ABSLI Wealth Aspire Plan Presentation

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do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract.
The policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.

ABSLI Wealth Aspire Plan

A unit-linked life insurance plan
UIN – 109L100V05

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 1

Key Features
• Flexibility to choose from 2 plan options to suit your aspirations

• Flexibility to choose from a wide range of policy terms

• Flexibility to choose from a wide range of premium paying terms

UIN – 109L100V05

• Flexibility to choose from 4 investment options to suit your investment needs

• Flexibility to add top-ups whenever you have additional savings

• Flexibility of partial withdrawals to meet any emergency fund requirements

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 2

Plan Details - Eligibility
Classic Option Assured Option

Minimum – 30 days* Minimum -18 years

Entry Age Maximum – For 5 Pay: 50 years |For 6 & 7 Pay: 55 years Maximum -For 5 to 8 Pay: 45 years
For 8 Pay and above: 65 years For 9 pay & others : 50 years
Plan Details - Eligibility
For 5 to 7 Pay: 18 to 70 years
Max Maturity Age 28 to 60 years
For 8 Pay and above: 18 to 75 years
Policy Term 10 to 40 years
Premium Paying Term
5 to 40 years
UIN – 109L100V05

Premium Frequency Annual | Semi-Annual | Quarterly | Monthly
Rs. 40,000 for annual mode |Rs. 45,000 for semi-annual mode| Rs. 50,000 for quarterly and monthly mode
Minimum Basic Premium
Rs. 500,00 p.a. if the age at entry is between 61 to 65 years, both inclusive.
Premium Band
(basic Premiums Rs) Band 1 Band 2 Band 3
40000 – 199,999 200,000 to 499,999 500,000 +
Minimum Sum Assured Rs. 400,000
Top-up Premium Minimum Rs. 5,000

* risk commences from the first policy anniversary

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 3

Plan Benefits
Death Benefit
Classic Option
If the life insured dies while the policy is in-force, we will pay to the nominee/legal heir/policyholder
Higher of
Basic Fund Value as on date of intimation of death; or Basic Sum Assured
In addition we will also pay the greater of
higher of
Top-Up Fund Value as on date of intimation of death; or Top-Up Sum Assured
UIN – 109L100V05

The Basic Sum Assured will be reduced to the extent of partial withdrawals made during the two-year period
immediately preceding the death of the life insured from the Basic Fund Value.
However the death benefit after partial withdrawals shall never be less than Annualized Premium multiplied by 10.

At all times, if the policy has not been discontinued, the Death benefit shall never be less than 105% of total basic
premiums and top-up premiums paid up to the date of death reduced to the extent of partial withdrawals made both
from the basic fund value and top-up fund values, during the two year period immediately preceding the death of the life

In case where the death of the Life Insured takes place prior to risk commencement date, only the basic premiums paid
(excluding GST, if any) shall be payable as the Death Benefit.

Where a policy is issued on a minor life, the policy will vest in the life insured after attainment of majority of the life

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 4

Plan Benefits
Death Benefit
Assured option
If the Life Insured dies while the policy is in force, we shall pay immediately to the nominee legal heir
the Basic Sum Assured plus Top up Sum Assured, if any.
The policy will not terminate once this Death Benefit is paid to the nominee/legal heir and will continue till Policy Term
On continuation of the policy:
• Risk cover ceases immediately
• Future installment premiums shall be paid by company when due to be paid
UIN – 109L100V05

• Policy Fund Value will remain invested in the segregated funds and as per investment option existing at the time of
death of the Life Insured
• Guaranteed Additions, when applicable shall be added to the Policy Fund Value as and when due
• All policy charges shall be deducted as and when due, except mortality charge
• Top up premiums, partial withdrawals, surrenders, switch between investment options, segregated fund switch or any
premium redirection by the nominee is not allowed
• Maturity benefit shall be paid to the Nominee/legal heir at the end of policy term
• The Death Benefit shall always be determined as of the date we receive intimation of death of the Life Insured.
• For a paid-up policy no future installment premiums shall be paid by the Company on death of the Life Insured.
In case where the death of the Life Insured takes place prior to risk commencement date, only the basic premiums paid
(excluding GST, if any) shall be payable as the Death Benefit.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 5

Plan Benefits
Guaranteed additions Maturity Benefit

% Average Fund Value in the last 12 months is as follows

Policy Premium Band
Anniversary Band 1 Band 2 Band 3
6 – 10 0% 0.6% 0.6%
11 – 15 0.2% 0.9% 0.9% The Maturity Benefit shall be the Basic Fund Value plus the Top-
16 + 0.2% 1.0% 1.0% up Fund Value as of that date.
UIN – 109L100V05

