Lecture 1 Fish Population Dynamics Stock Assessment and Ecosystems
Lecture 1 Fish Population Dynamics Stock Assessment and Ecosystems
Lecture 1 Fish Population Dynamics Stock Assessment and Ecosystems
and Ecosystems
(AFS 81207) – Lecture 1
Populations and population demographics
• Any fish species population is characterized by the following properties:
o Defined population size
o Population growth rate
o immigration and emigration rates
o age and size structure of individual fish
o specific geographic distribution.
• How these properties change with time affect the dynamic behavior of a
• Population models attempt to describe and explain aspects of this
dynamic behavior
Fish population models
• In this lecture, the following fish population models are discussed:
o Exponential population growth model
o Logistic population growth model
The exponential fish population growth
• The rate at which the size of a population changes with time is described by the following
N = population size
t = time
b = birth rate
d = death rate
r = intrinsic rate of increase (b-d), or instantaneous rate of population growth or percapita rate of
population growth
dN/dt = rate of change of the population
• Assumptions of the exponential growth model
o Birth and death rates are constant
o The intrinsic rate of population increase is constant and independent of the population size
The exponential fish population growth - contd
Nt = expected population size at time t
N0 = Initial population size
e = constant
b = birth rate
d = death rate
• Equation 1.2 is called the exponential growth.
o It implies a continuously increasing population (density independent) which may not always be the case.
o In real life depending on balances between births and deaths the population can
Be reduced to extinction,
stay stable
grow rapidly.
The exponential fish population growth - contd
• The slope of Equation 1.3 is an estimate of the population growth rate, r, and the intercept an
estimate of Ln(N0)
• At equilibrium (dN/dt =0).
o i.e. either N=0 (population extinct, and no immigration) or b = d and both are positiveis
Growth rate (King 2007)
The logistic fish population growth model
• Derived from the exponential model, after some algebraic manipulation and re-parameterization,
o Allowing r value to change in response to population size,
o Introducing the equilibrium population size K
• The derived logistic model was:
o Where
dN/dt = rate at which the size of a population changes with time
r = intrinsic rate of increase
K = equilibrium population size (also called carrying capacity)
• The reasoning behind the model is that as the population size increases, birth rate decreases due to
the following density dependent factors:
o increased competition
o reduced growth which would affect fecundity
o reduce energy allocated to reproduction
o increase in the death rates (possibly due to starvation, cannibalism, or predation).
• The parameters r and K are always strongly correlated.
• The maximum rate of population change occurs when N = K/2.
The Logistic population growth model -
Equilibrium rate of change of population size versus population size i.e. production versus stock size curve
The Logistic population growth model -
• Integrating equation 1.4 and reparametrization of the constants leads to the
continuous solution to the logistic equation.
Equation 1.5
• Where
Nt = expected population size
N0 = starting population size
t = any time after some starting time
γ =(K – N0)/ N0
K = equilibrium population size,
r = rate of population change
• Equation 1.5 of Nt against t generates an S-shaped curve
The Logistic population growth model - contd
• The discrete logistic model (Equation 1.6) is more appropriate for populations
in seasonal environments with non overlapping cohorts.
• Extra mortality source, e.g. fishing can be included to equation 1.6 as: