Course Code:ZOL-602
Credit hours: 3(2-1)
(Retreival tool ENTREZ)
• What is ENTREZ
• How data can be analyzed by using ENTREZ
Entrez integrates…
• the scientific literature;
• DNA and protein sequence databases;
• 3D protein structure data;
• population study data sets;
• assemblies of complete genomes
ENTREZ………in detail
biological database retrieval system.
It is a gateway that allows text-based searches for a wide variety of data, including
annotated genetic sequence information, structural information, as well as citations
and abstracts, full papers, and taxonomic data.
One of the databases accessible from Entrez is a biomedical literature database known as
PubMed, which contains abstracts and in some cases the full text articles from nearly 4,000
journals. An important feature of PubMed is the retrieval of information based on medical
subject headings (MeSH) terms.
The MeSH system consists of a collection of more than 20,000 controlled and standardized
vocabulary terms used for indexing articles.
PubMed uses a word weight algorithm to identify related articles with similar
words in the titles, abstracts, and MeSH. By using this feature, articles on the same
topic that were missed in the original search can be retrieved.
Another unique database accessible from Entrez is Online Mendelian
Inheritance in Man (OMIM), which is a non-sequence-based database of
human disease genes and human genetic disorders.
[2] UniGene
links to
many other RBP4
database entries
are available
Entrez Gene
Entrez Gene
FASTA format
Accession number
An accession number is label that used to identify a sequence.
It is a string of letters and/or numbers that corresponds to a
molecular sequence.
Examples (RBP4)
X02775 GenBank genomic DNA sequence DNA
NT_030059 Genomic contig
Rs7079946 dbSNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)
NP_007635RefSeq protein
AAC02945 GenBank protein protein
Q28369 SwissProt protein
1KT7 Protein Data Bank structure record
One such option is to use Limits, Preview/Index, and History to narrow down the search