Equipment Layout
Equipment Layout
Equipment Layout
BY: Haryono WB
API RP 14J Design & Hazard Analysis for Offshore
production Facilities
API 521 Guide for Pressure Relieving & Depressuring
API RP 2001 Fire Protection in Refineries
API RP 752 Management of Hazards Associated with
Location of Process Plant Building
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
NFPA 59A Standard for the for the Production, Storage,
and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
IRI IM.2.5.2 Oil & Chemical Plant Layout
IRI IM.2.5.2 A Hazard Classification of Process
Operations for Spacing Requirements
PIP PNC00003 Process Unit and Offsites Layout Guide
Project Specification
Peraturan Pemerintah / Peraturan Daerah
Basic Considerations
Plant Layout
○ Layout in Process Unit
○ Layout in Offsite Unit
Terrain & Weather
Hazard Classification / Safety
Future Expansion
Public areas
Convenient area
Safety / emergency escape
Containment / environment
Operation / maintainability
Future Expansion
Area formed in square (if possible)
Equipment spacing
Access for maintenance
Prevailing wind
Areas are divided by roads
A block may contain more than one process
unit or section
Administration & service area & storage area
Future expansion
Basic Consideration
Terrain & Weather
Ground contour
○ Process unit located on highest elevation
○ Effluent treatment unit located at the lowest elevation
Prevailing Wind
Basic Consideration
Hazard Classification / Safety
Layout shall be determined in consideration of
classified hazardous area
○ High Hazard - LPG
○ Intermediate Hazard - Condensate
○ Moderate Hazard - All other process gas
Consider locations of catch basins & other
flammable fluid spill collection
Escape route
Basic Consideration
Maintenance / maintainability
Provide space for maintenance of the facility
○ Heat exchangers
○ Reactors
○ Compressors
○ Pumps, etc
Define the equipment that will be used and
the space required to operate it
Basic Consideration
Future Expansion
Consider future expansion
○ Future process plant
○ Future piping space on pipe ways
○ Future instrument & electrical cable ways
Installation of future expansion shall not
disturbing existing facility
Basic Consideration
Apply single centered pipe rack
Towers and large vertical vessels arranged in rows
Arrange pumps by aligned discharge nozzle
Arrange exchangers by aligned discharge nozzle
Duplicate streams for similar equipment sequences
within the process stream
Basic Consideration
Green area:
○ Provide adequate space and access for lifting
○ Review crane position for lifting in case late
equipment delivery
Brown area :
○ Able to separate from operating units
○ Consider additional problems
○ More stringent safety requirement in existing
○ Hot work should be able to be stopped should a
major gas release occur
○ Provide a suitable access route to the
construction site should be
○ Review crane position for lifting in operating area
Plant Layout
Blocked Area Arrangement
Process unit shall be located in most convenient place
Equipment should be laid out in a sequence to suit the
process flow
Storage located as far as possible form buildings, but
near to process area
Utility facility located beside process
Administration & service located in safe area
Flare stack located at the end of the site
Plant Layout
Roads & Paving
○ Primary Roads
Road width 6mtr, between block
Sufficient clearance
Run down the center of plant & between blocked areas
○ Secondary Roads
4mtr wide road
Within block
○ Minimum (edge of road) 3mtr from processing equipment
○ Ensure sufficient road / access available during the construction phase
○ Around pumps
○ Around catalyst, toxic, etc containing equipment
○ Curbing required to retain spilled material
Plant Layout
Access, Platforms, Ladders
Designed in accordance with SID
Access required for operators
Stair, primary access & egress to main operating level
Stairway shall have sufficient clearance
Ladder, access to vessel platforms, ACHE walkways,
Stair & ladders shall not obstruct instrumentation
Access around valves, CV’s, PSV’s etc.