At the end of the policy term, provided the policy is still in

Guaranteed Additions - in the form of additional units will be force, we shall pay the Maturity Benefit.
added On 6th policy anniversary (11thpolicy anniversary for
Band 1) and every policy anniversary thereafter. Under Assured Option, if life insured dies during the policy
term, then nominee will receive the Policy Fund Value on
Band 1 2 % of Basic premium paid in
On 10th and on last 60 months
every 5th Policy
Anniversary Band 2 , 3 2.5 % of Basic premium paid
thereafter in last 60 months

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 6

Plan Benefits

For added protection, ABSLI Wealth Aspire Plan can be enhanced by the following riders for a nominal extra cost:

ABSLI Accidental Death Benefit Rider Plus (UIN:109C023V02)

In the unfortunate event of death of the life insured due to an Accident within 180 days of occurrence of the accident, we will
pay 100% of the rider sum assured to the nominee. Also, we will refund the premiums collected after the date of Accident till
date of death, with interest as declared by us from time to time, along with death benefit payable.
UIN – 109L100V05

ABSLI Waiver of Premium Rider (UIN: 109C017V03)

In case of the following conditions:
Policyholder becomes completely disabled due to an illness or accident
Policyholder is diagnosed with any of the specified critical illnesses
Death of the policyholder (only if other than the Life Insured)

We will fund all the future due premiums and all the other benefits will remain unaffected. This benefit is applicable only once
during the entire premium paying term.

Please refer to detailed brochures on riders for further details

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 7

Other features
• Partial Withdrawals
You are allowed to make unlimited partial withdrawals any time after (a) five complete policy years or (b) life insured attaining the
age of 18 whichever is later. The partial withdrawals shall first be adjusted from Top-up Fund Value (except any top up premiums paid
in the previous five years immediately preceding the date of withdrawal); if any. Once the Top-up Fund Value is exhausted, partial
withdrawals would be adjusted from Basic Fund Value. The top-up sum assured will remain unchanged after any withdrawal from the
top-up fund value.

The minimum amount of partial withdrawal is Rs. 5,000. You are required to maintain a minimum Basic Fund Value of one basic
premium chosen plus any top-up premiums paid in the previous five years immediately preceding the date of withdrawal. The total
UIN – 109L100V05

amount of partial withdrawal during a policy year shall not exceed 25% of the total Policy fund value at the beginning of the policy

• Policy Surrender:
In case of emergencies, the policy can be surrendered anytime during policy term. If the policy is surrendered after completion of five
policy years, Fund Value will be paid immediately .
If it is surrendered before lock In period, proceeds of the discontinued policy shall be payable at the end of lock-in period

• Policy Loans
Not available

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 8

Other features

• Fund Switching:
Option to change the Investment profile . Under self managed option, facility to switch monies from one segregated fund to another
at any time provided the switched amount is for at least Rs. 5,000.

• Premium Redirection
UIN – 109L100V05

Full flexibility to redirect future premiums by changing your premium allocation percentages at any time.

• Reduction of Premium payment term

You shall have an option to reduce the premium payment term provided the policy is inforce for full sum assured and provided that
such reduction is subject to boundary conditions of the product. This option shall be available only after the first five policy years.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 9

Other features

• Free Look Period

You will have the right to return your policy to us within 15 days (30 days in case the policy issued under the provisions of IRDAI
Guidelines on Distance Marketing (2) of Insurance products) from the date of receipt of the policy, in case you are not satisfied with
the terms & conditions of your policy. We will pay the Policy fund value plus non allocated premiums plus charges levied by
cancellation of units once we receive your written notice of cancellation (along with reasons thereof) together with the original
policy documents. Depending on our then current administration rules, we may reduce the amount of the refund by the
proportionate risk premium and the expenses incurred by us on medical examination of the proposer and stamp duty charges in
accordance to IRDAI (Protection of Policyholders Interest) Regulations, 2017.
UIN – 109L100V05

Distance Marketing includes every activity of solicitation (including lead generation) and sale of insurance products through voice mode, SMS, electronic mode, physical mode
(like postal mail) or any other means of communication other than in person.

Suicide Exclusion
In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of the policy or from the date of revival of the
policy, as applicable, the nominee or the beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to the Policy fund value, as available on the
date of intimation of death.

