African Trypanosomiasis

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African Trypanosomiasis

(Sleeping Sickness)

Prepared by Dr: M. A. Hergeye

June 2009

 Infection with protozoa of the genus

Trypanosoma, which causes a chronic
disease with generalized lymph
adenopathy and often fatal
 Parasite - Trypanosoma brucei ssp
 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
 Trypanosoma brucei Gambians
 Vector - Tse Tse fly
 Glossina mortisans (Eastern Africa)
 Glossina palpalis (Western Africa)
The Parasite
 Polymorphic spindle-shaped
 Kinetoplast
 Flagella & undulating membrane

 50 million at risk
 <20% under surveillance
 20,000 new case/year
 Devastating epidemics
 200 endemic foci
African Trypanosomiasis
The Life Cycle

Human Tse fly

Trypomastigote Trypomastigote
Stumpy Metacyclic
Intermediate Epimastigote
Slender Trypomastigote
The Vectors
 Glossina
 22 species
 Shady habitat (20-30oC)
 Diurnal feeders
 Parasite development 10-14 days
African Sleeping Sickness
T.b.gambiense T.b.rhodesiense

 Virulence Less More

 Reservoir Human/animal Human/animal
 Zoonotic Less More
 Vector G.palpalis G.mortisans
 Distribution Western Africa Eastern Africa
Clinical features.

 The disease produced by T. b. gambiense

usually develops chronically whereas in T. b.
rhodesiense infection the disease tend to be
more acute, without a clear distinction
between stages
Clinical features.

 A papule may develop within a few days to 2

weeks at the site of the tsetse fly bite.
 Painful, red, indurated nodules may develop
( trypanosomal chancre)
 Resolves spontaneously.
 The next phase of illness develops with:
 Intermittent fever, headache, rigors.
 Enlarged lymph nodes in the posterior cervical
triangle is characteristic of Gambian sleeping
sickness (Winter bottom's sign).
Clinical features
CNS involvement causes:
 Persistent headache.
 Inability to concentrate.
 Personality change.
 Daytime somnolence.
 Hyperphagia.
 Tremor, ataxia, and coma.
 Death usually occurs within 9 months
(Rhodesian form) and 2nd or 3rd year in the
(Gambian form).
Clinical Features
Primary chancre - resolves 2-3 weeks
Initial symptoms - fever & headaches
Day time sleeping
Tremors & Convulsions
Coma & Death

Enlarged cervical lymph nodes

Winterbottoms sign
Clinical Features

On physical examination there may be

erythematous circinate papules on the trunk,
disproportionate pain to soft tissue pressure
(Kerandel's sign) and discrete enlargement of
lymph nodes, liver and spleen. Pancarditis is
common in the more acute forms, when it
constitutes a major cause of death. Some
degree of anemia, thrombocytopenia,
leukocytosis, hypogonadism, renal disease
and thymus atrophy may be seen.
Clinical Features

The CNS manifestation that gave the disease its

name is the disappearance of the circadian
distribution of sleep and wakefulness, which are
therefore fragmented throughout the day and night.
Other CNS manifestations include altered reflexes,
paresthesiae, pareses, dyskinesia, choreoathetosis,
epilepsy, slurred speech, mood changes, lethargy,
delirium and psychosis. Without treatment, nearly all
patients will develop neural involvement and die
 Direct microscopy
 Blood.
 Lymph node aspirate.
 Lumbar puncture.
 Serology
 Animal inoculation
 Early stage - most recover
 Suramin 1 gr I.V for day 1,3,7,14 and 21
 Melasporol (drug of choice for CNS disease) 2-3
MG/KG I.V for 3 days. Repeated at 1 and 2 wk
 Pentamidine
 Late stage - upto 5% relapse
 Only Melasporol
 10% encephalitis - 5% fatal
Control and prevention
 Destruction of animal reservoir
 Vector Control
 Diagnosis & treatment
 Avoiding endemic areas
 Protects against tsetse flies.
Trypanosome Elimination
 Antibody mediated
 Destruction by Kupffer cells
 Splenic macrophages minor role ( malaria)
 Uptake - C3b - C3bi - direct
 C mediated lysis not important
 Trypanosome destroyed within minutes

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