Operation & orientations of equipments, cabinets and
Plant Layout
Piping & Pipe ways
Pipe ways for process units
○ Usually pipe racks (max 10mtr wide)
○ Width shall consider length of ACHE
○ Limited to three stages
Pipe sleepers for offsite facility
Piping shall not obstruct access way
Pipe spacing shall consider insulation thickness
Plant Layout
Control Room & Substation
○ As close as possible to plant equipment
○ Up wind of process and storage tanks (flammable)
○ Minimum 15mtr to the nearest process equipment
Shall consider convenience in daily operation
Shall consider cable length (electric / instrument)
Plant Layout
Kept to a minimum based on equipment
Factors which determine the selection of enclosed
building are:
○ Nature & frequency of the operator’s work
○ Climate
○ Type of equipment
○ Nature of process
○ Proximity of hazards
○ Consideration on enclosed building:
Fire protection
Fire proofing
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
Reactors / Towers / Drums
Heat Exchangers
Compressors / Blowers
Cooling Towers
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
Arrangement shall minimize runs
Layout along with the process flow diagrams
Access around equipment (i.e. 600 mm min)
Roads shall be outside area classification
Utility area shall be outside classified area
Equipment layout shall consider spacing requirement
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
Reactors / Towers / Drums
Space for catalyst loading / unloading
Periodic maintenance
Drop space for internal removal / safety valves
Related equipment shall be located as close as
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
Heat Exchangers
Shell & Tube
○ Space & access for bundle removal
○ Located on grade / ground
○ Shall be grouped
○ Space for cleaning
Air Cooled
○ Close to hydrocarbon pumps
○ Far from high temp equipment to minimize hot air
○ Mobile access for maintenance
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
Compressor / Blower
Minimum suction pressure drop
Sufficient space around and between compressors for
Air intake location shall be in safe area
Personnel access on compressor deck
Equipment shall not be located over gas compressor
Access for fire fighting
Down wind of fired heater, if practical
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
Laid out in groups
Access to pump auxiliaries
Access around and between pumps
Provide overhead clearance (vertical pumps)
Consider space for maintenance, emergency
Good ventilated shelter for large pumps that need in situ
Located outside pipe rack
Layout in Offsite Area
Tank Farms
Tank spacing & location shall comply with IP Refining Safety
Code, NFPA 30 (liquid)
Location of LPG storage tanks shall be in accordance with API
Std 2510A
Pumps shall be located outside dike
Consider to provide dike around tank yard for spill control
Consider distance between tank to nearest process / utility unit
Spill control shall be accomplished by dike enclosure
Layout in Offsite Area
Loading / Unloading Facility
Located at near plant gate
Located at remote area on periphery
Distance from Process Area depend on type of
commodity to be handle
Consider prevailing wind and ignition source
Consider space for loading / unloading
Ensure access for fire fighting vehicles
Layout in Offsite Area
Cooling Towers
Consider prevailing wind (downwind or cross
wind process plant, sub station, etc)
Consider noise that arise from Cooling Tower
Located to optimise maintenance access
Minimise any nuisance
Cooling towers shall be placed clear of process
areas susceptible to fire risk
Source of hydrocarbon release
Consider water source
Layout in Offsite Area
Effluent treatment facility
Collect contaminated water prior send the water to water
Located away from other units
Downwind from ignition source (prevailing wind)
Preferred location is at lower elevation than others
(maximize gravity flow)
Layout in Offsite Area
Provide sufficient space to keep heat radiation low
Located at remote from the offsite & process facility
(outside Hazardous Area Classification)
Consider prevailing wind (upwind / crosswind process
KO drum & its accessories should be at periphery
Elevated (15mtr or more) flare should be located 60mtr &
burn pit should be located 150mtr
If more than 1 flare, location of each flare shall be based
on operation
Layout in Offsite Area
Fired Heater / Boiler
Provide sufficient space to keep heat radiation low
Located at a safe distance from other hydrocarbon
containing equipment
Consider prevailing wind (upwind / crosswind process
Consider space for tube replacement and ample access for
mobile equipment
Sufficient access for firefighting equipment
Provide paved and curbed areas under or around heaters
No low points in the paving or grading these are spots for
hydrocarbon liquids trapping
Means of egress, stairs vs ladders.
Orientations of equipment, cabinets and valves.
Clearances around valves, CV’s, PSV’s etc.
Instrument stand – “it’s just a stand, it can go anywhere” wanna bet?
Know the cycle of daily operational routines – “somebody tell me again
why we put the CV way up there on top of what structure?”
Put yourself in their place – can you reach it, can you see it, can you put
a valve wrench on it.
Layout Tip
Layout method
Basic Principles:
Plan the whole, than the detail
Plan the ideal, than the practical
Plan more than one layout
Sequence of activities in layout
Layout based on process flow
Techniques of correlation and compatibility
Proximity and sequencing