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Diagnosis of Viral Infection (2021-2022)

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General Microbiology

Diagnosis of Viral

Dr. Mohammad Odaibat

Department of Microbiology and Pathology
Faculty of Medicine, Mutah University
Diagnosis of viral infections
1. Clinical signs.

2. Virus detection:
a) Direct examinations.
b) Indirect examinations.
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Virus detection
1. Direct examination:
Antigen detection serology (immunofluorescence, ELISA etc.)
Electron microscopy morphology of virus particles

Viral genome detection - hybridization with specific nucleic acid probes

- polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Virus detection
2. Indirect examination:
Cell Culture cytopathic effect (CPE)

Serology Direct and indirect ELISA

Hemagglutination inhibition test
Animals disease or death
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Direct methods
• Most used lab method
• Detection of antigen

Classical Techniques Newer Techniques

1. Complement fixation tests (CFT) 1. Radioimmunoassay (RIA).
2. Immunofluorescence techniques (IF) 2. Sandwich Enzyme linked immunosorbent
3. Neutralization tests assay (ELISA).
3. Particle agglutination.
4. Western Blot (WB).
Indirect immunofluorescence Immunofluorescence techniques (IF)

Diagnostics of viral diseases
Direct methods 96 well plate

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).
Complement fixation test
Looking for antigens

No hemolysis

Ab , complement, and sRBCs are externally added

Patient serum Positive results


Patient serum Negative results

Complement fixation test

No hemolysis Hemolysis

+ _ _ _

+ + + _
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Direct methods Electronmicrographs

Electron Microscopy
• 106 virus particles per ml required for
• 50,000 - 60,000 magnification normally used.
• Viruses may be detected in the following
• Faeces: Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Norwalk like viruses,
Astrovirus, Calicivirus
• Vesicle Fluid: HSV, VZV
• Skin scrapings: papillomavirus, molluscum
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Direct methods
Electron Microscopy
Problems with Electron Microscopy
• Expensive equipment
• Expensive maintenance Cylindrical (Mumps virus )

• Require experienced observer

Icosahedral (poliovirus)
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Direct methods
Molecular Methods
• Methods based on the detection of viral genome.
• By Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
• However in practice, although the use of these methods is indeed increasing,
the role played by molecular methods in a routine diagnostic virus laboratory is
still small compared to conventional methods.

Advantages of PCR: Disadvantages of PCR

• Extremely high sensitivity, may detect – Extremely liable to contamination.
down to one viral genome per sample – High degree of operator skill required.
volume. – Not easy to set up a quantitative assay.
• Easy to set up.
• Fast turnaround time
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Virus detection
2. Indirect examination:
Cell Culture cytopathic effect (CPE)

Serology Direct and indirect ELISA

Hemagglutination inhibition test
Animals disease or death
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Indirect methods
Cell Culture
Are used for virus isolation. However, they are very expensive and it
is often difficult to obtain a reliable supply.
Problems with cell culture
• Long period (up to 4 weeks) required for result.
• Often very poor sensitivity, sensitivity depends on a
large extent on the condition of the specimen.
• Susceptible to bacterial contamination.
• Susceptible to toxic substances which may be present in
the specimen.
• To detect the presence of certain viruses, the
hemadsorption test is commonly used.
• Influenza and parainfluenza viruses express a
viral hemagglutinin on the surface of infected
• By the hemadsorption test, the culture medium
is removed and replaced with a 0.5% dilute
solution of guinea-pig red blood cells. Culture

Hemadsorption inhibition

Patient serum with

suspected Influenza Cultured cells Red Blood Cells

= No hemadsorption = Positive infection

Adsorbed RBCs on the culture cell
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Indirect methods
Detection of antibodies against the virus.
Criteria for diagnosing primary infection
• 4 fold or more increase in titer of IgG or total antibody between
acute and convalescent sera
• Presence of IgM
• Seroconversion
Criteria for diagnosing reinfection
• fold or more increase in titer of IgG or total antibody between acute and
convalescent sera
• Absence or slight increase in IgM
Diagnostics of viral diseases


Note that during reinfection, IgM may be absent or present at a low level transiently
Diagnostics of viral diseases
Indirect methods
Direct ELISA

Indirect ELISA
Haemagglutination inhibition test
Haemagglutination inhibition test
Diagnostics of viral diseases

Indirect methods
Problems with Serology:
• Long period of time required for diagnosis for paired acute and
convalescent sera.
• Mild local infections such may not produce a detectable Abs.
• Immunocompromised patients often give a reduced or absent Abs.
• Patients with infectious mononucleosis and those with connective
tissue diseases such as SLE may react non-specifically giving a false
positive result.
• Patients given blood or blood products may give a false positive result
due to the transfer of antibody

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