Smea 2023 Talakagnhs

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SMEA 2023

Talakag National High School is an academic institution located at Barangay San Isidro, Talakag, Bukidnon along the Tikalaan
Dominorog-Camp Kibaritan Road. The school has a growing population and is steadily increasing over the years. At present, there
are 57 Junior High School Teachers and 22 Senior High School Teachers catering to 1885 learners from Junior High School and
1098 learners from Senior High School.

The Junior High School programs caters upcoming Grade 7 students from elementary schools up to Grade 10. Meanwhile the
diversified offerings for the senior high school caters to three academic strands namely: Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),
Accountancy and Business Management (ABM); and Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). There are
also two Technical, Vocational and Livelihood programs: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Cookery. In addition to the
curricular offerings, Talakag National High School also offer the Special Education Program (SPED) which caters to the differently-
abled children in the municipality of Talakag.
Furthermore, a recent one added to the list of curricular offering is the Special Program in Foreign Language-Nihongo (Japanese)
which aims to teach the students both the language and the cultural aspect of Japan through varied teaching strategies in partnership
with the Japan Foundation Manila and the Japanese Language Institute and Arakawa, Saitama,Japan. Just recently, the school was
identified by the region to implement the Alternative Learning System for Senior High School Learners.

Talakag NHS materialized as it was previously enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Phillipines through
SCHOOL, ANDAPPROPRIATE FUNDS THEREFORE. The catchment areas of TNHS are mostly focused on Barangay San Isidro
and the nearby barangays namely Barangays 1-4, Barangay San Antonio, and Barangay Sto. Nino.Majority of the students coming
from the elementary public schools prefer to continue their secondary education in this institution due to the curricular offerings.
Talakag NHS is located at Talakag, a 1st class municipality with a population of 77,027 according to the 2020 census by the
Population Commission. It is located in the border to major cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, and between Marawi and
Malaybalay, the provincial capital. The government type is Sangguniang Bayan headed by the mayor, Vergito O. Factura and Vice
Mayo Amado Z. Noble. Talakag is politically subdivided into 29 barangays. The total electorate body consists of 45, 873 voters as of

The total land area of the Municipality of Talakag is 786.40 km2 (303.63 square miles).In addition, the environment of Talakag
specifically its elevation is 409 miles (1,342 ft) above sea level making it a suitable place to plant crops and other vegetables that
grow abundant on highlands. The school is situated in Barangay San Isidro and is located on a descending contour of land. Thus, the
water and other seepage tend to build up near the senior high school buildings atthe back ofthe school. In addition, the major
reconstructions of roads and highways had contributed to the increase of descent of the school as it is below the standard road level.
ENROLMENT SY 2021-2022 ENROLMENT SY 2022-2023 ENROLMENT SY 2023-2024

Year Year Year

Level Male Female Total Level Male Female Total Level Male Female Total

Grade 7 265 295 560 Grade 7 211 192 403 Grade 7 173 189 362

Grade 8 265 292 557 Grade 8 216 259 475 Grade 8 218 202 420

Grade 9 199 287 486 Grade 9 234 281 515 Grade 9 215 254 469

Grade 10 206 259 465 Grade 10 200 243 443 Grade 10 217 279 496

Grade 11 246 295 541 Grade 11 267 276 543 Grade 11 338 326 664

Grade 12 150 201 351 Grade 12 219 236 455 Grade 12 256 281 537

TOTAL 1331 1629 2960 TOTAL 1347 1487 2834 TOTAL 1417 1531 2948
Teacher’s Profile

Number of Teachers by Highest Education Teaching Personnel as of SY 2023-2024

Position Title Male Female Total

Highest Number of Teachers
Teacher I 13 36 49
Educational Total
Attainment Teacher II 5 15 20
Male Female
Teacher III 2 6 8
Bachelor’s Teacher IV 0 0 0
13 32 45
Master Teacher I 0 4 4
Masters Degree
5 23 28
Master Teacher II 0 1 1

Masters Degree 3 5 8 TOTAL 20 62 82

0 0
Degree [Units]

2 2
Teacher’s Per Grade Level

Grade Level Male Female

Grade 7 1 9

Grade 8 2 10

Grade 9 1 11

Grade 10 9 3

Grade 11 10 10

Grade 12 4 12

Total 27 55
Phil-IRI Pre Test : Filipino






Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10

Total Enrollment Non Readers Frustration

Instructional Independent
Phil-IRI Pretest : Filipino Grade 7 Phil-IRI Pretest : Filipino Grade 9
10% 13%
Non Reader Non Reader
Frustration Frustration
Instructional Instructional
Independent Independent
35% 54%

Phil-IRI Pretest : Filipino Grade 8 Phil-IRI Pretest : Filipino Grade

8% Non Reader
10 Non Reader
Frustration 22% Frustration
Instructional Instructional
24% Independent 27% Independent
Enrolment Independent Instructional Frustration

44.00% G-7 362 197 128 37


G-8 420 284 102 34

16% 15% 16.00%
11% 11% 12%
6% 7% 6% 8%
Independent Instructional 2% 2%Frustration G-9 469 191 215 63
Grade 7 11% 7% 2%
Grade 8 16% 6% 2%
Grade 9 11% 12% 4% G-10 496 108 254 134
Grade 10 6% 15% 8%
TOTAL 44.00% 40.00% 16.00%
Total 1747 780 699 268
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 TOTAL

The Filipino Phil-IRI Pre-test results for SY 2023–2024 from Grades 7 through Grade 10 are displayed in the above table. Based on the total
enrollment of the school, for Grade 7, 11% (197) are in Independent, 7% (128) are in Instruction, and 2% (37) are in Frustration.
In Grade 8, 26% (284 learners) are Independent, 102% (102) are Instructional, and 2% (34) learners are Frustration.
Additionally, it is reported that 11% (191) of Grade 9 students are autonomous readers, 12% (215) are instructional readers, and 4% (63) are
readers who read for frustration.
Furthermore, 6%(108) of Grade 10 students are Independent Readers, 15%(254) are Instructional Readers, and 8%(134) are Frustration
Overall, 780 learners, or 44% of the school’s total enrollment, are considered to be Independent Readers. 699 learners or 40% are
Instructional Readers and 268 learners or 16% are Frustration Readers.
 For Grade 7, 37 out of 362 learners who belong to the frustration level lack home support due to parent’s
low educational attainment.

 For Grade 8, 34 out of 402 learners who belong to frustration level lack of parent’s support (Parents Not
Living Together).

 For Grade 9, 63 out of 469 learners who belong to frustration level lack of parent’s support due to family’s
socio-economic status.

 And for Grade 10, 134 out of 496 learners who belong to frustration level lack the interest to learn and go to
Phil-IRI 1st Quarter Reading Progress : Filipino






Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10

Total Enrollment Non Readers Frustration Instructional Independent

Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading
Progress : Filipino Grade 7 Progress : Filipino Grade 9
Non Reader Non Reader
10% Frustration Frustration
Instructional Instructional
Independent Independent
35% 54% 53%

Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading

Progress : Filipino GradeNon
8 Reader Progress : Filipino Grade 10
Non Reader
17% Frustration Frustration
Instructional Instructional
Independent 27% Independent
53% 31%
FILIPINO PHIL-IRI : 1st Quarter Reading Level
Enrolment Independent Instructional Frustration

G-7 362 72 125 165

24.00% G-8 420 221 129 70
13% 14% 14%
7% 7% 8% 9% 9% 5% 5%
4% Independent Instructional 4%Frustration
G-9 469 248 135 86
Grade 7 4% 7% 9%
Grade 8 13% 7% 4%
Grade 9 14% 8% 5%
G-10 496 245 155 96
Grade 10 14% 9% 5%
TOTAL 45.00% 31.00% 24.00%

Total 1747 786 544 417

Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 TOTAL

The Filipino Phil-IRI 1st Quarter Reading Progress results for SY 2023–2024 from Grades 7 through Grade 10 are displayed in the above
table. Based on the total enrollment of the school, for Grade 7, 4% (72) are in Independent, 7% (125) are in Instruction, and 9% (165) are in

In Grade 8, 13% (221 learners) are Independent, 7% (129) are Instructional, and 4% (70 of learners) are Frustration.

