Abm 2

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of Faith
• The concept of Prophethood
• Importance of prophethood
• Main reasons for sending prophets
• Characteristics of Prophethood
In this class • Prophethood according to Islam
we will learn: • The Last Prophet
• Finality of Prophethood
What is Prophethood?

• Islam demonstrates that Allah wants to help people to live good lives, so he
sends messages to guide them on how to do so.
• Muslims believe that messages from Allah are communicated
through prophets.
• Allah's guidance has been revealed to humankind through specially
appointed messengers, or prophets, throughout history, beginning with the
first man, Adam (A.S), who is considered the first prophet.
• Belief in prophets is one of the basic
tenants of Faith.
• The concept of prophethood has been
found in many religions e.g., Islam,
Christianity, and Judaism.
• In Islam, however, it has a special status
The concept of and significance.

Prophethood • Muslims are obliged to believe in all

prophets because they all preached the
message of Allah(SWT) and their respect
is mandatory.
The concept of Prophethood and the Holy Qur’an

Say, ˹O believers,˺ “We believe in Allah and

what has been revealed to us; and what was
‫ُقوُلٓو َء اَم َّنا ِبٱِهَّلل َو َم ٓا ُأنِزَل ِإَلْيَنا َو َم ٓا ُأنِزَل ِإَلٰٓى ِإْبَٰر ِهۧـ َم‬ revealed to Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob,
‫َو ِإْس َم ٰـ ِع يَل َو ِإْس َحٰـ َق َو َيْع ُقوَب َو ٱَأْلْس َباِط َو َم ٓا ُأوِتَى ُم وَس ٰى‬ and his descendants; and what was given to
‫َو ِع يَس ٰى َو َم ٓا ُأوِتَى ٱلَّنِبُّيوَن ِم ن َّر ِّبِهْم اَل ُنَفِّر ُق َبْيَن َأَح ٍۢد ِّم ْنُهْم‬ Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their
‫َو َنْح ُن َل ۥُه ُم ْس ِلُم وَن‬ Lord. We make no distinction between any of
them. And to Allah we all submit.” (Al-
Allah directed His believing servants to believe in what He sent down to them through
His Messenger Muhammad and in what was revealed to the previous Prophets in
general. The guidelines are:
1. Muslims believe in Allah and in the guidance which He has sent them through the Holy
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
2. They also believe in all the prophets sent by Allah from time to time - some of whom
have been mentioned in this verse.
3. It is essential for a Muslim to believe in all the prophets without making any
4. Muslims believe that the teachings of all the prophets mentioned here were instituted
by Allah Himself, but they have now been abrogated. So, Muslims follow the teachings
of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬، for this alone is now valid.
5. Muslims ultimately obey Allah alone, and submit themselves totally to Him.
Importance of Prophethood
Some Prophets Allah mentioned by name, while He did not mention the names of many
others. Allah directed the believers to refrain from differentiating between the Prophets and
to believe in them all.

•The prophets are the connection between Allah and humanity.

•There are 25 named prophets in the Qur’an, although many believe there may have been as
many as 124,000.
•All of the prophets are considered to be equally respectful.
•Allah chose the prophets to reveal his truth. They are responsible for the revelation.
•Messages from Allah were sent to the prophets through angels.
•These messages are further recorded in the holy books.
•The prophets performed miracles, which proved they really were prophets.
• It means:

1. Islam does not discriminate among Prophets

2. All Prophets are human beings.
3. Faith in the miracles of the Prophet is important.
Main reasons for sending Prophets

• To guide human beings towards worshipping Allah alone.

• Clarifying to them the real purpose of their creation.
• Showing humanity, the right path.
• People will not have an excuse when they will be questioned on the day of judgment.
• Uncovering the unseen world (Knowledge about Allah, angels, hereafter)
• Providing human beings with practical examples to lead purpose-driven lives.
• Purifying the soul from materialism and sin.
Responsibilities of Prophets
The Qur’an underscores two important responsibilities of the prophets.
1. The first is to inform about the nature of God, His attributes, His acts of
creation, and the shape of things to come at the end of the days. The
purpose of this part is recognition of the unity of God and growing closer
to Him.
2. The prophets came to convey to human beings divine knowledge, free of
all forms of illusion and error. They proclaimed a series of truths which a
person would never have attained with his singlehanded reason.
Characteristics of Prophethood

1. The best example of morality and intellectual ability.

2. Supported by miracles.
3. Divine guidance.
Proofs of the Prophets
• Central to the concept of prophethood is the occurrence of miracles. Known in Arabic as
‘mujizah’ or in Qur’anic terms as ‘ayah’(sign) or bayyinah (evidence), a miracle refers to
that which proved the truthfulness of the person who said he was a prophet. It is a deed
performed by a prophet, by God’s permission, in order to demonstrate the truth of his
claim to prophethood.
• The Qur’an describes and explicitly endorses the miracles of many of the prophets, such
as those brought by Ibrahim(A.S), Saleh(A.S), Musa(A.S) and Esa (A.S).
• The final miracle is an immortal miracle, sent as a Book in order to have the quality
suitable to the Seal of Prophethood: the Last Messenger (S.A.W.W) with the everlasting
miracle. As history evolves and science and civilization progress, some of the wonders of
the Qur’an which were not clear before or were not possible to know have come to light.
Prophethood according to Islam
Muslims believe that messages from Allah are communicated through Prophets.
Muslims believe that all the Prophets gave guidance and instructions to their people.
• The Qur’an mentions many prophets by their names e.g.,
Hazrat Noah (A.S)
Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
Hazrat Moosa (A.S)
Hazrat Isa(A.S)
The Muslims are unique in considering all Prophets and respecting them is part of their
The Last Prophet Muhammad
• Prophethood was brought to an end through Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W.W). The revelation of the Qur’an began to come to him in the Cave
of Hira in Makkah.
• Though he was one out of many messengers of Allah, Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W.W) is declared in the Qur’an to be the last prophet:

“Muhammad (S.A.W.W) is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the
Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets” (Qur’an, 33:40).
Finality of Prophethood
• With the closure of the office of prophethood, divine revelation to
humankind, too, came to an end.
• Islam firmly upholds that divine revelation began with Allah’s
revelation to Prophet Adam for the guidance of human beings and
continued through the ages, to be stopped finally and forever with
Allah’s revelation to Prophet Muhammad because Allah has
completed His Will and perfected His true religion to humankind.
When Prophethood needed?

• When the teachings of earlier Prophets have been distorted or

• When the teachings of Prophets were for specific for some time.
• When the teachings were for specific nation or territory.
Do we need a Prophet now?
• NO

1. The teachings of the Last Prophet are fully preserved and eternal.
2. Islam is a complete perfect religion.
3. Lastly, the message of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.W) was not meant for
any particular period, place or people.
Importance of finality of Prophethood
• Part of Belief
• The Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.W) are very clear
regarding this matter.
• People who claimed prophethood after him are declared as being
• Universality of teachings.
1. The significance of prophethood is evident as it is an important
part of Shahadah (Testimony of Faith).
2. It is also one of the articles of the Islamic faith.
3. The source of legitimacy for being a prophet is Allah (S.W.T)
via His revelation.
4. The prophets (peace be upon them) functioned as a ‘channel’ to
receive and transmit the divine revelation to humankind.
Any Question?
Books and other
Understanding Islam by Shakoor Kakar

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