HRM Presentation

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JOB 5TH Semester

Welcome to the presentation
Human Resource
Roushon Fahim
Shitara Teena Muntasir

ID- 12005011 ID- 12005048

Taslim Hasin Mahtab Naymul

Mahmud Mahin Islam

ID- 12005004 ID- 12005019 ID- 1200501

Human of Infographics
1 Meaning of Job Analysis

2 Different Aspects of Job Analysis

HRM 3 Teachniques for Designing Job

4 Process of Job Analysis

5 Problems Associated with Job Analysis

Human of Infographics
6 Importance of Job Analysis

7 Objectives of Job Analysis

8 Teachniques and Methods of Job Analysis

9 Job Analysis Scenario in Bangladesh

Taslim Mahmud
 Meaning of job analysis
 Different aspects of job analysis
Job Analysis

Job Analysis is an essential part of human resource management. It

determines the skills, ability, duties, authority, and accountabilities a job
should have.

Definition: Job Analysis is a systematic exploration, study, and recording

of a job’s responsibilities, duties, skills, accountabilities, work
environment, and ability requirements.
It also involves determining the relative importance of a job’s duties,
responsibilities, and physical and emotional skills.
Job Analysis

According to Edwin B. Flippo

“Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating

to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The immediate
products of this analysis are job descriptions and job specifications”.
2 Major Aspects of Job Analysis

1. Job Description: The job description is prepared based on data collected through job
analysis. A job description is a functional description of the contents of what the job entails. It is
a narration of the contents of a job. It is a description of the activities and duties to be performed
in a job, the relationship of the job with other jobs, the equipment and tools involved, the nature
of supervision, working conditions and hazards of the job, and so on.
All major categories of jobs need to be spelled out clearly and comprehensively to determine the
qualifications and skills required to perform a job. Thus, a job description differentiates one job
from the other. In sum, a job description is a written statement of what a job holder does, how it
is done, and why it is done.
2 Major Aspects of Job Analysis

2. Job Specification: Job specification focuses on the person i.e, the job holder. Job
specification is a statement of the minimum levels of qualifications, skills, physical and other
abilities, experience, judgment, and attributes required for performing the job effectively. In
other words, it is a statement of the minimum acceptable qualifications that an incumbent must
possess to perform a given job. It sets forth the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to do the
job effectively.
Roushon Shitara
ID- 12005011
 Job Terminology
Job Terminology

These terms, which may also be referred to as conditions of employment,

generally include job responsibilities, work hours, dress code, time off the
job, and starting salary. They may also include benefits such as health
insurance, life insurance, and retirement plans.
Job Terminology

Basically, job terminology includes 4things.

 Task- An identifiable work activity carried out for a specific purpose. For example,
typing a letter.

 Duty- several tasks which are related by some sequence of events. For example, pick
up, sort out and deliver incoming mail.

 Position- A collection of tasks and duties which are performed by one person. For
example, the P.A. to Chairman receives visitors, takes dictation, operates computer,
answers queries, attends to complaints and helps students.

 Job- A group of positions similar in their significant duties. For example the job of
salesmen, technical assistants, computer programmers, etc.
Job Terminology

Under the point job

Job analysis worked here with two things.

 Job Description: A written summary of tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job

 Job Specification: the minimum skills, education and experience necessary for an
individual to do a job.
Hasin Mahtab
ID- 12005019
 Techniques of Designing jobs
 The process of job analysis
 Problem associated with job analysis
Job Design

 Who decides how many people should be working

in a certain role in a company?

 How do businesses decide, the types of roles that

should be created within the organization?

These types of questions are often addressed by

human resource (HR) managers.
Job design is the process of establishing the duties and
responsibilities that will be included in employees' roles.
Human Resource (HR) managers aim is to design work
duties specific to the individual so that it allows the
employee to maximize their performance and stay engaged
and motivated.
Human Resource
Techniques Infographics
of Designing Jobs

Job Job
Simplification Enlargement

Job Job
Rotation Enrichment
Job Simplification

This means splitting one big task into smaller parts. This is to keep
employees motivated as tasks will not be seen as too challenging.

The job is broken into several units which are consist of few operations.


• Unskilled Labor Can also do the job

• Job Speed Increases
Job Rotation

This is the process in which employees are shifted from one duty to
This technique aims to make employees multiskilled and be able to
perform various roles and duties in the company.

Job Rotation are not advisable in view of their negative impact on the
organization and employees.
Job Enrichment

This technique allows employees to have more authority and accountability

in the organization. The job Enrichment technique is aimed at employees to
feel more important and fulfilled.

Here enrichment means, creating challenge and achievements into workers

own jobs by changing their job content.
Job Enlargement

This is when more duties and tasks are added to the job role horizontally,
meaning that even though the variety of duties and tasks will increase the
employees will stay at the same hierarchical level.