Further any charges other than Fund Management Charges (FMC) recovered subsequent to the date of death shall be added back to
the Policy fund value as available on the date of intimation of death.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 10

Policy discontinuance – within lock in period

REVIVAL WINDOW • If policyholder opts to revive but does not

• Upon expiry of the grace revive the policy in revival period, proceeds of
period 30 days, (15-days in discontinued policy fund shall be paid to the
case your basic premium is • All such discontinued policies policyholder at the end of the revival period or
paid on a monthly basis) in shall be provided a revival lock-in period whichever is later
• If the policyholder does not exercise above
UIN – 109L100V05

case of non-payment of period of three years from date

premium, the fund value after of first unpaid premium. option , the proceeds of the discontinuance
deducting discontinuance • On such discontinuance, ABSLI fund shall be paid to policyholder at the end
charges shall be credited to shall communicate the status of of the lock-in period, and the policy shall
the discontinued policy fund the policy, within three months terminate.
and the risk cover and rider of the first unpaid premium, to • However, policyholder can surrender the policy
cover, if any, shall cease. the policyholder and provide anytime and the policy fund in the
the option to revive the policy discontinued policy fund shall be payable at
within the revival period of the end of lock-in period or date of surrender
DISCONTINUANCE three years whichever is later
Please refer product brochure for more details
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 11
Policy discontinuance – post lock in period

• Upon expiry of the grace period • If policyholder opts to revive but does not
30 days, (15-days in case your revive the policy in revival period, the fund
basic premium is paid on a • On such discontinuance, ABSLI value shall be paid to the policyholder at the
monthly basis) in case of non- shall communicate the status of end of the revival period.
payment of premium, policy the policy, within three months • If the policyholder does not exercise above
UIN – 109L100V05

shall be converted into a of the first unpaid premium, to option , the policy shall continue to be in
reduced paid up policy with the policyholder and provide reduced paid up status. At the end of the
the paid-up sum assured. The the option to revival period the proceeds of the policy fund
policy shall continue to be in -Revive the policy within shall be paid to the policyholder and the
reduced paid-up status without the revival period of three years policy shall terminate
rider cover, if any. or -Complete withdrawal of • However, the policyholder has an option to
the policy. surrender the policy anytime and then the
policy fund value shall be payable
Please refer product brochure for more details
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Ltd. 12
Illustration – Assured Option

Mr. Shetty aged 30 years takes ABSLI Wealth Aspire Plan with Assured Option, he pays Rs. 1,00,000/- p.a. for limited premium payment
period of 15 years with policy term of 30 years under Self Managed investment option with 100% investment in Maximiser Fund.

Life Cover of Rs. 10 Lakhs

Future Premiums will be paid by

Premium Rs 1 Lakh pa
1 30
UIN – 109L100V05

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Death Fund Value @8%(2) Rs.

Higher of Basic Sum
Assured or Fund Value @4%(1) Rs 21.93 lakhs

Premium excluding GST. The above values are illustrative and for a healthy male. The assumed rates of return 4%(1) and 8%(2) are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what one might get back as
the value of the policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 13

Illustration – Classic Option

Mr. Shetty aged 30 years takes ABSLI Wealth Aspire Plan with Classic Option, he pays Rs. 1,00,000/- p.a. for limited premium payment
period of 15 years with policy term of 30 years under Self Managed investment option with 100% investment in Maximiser Fund.

Life Cover of Rs. 10 Lakhs

Premium Rs 1 Lakh p a
1 30
UIN – 109L100V05

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Death Fund Value of

Rs. 62.62,802
Higher of Basic Sum @8%(2)
Assured or Fund Value
@ 4%(1) = Rs.
25.10 Lakhs

Premium excluding GST. The above values are illustrative and for a healthy male. The assumed rates of return 4% (1) and 8%(2) are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits
of what one might get back as the value of the policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 14

Policy Charges
• Premium Allocation Charge
A premium allocation charge is levied on the basic and top up premiums when received.
Policy Term % of Basic Premium
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3
1 7% 6% 4.5%
2+ 5% 4% 3%

The premium allocation charge for top-up premium is 2% of top-up premium paid
• Fund Management Charge
UIN – 109L100V05

For Income Advantage, Assure, Liquid Plus, Protector, Builder 1.00 %

For Enhancer, Creator, Capped Nifty Index and Asset Allocation 1.25%
For Magnifier, Maximiser, Super 20, Multiplier, Pure Equity, Value & Momentum and MNC. 1.35%

• Policy Administration Charge

The policy administration charge is deducted at the start of every policy month by canceling units proportionately from each segregated fund. The
charge is as shown below, subject to a maximum of Rs. 6,000 p.a.
Policy Year Band 1 Band 2 & 3
1-5 Rs. 450 p.a. 1.2% of Basic Premium p.a.
6+ Rs. 600 p.a. inflating @ 5% thereafter Nil

