Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Introduction to Bridge Engineering
a. Lever’s Rule
b. Special Analysis
c. Courbon’s Analysis
Reference Books
Application of Influence Lines
Class participation marks
Live Loads (NBR)
Class participation marks
Live Loads (NBR)
Note it!
What is Notional?
Number of Design Lanes
Unless specified otherwise, the design lanes’ width should be 12.0 ft.
The number of design lanes should be determined by taking the integer
part of the ratio w/12.0, where w is the clear roadway width in feet
between curbs, barriers, or both. Possible future changes in the physical
or functional clear roadway width of the bridge should be considered.
The entry greater than 1.0 in Table results from statistical calibration of
these Specifications on the basis of pairs of vehicles instead of a single vehicle.
Design Lane and Tire Contact Area
The design lane load shall consist of a load of 0.64 klf uniformly distributed in
the longitudinal direction. Transversely, the design lane load shall be assumed
to be uniformly distributed over a 10.0-ft width. The force effects from the
design lane load shall not be subject to a dynamic load allowance.
The tire contact area of a wheel consisting of one or two tires shall be
assumed to be a single rectangle, whose width is 20.0 in. and whose length is
10.0 in.
Design Lane
Tire Contact Area
The tire contact area of a wheel consisting of one or two tires
shall be assumed to be a single rectangle, whose width is 20.0 in.
and whose length is 10.0 in.
The area load applies only to the design truck and tandem. For
other design vehicles, the tire contact area should be
determined by the Engineer.
As a guideline for other truck loads, the tire area in in.2 may be
calculated from the following dimensions:
Tire width = P/0.8
Tire length = 6.4γ(1 + IM/100) where:
γ = load factor
IM = dynamic load allowance percent, P = design wheel load
Deck Overhang Load
For the design of deck overhangs with a cantilever, not exceeding 6.0
ft from the centerline of the exterior girder to the face of a
structurally continuous concrete railing, the outside row of wheel
loads may be replaced with a uniformly distributed line load of 1.0
klf intensity, located 1.0 ft from the face of the railing.
The fatigue load shall be one design truck or axles thereof
specified in Article, but with a constant spacing of
30.0 ft between the 32.0-kip axles.
The dynamic load allowance specified in Article 3.6.2 shall
be applied to the fatigue load
Fatigue Loads
Live Loads
Dynamic Load Allowance
Dynamic Load Allowance
Unless otherwise permitted in Articles and, the static effects of the design truck or tandem, other than
centrifugal and braking forces, shall be increased by the
percentage specified in Table for dynamic load allowance.
The factor to be applied to the static load shall be taken as: (1 +
The dynamic load allowance shall not be applied to pedestrian loads
or to the design lane load
Dynamic Load Allowance
Braking Loads
The braking force shall be taken as greater of:
b. Five percent of the design truck plus lane load or five percent of
the design tandem plus lane load
Braking Loads
This braking force shall be placed in all design lanes which are
considered to be loaded in accordance with Article and which
are carrying traffic headed in the same direction. These forces shall be
assumed to act horizontally at a distance of 6.0 ft above the roadway
surface in either longitudinal direction to cause extreme force effects.
All design lanes shall be simultaneously loaded for bridges likely to
become one-directional in the future.
For Interior Beams: It is equal to centre to centre distance between the beams
For Exterior Beams: It is equal to the overhang portion plus one half of the centre to centre
distance between the beams centre-to-centre
Superstructure Analysis
3D Model
Beam Line Model
Beam Line Model
AASTHO Method for Superstructure Analysis