This technique is put in place to increase employees’ engagement in their

current roles, become more multiskilled and avoid boredom.
Human Resource
The Process Infographics
of Job Analysis

Collection of Job Preperation of Job

Analysis Data Description Conducting
Job Evaluation

Step 2 Step 4 Step 6

Step 1 Step 3 Step 5

Selection of
Organizational Representative Preperation of Job
Analysis positions to be Specification
Problems Resource
Associated withInfographics
Job Analysis

1 2 3 4
Neither Updated Job Description Contamination and Time and Costs of
Nor Reviewed that’s too Vague Deficiency Job Analysis

● Changes in ● Unclear ● Not mentioning ● Costly Process

technology, Requirements. important ● HR Staff,
materials and ● Example- behavior or skills Licensing Fees,
process changes Experience/ Time required for the Copyrighted
the job over Skill job processes.
requirements requirements ● Unimportant info
Fahim Muntasir
ID- 12005048
 Importance of job analysis
 Objectives of job analysis
Importance of Job Analysis

Job analysis has been described as a fundamental instrument in the

manpower management programme. However, its importance may be well
understood by narrating the areas of its concentration as under
Importance of Job Analysis

Ensuring similarity in job title: If the same job is described or titled in

different ways, in different organizations, the management finds great
difficulty in the selection of personnel and pricing the jobs. Job analysis
helps minimizing this problem by introducing similarity in job title in
different organizations.
Importance of Job Analysis

Clarifying methods and procedures of work: The jobs are studied

scientifically in order to study the duties and the tasks of the workers doing
a particular job. Job analysis helps the management to get a clear picture of
workers' requirements in regard to the types of supply of tools, machines
and equipment. It indicates how much training responsibilities and
supervision the worker should receive in order to perform the job
efficiently. It helps the industrial engineer to improve methods or
procedures of work as well as to determine the standards of production.
Importance of Job Analysis

Improving physical conditions of work environment: Job analysis helps the

management to provide the worker with optimum conditions for work by
providing adequate work place with good illumination and ventilation. It
also helps the management to decide the ways by which it can avoid
unnecessary noise, humidity(স্যাঁতসেঁতে), dangerous, unhealthy and
hazardous conditions of work.
Importance of Job Analysis

Recruitment, Selection and Placement: In order to hire a good person for

the job, it is very important to know the requirements of the job and the
qualities of the person who will be doing the job. Information on these two
elements comes from the job description or job description helps
management to tailor the job requirements as closely as possible to the
attitudes, skills, interests of employees, etc.
Importance of Job Analysis

Job Evaluation : Job analysis provides the basis for job evaluation. The
purpose of a job appraisal is to determine the relative value of the job
which in turn helps determine job compensation.

Performance Appraisal : Job analysis data provides a clear standard of

performance for each job. Employee performance can be objectively
evaluated against the job performance standard

Job Designing: Industrial engineers may use the job analysis information in
designing the job by making the comprehensive study of the job elements.
Importance of Job Analysis

Determining conditions of employment: Job analysis helps the industrial

engineer to determine the length and hours of work as well as helps him in
determining the responsibilities for a particular job. It helps the personnel
department in pricing the job as well as in determining whether the job can
be made permanent or seasonal. Last but not the least, it helps the
management to have a scientific with procedure to provide every employee
with opportunities for promotions and advancement.
Importance of Job Analysis

Reducing grievances: At present an appreciable amount of labour unrest is

due to the absence of adequate information about jobs. Because of this
situation management and union, in most of the cases, do not agree upon
wage fixation, transfer and promotion. Gross inequalities in rates of wages,
poor promotion plan, inability of heads of the department to understand
fully the intricacies(ইন্ট্রিকিসিস, ঘুরপ্যাচ) of job and lack of scientific analysis of
human qualities, create discontentment (অসন্তোষের) among employees and
sometimes lead to serious grievances. Job analysıs supplies the systematic
information through job evaluation, job specification, job description, job
schedule, etc and thus helps avoid discontentment.
Purpose or Objectives of Job Analysis

Job analysis is done in order to achieve the following objectives

• To improve internal relationship of the organization

• To assess relevant facts of improving employees selection and placement
• To improve physical working conditions and correct health and safety
• To supply standard practice and contents for training for a job.
• To supply scientific data in determining production standards.
• To educate the personnel at all levels.
• To improve transfer and promotion.
• To improve method and reporting and recording of personnel.\
• To provide information through job evaluation for classification and
grading of job position.
Naymul Islam
ID- 12005057
 Methods of Job Analysis
Methods of Job Analysis

Most Common Methods of Job Analysis

1. Observation method
2. Interview method
3. Questionnaire method
Methods of Job Analysis

Observation Method → Under this method , data is collected through observing an

employee while at work . The job analyst carefully records what the worker does
how he / she does , and how much time is needed for completion of a given task .
This is the most reliable method of seeking first hand information relating to a job .
its good for job that involves physical activity however it may not be suitable for
mental activities .
Methods of Job Analysis

Interview Method- In this method , the job analyst directly interviews the job holder
through a structured interview to gain information about the job . This method is
found suitable particularly for jobs wherein direct observation is not possible . This
method is time consuming and costly . This method will depend on the ability of
both interviewer and respondent in asking questions and responding them

This term are related to individual Interview, another is Group interview.

Methods of Job Analysis

Questionnaire Method In this method , the employee is given structured

questionnaire to fill in , which are then returned to the supervisors . Questionnaire
provides comprehensive information When this suitable .
Firstly Large number of people are doing same kind of job .
Secondly job are standardized and a structured survey can be created to ask
questions related to the job .
The biggest benefit is that the data collected can be quantified and statistical analysis
can be used to collect the data .
If You Have Any Questions…

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