Additionally, it is reported that 14% (248) of Grade 9 students are autonomous readers, 8% (135) are instructional readers, and 5% (86) are
readers who read for frustration.

Furthermore, 14%(245) of Grade 10 students are Independent Readers, 9%(155) are Instructional Readers, and 5%(96) are Frustration

Overall, 786 learners, or 45% of the school’s total enrollment, are considered to be Independent Readers. 544 learners or 31% are
Instructional Readers and 417 learners or 24% are Frustration Readers.
Phil-IRI Pre Test : English
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10
Total Enrollment 362 420 469 496
Non Readers 20 8 17 0
Frustration 229 328 300 348
Instructional 80 58 106 109
Independent 33 26 46 39

Total Enrollment Non Readers Frustration

Instructional Independent
Phil-IRI Pretest : English Grade 7 Phil-IRI Pretest : English Grade 9
9% 6% 10% 4%
Non Reader Non Reader
Frustration Frustration
Instructional Instructional
22% 23%
Independent Independent

63% 64%

Phil-IRI Pretest : English Grade 8 Phil-IRI Pretest : English Grade

6% 2% Non Reader
10 Non Reader
Frustration 8% Frustration
Instructional Instructional
Independent 22% Independent
78% 70%
Grade Non


Enrolment Independent Instructional Frustration
Level Reader

G-7 362 33 80 229 20

G-8 420 26 58 328 8

Independent Instructional Frustration Non Reader
Grade 7 0.02 0.05 0.13 0.01 G-9 469 46 106 300 17
Grade 8 0.01 0.03 0.19 0.01
Grade 9 0.03 0.06 0.17 0.01
G-10 496 39 109 348 0
Grade 10 0.02 0.06 0.2 0
TOTAL 0.08 0.2 0.69 0.03
Total 1747 144 353 1205 45
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 TOTAL

The English Phil-IRI Pre-test results for SY 2023–2024 from Grades 7 through Grade 10 are displayed in the above table. Based on the total
enrollment of the school, for Grade 7, 2% (33) are in Independent, 5% (80) are in Instruction, 13% (229) are in Frustration, & 1%(20) are Non
In Grade 8, 1% (26) learners are Independent, 3% (58) are Instructional, 19% (328) learners are Frustration, and 1% (8) learners are non-

Additionally, it is reported that 3% (46) of Grade 9 students are autonomous readers, 6% (106) are instructional readers, 17% (300) are readers
who read for frustration, and 1%(17) learners are non readers.

Furthermore, 2%(39) of Grade 10 students are Independent Readers, 6%(109) are Instructional Readers, and 20%(348) are Frustration
Overall, 144 learners, or 8% of the school’s total enrollment, are considered to be Independent Readers. 353 learners or 20% are Instructional
Readers and 1205 learners or 69% are Frustration Readers, and 45 or 2% are non readers.
 For Grade 7, 249 out of 362 learners who belong to the non-reader & frustration level lack home support
due to parent’s low educational attainment.

 For Grade 8, 336 out of 402 learners who belong to the non-reader & frustration level lack of parent’s
support (Parents Not Living Together).

 For Grade 9, 317 out of 469 learners who belong to the non-reader & frustration level lack of parent’s
support due to family’s socio-economic status.