• Miscellaneous Charges
Rs. 50 per request is charged for change in investment option, premium re-direction, fund switch partial withdrawal or any additional servicing
request. We do however reserve the right to charge up to Rs. 500 per request in the future.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 15

Policy Charges

• Mortality Charge
A mortality charge is deducted at the start of every month for providing you with the risk cover. It is charged by cancelling units proportionately
from each segregated fund you have at that time. The charge per 1000 of Sum at Risk under the policy will depend on the gender, premium band
and attained age of the life insured.
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3
Attn Age
Male Female Male Female Male Female
25 1.088 1.047 0.925 0.890 0.816 0.785
35 1.452 1.255 1.234 1.067 1.089 0.941
45 3.339 2.469 2.838 2.099 2.504 1.852
UIN – 109L100V05

55 9.037 6.981 7.681 5.934 6.778 5.236

65 19.509 15.351 16.583 13.048 14.632 11.513
70 29.707 23.034 25.251 19.579 22.280 17.276
For premiums in band 2 and band 3, a discount of 15% and 25% respectively is applicable on the mortality charge
• Discontinuance Charge
The discontinuance charge is guaranteed to never increase and is levied against the Policy Fund Value upon discontinuance. The charge on
discontinuance or surrender of the policy is:
Policy Year of Annualized Premium up to Rs. 50,000/- Annualized Premium above Rs. 50,000/-
1 Lower of 20% of AP, 20% of BFV, Rs 3,000 Lower of 6% of AP, 6% of BFV, Rs 6,000
2 Lower of 15% of AP, 15% of BFV, Rs 2,000 Lower of 4% of AP, 4% of BFV, Rs 5,000
3 Lower of 10% of AP, 10% of BFV, Rs 1,500 Lower of 3% of AP, 3% of BFV, Rs 4,000
4 Lower of 5% of AP, 5% of BFV, Rs 1,000 Lower of 2% of AP, 2% of BFV, Rs 2,000
5+ Nil Nil

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 16

Investment options

Systematic Transfer Option

 Safeguards your wealth against the market volatilities

 Available only if you have opted for annual mode

 Basic premium (net of premium allocation charge) shall be first allocated to Liquid Plus fund option

 Thereafter monthly 1/12th or Weekly 1/48th of the allocated amount shall be transferred to upto 4 segregated fund(s) of your
UIN – 109L100V05

choice viz. Enhancer, Creator, Maximiser, Multiplier, Super 20, Value & Momentum and Capped Nifty Index and MNC as per the
investment proportion for the chosen funds.

 Monthly transfers to your chosen segregated fund(s) will take place monthly on 1 st, 8th, 15th or 22nd of the month as selected by

 It helps to mitigate any risk arising from volatility and averages out the risks associated with the equity market, reducing the
overall risk to your portfolio

Please refer product brochure for more details

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 17
Investment options
Systematic Transfer Option - Investment Allocation Illustration

Customer chooses to invest through Weekly Transfer Mode in Enhancer, Creator, Maximiser, Multiplier funds
 1 Month
Liquid Plus Fund  Rs. 1000/-
 Rs. 250/-
Rs. 48,000/-

Premium net of allocation

UIN – 109L100V05

charge is invested
On 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd of every month
1/48th of fund value is transferred

Enhancer Fund Creator Fund Maximiser Fund Multiplier Fund

Please refer product brochure for more details

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 18
Investment options
Smart Option
 Structured as per your maturity date and risk profile
 Basic Premium invested under two segregated funds : Maximiser -an equity fund and Income Advantage - a debt fund
 BSLI will manage & administer the investments on your behalf
 Allocation turns conservative as the maturity date approaches to protect accumulation
The proportion invested in Maximiser (an equity fund) will be according to the schedule given below – the remaining amount will
UIN – 109L100V05

be invested in Income Advantage (a debt fund):

Please refer product brochure for more details

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 19
Investment options
Smart Option

Customer chooses Aggressive Risk Profile for Policy & Premium Payment Term of 20 years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
UIN – 109L100V05

Maximiser Fund  50% Maximiser Fund  35% Maximiser Fund  15% Maximiser Fund  0%
Income Advantage Fund  Income Advantage Fund Income Advantage Fund Income Advantage Fund  100%
50%  65%  85%

 Maximiser Fund  Income Advantage Fund

Please refer product brochure for more details
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 20
Investment options

Return Optimiser Option

 Enables you to take advantage of the equity market

 Protect your gains from the future market volatility and create a more stable sequencing of investment returns

 Basic premiums (net of allocation charges) are invested in Maximiser fund

 It will be tracked every day for each policyholder for a pre-determined upside movement of 10% or more over the net invested
UIN – 109L100V05

amount (net of all charges).

