Public Goods an-WPS Office

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Public Goods and

common resources
Chapter 11
Objective for this lesson
• To discuss about the value of
goods and let people know
their responsibility to it.
Goods without prices provide challenge
for economic analysis because they
cannot figure out or maybe it's hard for
them to get the whole status quo of the
resources and it's seems that problem
may arise for the allocation of resources
when there are goods without market
When thinking about the various goods
in the economy, it is useful to them
according to two characteristics.
A.The excludable goods- it is when people be
presented From using the goods.

B. Rival in consumption- it is the good of one person

that reduces another person ability to use it.
The Different Kinds of Goods

From the two characteristics ( the excludable and

rival consumption)
Divides goods into four categories these can help
analyze economically.
Private Goods
Are both excludable and rival in consumption.
Example: an ice cream cone. It become excludable
when someone decides not to buy or eat the Ice
cream cone. It's also become rival in Consumption
when someone buy or eat an ice cream cone while
others cannot eat the same cone.
Public Goods
This is neither excludable nor rival in consumption
because people cannot be prevented in using public
goods and it's not also reducing the abilities of
someone else in using it.
Example: A serin when it sounds, no one can prevent
it to be heard by all ear's, so as the Public goods no
one can prevent it to be used by all men.
Common Resources
Are in rival consumption but not excludable.
Example: catching fish in the ocean, one fisherman
can catch fewer that of the fisherman but no
fisherman will avoid catching fish this show that
there are common wherein people cannot avoid it
even to the point of competing each other.
The Club Goods
Are excludable but not rival in consumption
Example: the fire department, it is easy to exclude
this fire protection and not one would bring into a
competency level or in a rival in consumption. It is a
kind of good wherein people can exclude but it's a
good goods for house protection from burning.
Maybe one can pay for a small cost but great
protection for properties.
By examining these four categories, it show that
there are goods that are not excludable; the public
goods and common resources wherein people
cannot avoid to use it and these two are related to
each other base on the study of externalities. These
two goods were having something of value and has
no price attached on it.

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