Diagnosis of Viral Infection (2021-2022)
Diagnosis of Viral Infection (2021-2022)
Diagnosis of Viral Infection (2021-2022)
Diagnosis of Viral
2. Virus detection:
a) Direct examinations.
b) Indirect examinations.
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Virus detection
1. Direct examination:
Antigen detection serology (immunofluorescence, ELISA etc.)
Electron microscopy morphology of virus particles
Virus detection
2. Indirect examination:
Cell Culture cytopathic effect (CPE)
Direct methods
• Most used lab method
• Detection of antigen
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Direct methods 96 well plate
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).
Complement fixation test
Looking for antigens
No hemolysis
No hemolysis Hemolysis
+ _ _ _
+ + + _
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Electron Microscopy
• 106 virus particles per ml required for
• 50,000 - 60,000 magnification normally used.
• Viruses may be detected in the following
• Faeces: Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Norwalk like viruses,
Astrovirus, Calicivirus
• Vesicle Fluid: HSV, VZV
• Skin scrapings: papillomavirus, molluscum
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Direct methods
Electron Microscopy
Problems with Electron Microscopy
• Expensive equipment
• Expensive maintenance Cylindrical (Mumps virus )
Icosahedral (poliovirus)
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Direct methods
Molecular Methods
• Methods based on the detection of viral genome.
• By Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
• However in practice, although the use of these methods is indeed increasing,
the role played by molecular methods in a routine diagnostic virus laboratory is
still small compared to conventional methods.
Virus detection
2. Indirect examination:
Cell Culture cytopathic effect (CPE)
Indirect methods
Cell Culture
Are used for virus isolation. However, they are very expensive and it
is often difficult to obtain a reliable supply.
Problems with cell culture
• Long period (up to 4 weeks) required for result.
• Often very poor sensitivity, sensitivity depends on a
large extent on the condition of the specimen.
• Susceptible to bacterial contamination.
• Susceptible to toxic substances which may be present in
the specimen.
• To detect the presence of certain viruses, the
hemadsorption test is commonly used.
• Influenza and parainfluenza viruses express a
viral hemagglutinin on the surface of infected
• By the hemadsorption test, the culture medium
is removed and replaced with a 0.5% dilute
solution of guinea-pig red blood cells. Culture
Hemadsorption inhibition
Indirect methods
Detection of antibodies against the virus.
Criteria for diagnosing primary infection
• 4 fold or more increase in titer of IgG or total antibody between
acute and convalescent sera
• Presence of IgM
• Seroconversion
Criteria for diagnosing reinfection
• fold or more increase in titer of IgG or total antibody between acute and
convalescent sera
• Absence or slight increase in IgM
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Note that during reinfection, IgM may be absent or present at a low level transiently
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Indirect methods
Direct ELISA
Indirect ELISA
Haemagglutination inhibition test
Haemagglutination inhibition test
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Indirect methods
Problems with Serology:
• Long period of time required for diagnosis for paired acute and
convalescent sera.
• Mild local infections such may not produce a detectable Abs.
• Immunocompromised patients often give a reduced or absent Abs.
• Patients with infectious mononucleosis and those with connective
tissue diseases such as SLE may react non-specifically giving a false
positive result.
• Patients given blood or blood products may give a false positive result
due to the transfer of antibody