 When the gain from the Maximiser fund reaches 10% or more of the net invested amount, the amount equal to the appreciation
will be transferred to the Income Advantage fund at the prevailing unit price.

 This ensures that your gains are protected from any future market volatilities.

 If the gain is less than the pre-determined upside movement of 10%, no transfers will be made.

Please refer product brochure for more details

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 21
Investment options

Self-Managed Option

 Gives you access to our well established suite of 16 segregated funds viz Liquid Plus, Income Advantage, Assure, Protector,
Builder, Enhancer, Creator, MNC ,Magnifier, Maximiser, Multiplier, Super 20, Pure Equity, Value & Momentum, Capped Nifty
Index, Asset Allocation.
UIN – 109L100V05

 Complete control on how to invest your premiums

 Full freedom to switch from one segregated fund to another

 Diversify your risk, by allocating your premium in varying proportions amongst the 16 segregated funds.

 Full flexibility to redirect future premiums by changing your premium allocation percentages at any time

Please refer product brochure for more details

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 22
• This policy is underwritten by Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited (ABSLI). This is a non-participating unit linked life insurance savings .
• Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance, ABSLI Wealth Aspire Plan (UIN: 109L100V05), Liquid Plus (ULIF02807/10/11BSLLIQPLUS109), Income
Advantage(ULIF01507/08/08BSLIINCADV109), Assure(ULIF01008/07/05BSLIASSURE1090, Protector(ULIF00313/03/01BSLPROTECT109),
Builder(ULIF00113/03/01BSLBUILDER109), Enhancer(ULIF00213/03/01BSLENHANCE109), Creator(ULIF00704/02/04BSLCREATOR109),
MagnifierULIF00826/06/04BSLIIMAGNI109), Maximiser(ULIF01101/06/07BSLIINMAXI109), Multiplier(ULIF01217/10/07BSLIINMULTI109), Super
20(ULIF01723/06/09BSLSUPER20109), Pure Equity(ULIF01723/06/09BSLSUPER20109), Value & Momentum(ULIF02907/10/11BSLIVALUEM109), Asset Allocation
(ULIF03430/10/14BSLIASTALC109), Capped Nifty Index (ULIF03530/10/14BSLICNFIDX109), MNC (ULIF03722/06/18ABSLIMUMNC109) are only the names of the Company,
Policy, Investment Option and Investment Funds respectively and do not in any way indicate the quality of the Policy, Investment Funds or their future prospects or
UIN – 109L100V05

• The charges are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy unless specifically mentioned and subject to IRDAI approval. The value of the segregated fund reflects the
value of the underlying investments. Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium
paid in unit linked life insurance policies are subject to investment risk associated with capital markets and the unit price of the units may go up or down based on the
performance of investment fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions. Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company
Limited (ABSLI) is only the name of the Insurance Company and ABSLI Wealth Aspire Plan is only name of the unit linked life insurance contract and funds and does not in
any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the
Intermedia or policy document. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their
future prospects and returns.These investments are subject to market risks and change in fundamentals such as tax rates etc affecting the investment portfolio. The
premium paid in unit linked life insurance policies are subject to investment risk associated with capital markets and the unit price of the units may go up or down based on
the performance of segregated fund and factors influencing the capital market and the policyholder is responsible for his/her decisions. There is no guarantee or assurance
of returns above the guaranteed returns from the segregated funds. GST and any other applicable taxes levied as per extant tax laws shall be deducted from the premium or
from the allotted units as applicable. An extra premium may be charged as per our then existing underwriting guidelines for substandard lives. The insurance cover for the
life insured will commence on the policy issue date. For further details please refer to the policy contract. Tax benefits are subject to changes in the tax laws. For more
details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding the sale

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 23


“The Trade Logo “Aditya Birla Capital” Displayed Above Is Owned By ADITYA BIRLA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED
(Trademark Owner) And Used By ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (ABSLI) under the License.”

For more details and clarification call your ABSLI Insurance Advisor or visit our website www.adityabirlasunlifeinsurance.com and see how we can help in
making your dreams come true. Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited (Formerly Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited)Registered Office:
One Indiabulls Centre Tower 1, 16th Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound, 841, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai - 400013. IRDAI reg no.109 CIN:
U99999MH2000PLC128110 UIN: 109L100V05. Toll Free No. 1800 270 7000. ADV/11/19-20/1274
UIN – 109L100V05


IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls
are requested to lodge a police complaint.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 24

Thank You
UIN – 109L100V05

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Lt 25


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