 And for Grade 10, 348 out of 36 learners who belong to the non-reader & frustration level lack the interest
to learn and go to school.
Phil-IRI 1st Quarter Reading Progress : English
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10
Total Enrollment 362 420 469 496
Non Readers 1 2 3 0
Frustration 122 223 235 230
Instructional 85 129 128 172
Independent 154 66 103 94

Total Enrollment Non Readers Frustration Instructional Independent

Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading
Progress : English Grade 7 Progress : English Grade 9
Non Reader Non Reader
Frustration 1% Frustration
Instructional Instructional
43% 34%
Independent 22% Independent
23% 27%

Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading Phil-IRI First Quarter Reading

Progress : English GradeNon8 Reader Progress : English Grade Non
10 Reader
16% Frustration 19% Frustration
Instructional Instructional
Independent Independent
31% 53% 35%
Grade Non
ENGLISH PHIL-IRI : 1st Quarter Read- Level
Enrolment Independent Instructional Frustration
ing Progress
G-7 362 154 85 122 1

G-8 420 66 129 223 2

Independent Instructional Frustration Non Reader

Grade 7 0.09 0.04 0.07 0 G-9 469 103 128 235 3
Grade 8 0.04 0.07 0.13 0
Grade 9 0.06 0.07 0.13 0
G-10 496 94 172 230 0
Grade 10 0.05 0.1 0.13 0
TOTAL 0.45 0.31 0.24 0

Total 1747 417 514 810 6

Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 TOTAL

The English Phil-IRI 1st Quarter Reading Progress results for SY 2023–2024 from Grades 7 through Grade 10 are displayed in the above
table. Based on the total enrollment of the school, for Grade 7, 9% (154) are in Independent, 4% (85) are in Instruction, and 7% (122) are in
Frustration and less than 1% or 1 non reader.

In Grade 8, 4% (66) learners are Independent, 7% (129) are Instructional, and 13% (223) learners are Frustration and less than 1% or 2 non

Additionally, it is reported that 6 % (103) of Grade 9 students are autonomous readers, 7% (128) are instructional readers, and 13% (235) are
readers who read for frustration and less than 1% or 3 non readers.

Furthermore, 5%(94) of Grade 10 students are Independent Readers, 10%(172) are Instructional Readers, and 13%(230) are Frustration
Readers and no Non Reader.

Overall, 417 learners, or 45% of the school’s total enrollment, are considered to be Independent Readers. 514 learners or 31% are
Instructional Readers, 810 learners or 24% are Frustration Readers and 6 learners are non readers.
The data shows the performance of the students in different
CMSS:1 Quarter st learning areas in Junior High School. The disciplines that
require urgent improvement include Mathematics, Science,
and English, where 67 students failed in English, 88 students
failed in Science, and 113 students in Mathematics out of
CMSS - JHS 1747 learners enrolled in the institution. A few students'
extreme passivity when it comes to turning in assignments,
650 completing worksheets, and completing performance tasks is
one of the issues affecting their performance. A few of the
learners were also from remote places, did not have parental
250 financial support, and were nonetheless enrolled in the
50 Modular Class. The best method to catch up on missed work
Filipino English Mathe- Science Araling TLE MAPEH ESP is to notify parents and learners about their performance in
matics Pan- various courses, call their attention, and assign remedial work
lipunan or classes.

Beginning 50 67 113 88 47 45 52 17 Additionally, there are learners in the emerging group

(19.35%) whose performance still needs improvement. If
Developing 321 438 371 542 299 365 183 185 remediation and private conferences with the students and
Approaching 543 474 430 508 650 401 514 473 parents are used to ensure that the students consistently
Proficiency complete the necessary tasks outlined in their learning plan,
the performance can still be improved.
Proficient 517 444 553 348 427 485 521 576
It is interesting to note that 25% of the total number of
Advanced 316 Beginning
324 Developing
280 261 Approaching
269 Proficiency
451 477 496 learners has been posted on advanced learning specifically
Proficient Advanced on ESP, MAPEH and TLE.
CMSS:1st Quarter

CMSS – SHS (Grade 11)

