harmful health effects depending on dose, duration, and type of radiation. Radiation safety involves minimizing time, distance, and shielding from sources of radiation.
Radiation is the emission of electromagnetic waves or particles, and can occur naturally or be man-made. There are two types of radiation - ionizing radiation, which has enough energy to cause ionization, and non-ionizing radiation, which does not. Sources of radiation include natural sources like cosmic rays and radioactive elements, as well as man-made sources from nuclear power, medical procedures, and industry. Radiation is measured in units like the gray and sievert, and can have acute or long-term harmful health effects depending on dose, duration, and type of radiation. Radiation safety involves minimizing time, distance, and shielding from sources of radiation.