Physical Properties of Soil PDF

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Physical Properties of Soil

Soil Composition
 1- Soil Composition
 - Solids
 - Water
 - Air

2- Soil Phases
 - Dry
 - Saturated
 * Fully Saturated
 * Partially Saturated
 - Submerged
Analytical Representation of Soil

Proportions by volume Proportions by weight

Va Air Zero weight

Vv Wv
Vw Water Ww

Vs Solids Ws
Symbols used for Analytical
Representation of Soil
total volume of soil element =V
total weight of soil element =W
volume of solids = Vs
Weight of solids = Ws
volume of voids = Vv
Weight of voids = Wv
volume of pore water = Vw
Weight of pore water = Ww
volume of pore air = Va
Weight of pore air is assumed zero
It follows that
V = V s + Vv = V s + Vw + Va
Weight - Volume Relationships
 Particle specific Gravity-

 where w = unit weight of water = 9.8 kN/m3.

 The value of Gs depends upon mineralogical composition of the
constituent soil particles.

Mass Specific gravity is the specific gravity of soil mass
Weight - Volume Relationships

The proportion of void space in the soil element is expressed in

terms of either void ratio, denoted by ‘e’ or alternatively the
porosity, denoted by ‘n’. these are defined with reference to Fig. (1).
Range of e and n values for Granular Soils

• The values of e and n commonly found in granular soils are limited by the
state of packing of the grains in the soil skeleton.

•The loosest state packing (corresponding to maximum void ratio) gives

maximum e = 0.91 maximum n = 47.6%

•The densest state packing (corresponding to minimum void ratio) gives

minimum e = 0.35 and minimum n = 26%

•In practice, it is found that the limiting values for granular soils lie close to
typical ranges

Well graded sands e = 0.43-0.67, n = 30-40%

Uniform sized sands e = 0.51-0.85, n = 34-46%

•Well graded soils can achieve a denser packing and hence lower void ratio
than uniform soils, as a result of the finer particles occupying the voids
between coarser particles.
Relative density Dr or Density index, ID
Water content, Degree of Saturation and Air Voids content
Expression between W, Sr, e and Gs

Similarly, relation between Ar, Sr and n

Bulk Density (Unit Weight)
Bulk Density (Unit Weight)
Submerged unit weight or Buoyant unit weight
Some More Relationships
Some More Relationships

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