325 288309
195 205 196
225 141141 142159 151146 152 147 177172 190166
187180 171
102 111126 113 113 94 117116 122
92 67
125 51 58 62
86 81

Gen. Math Earth&LifeSci PE Oral Comm. Emp. Tech. Komu- 21st Century Specialized
ence nikasyon Subjects
Beginning 51 111 205 62 94 52 187 81
Developing 141 126 58 152 177 190 180 171
Approaching Profi- 141 142 113 196 172 166 122 288
Proficient 195 159 151 147 117 148 92 309
Beginning Developing Approaching Proficiency Proficient Advanced
Advanced 102 113 146 90 116 86 67 241

The data shows the performance of the students in different learning areas in Senior High School-Grade 11. The disciplines that require urgent improvement include PE, 21st
Century, & Earth & Life Science, where 205 students failed in PE, 187 students failed in 21st Century, and 111 students in Earth & Life Science out of 676 learners enrolled SHS-
Grade 11. A few students' extreme passivity when it comes to turning in assignments, completing worksheets, and completing performance tasks is one of the issues affecting
their performance. A few of the learners were also from remote places, did not have parental financial support, and were nonetheless enrolled in the Modular Class. The best
method to catch up on missed work is to notify parents and learners about their performance in various courses, call their attention, and assign remedial work or classes.

Additionally, there are learners in the emerging group (21.64%) whose performance still needs improvement. If remediation and private conferences with the students and parents
are used to ensure that the students consistently complete the necessary tasks outlined in their learning plan, the performance can still be improved.

It is interesting to note that 35% of the total number of learners has been posted on advanced learning specifically on SPECIALIZED SUBJECTS.
CMSS:1st Quarter

CMSS – SHS (Grade 12)

347 332
325 279
247 219
225 173 144 131 131 136 138 153
116 130 113 124 98 126 90
125 31
41 32 23 27
0 6 9 14
Per. Dev't UCSP PE PR 2 EAPP Specialized Sub-
Beginning 0 6 76 32 14 27
Developing 31 113 9 136 247 219
Approaching Proficiency 116 144 41 98 153 347
Proficient 130 131 124 126 90 297
Advanced 173
Beginning 131
Developing Approaching 279
Proficiency 138
Proficient Advanced 23 332

The data shows the performance of the students in different learning areas in Senior High School-Grade 12. The disciplines that require urgent improvement include PE and PR2,
where 76 students failed in PE and 32 students failed in Practical Research 2 out of 535 learners enrolled in SHS-Grade 12. A few students' extreme passivity when it comes to
turning in assignments, completing worksheets, and completing performance tasks is one of the issues affecting their performance. A few of the learners were also from remote
places, did not have parental financial support, and were nonetheless enrolled in the Modular Class. The best method to catch up on missed work is to notify parents and learners
about their performance in various courses, call their attention, and assign remedial work or classes.

Additionally, there are learners in the emerging group (21.64%) whose performance still needs improvement. If remediation and private conferences with the students and parents
are used to ensure that the students consistently complete the necessary tasks outlined in their learning plan, the performance can still be improved.

It is interesting to note that 35% of the total number of learners has been posted on advanced learning specifically on SPECIALIZED SUBJECTS.
Some factors that affects low performance of learners in
 Family Background
 Health Issues
 Lack of Individualized Instruction
 Environment is not conducive for learning
 Peer Influence
 Ineffective Teaching Strategies.
 Emotional and Behavioral Changes
 Lack of Motivation.
 Transitions and Changes
 Continual Implementation of the RAISE LITERACY Program.

 Continued Implementation of BRAINS & BUKMATHiX Program.

 Some subjects in JHS meets four times a week, so the 5th day, TNHS
implemented Reading & Numeracy respectively to address literacy
and numeracy concerns of the learners.

 Provide Take home Activities/worksheets for learners in need.

 Constant Communication between parents and the teacher for follow-


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