SE Unit 1 Introduction

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Introduction to
Software &
Software Engineering
 Looping
 Software, Characteristics of Software, Software Application Domains
 Software Engineering
 Software Myths
• Management Myth
• Customer Myth
• Practitioner's/Developer Myth)
 , Software Engineering Layered Approach
 Software Process, Process Framework Activities , Umbrella Activities
 Software Process Models
• The Waterfall Model
• Incremental Process Model
• Prototyping Model, Spiral Model
• Spiral Model
• Rapid Application Development Model (RAD)
 Component based Development
Why to Study Software Engineering?
Software Development Life Cycle without Software Engineering

1 2 3 4 5
How the How the How the How the How the
Customer Project System Programme Business
Explains Leader Analyst r Works Consultant
Requirement understand design it on it describe it
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 3
Why to Study Software Engineering?
Software Development Life Cycle without Software Engineering

6 7 8 9 10

How the What How the How it What the

Project Operations Customer was customer
documented Installed billed supported really needed

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 4

SDLC without Software Engineering

Customer Requirement Solution The software

• Have one trunk • Have one trunk development
• Have four legs • Have four legs process needs to be
• Should carry load both • Should carry load both engineered
passenger & cargo passenger & cargo
• Black in color • Black in color
to avoid the
• Should be herbivorous • Should be herbivorous communication gap
& to meet the actual
Our value requirements of
within stipulated
also gives budget
milk & time
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 5
Software Engineering

Design Build Product

Software Engineering

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 6

Software is dead…..!
 The old School view of Software
 You buy it
 You own it &
 It’s your job to manage it
 That is coming to an end

 Because of web 3.0 & extensive computing

power, there is a different generation of software
 It is delivered via Internet
 It looks exactly like it’s residing on each user’s
computing device
 Actually it reside on far away server

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 7

What is Software?

Software is
1)Computer program that when executed provide desired features, function & performance
2)Data Structure that enable programs to easily manipulate information
3)Descriptive information in both hard and soft copy that describes the operation and use of

+ +
Computer Data Documents
Program Structure Soft & Hard
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 8
List of documentation & manuals
Formal Specification
Analysis / Documentation Manuals
Context Diagram
Data Flow Diagram
User Manuals Operational

Flow Charts

ER Diagram System Installation
Overview Guide
Source Code Listings
Implementation Guide
Cross-Reference Listings Tutorials System
Test Data Guide
Testing Guide
Test Results

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 9

Characteristics of Software
 Software is developed or engineered
 It is not manufactured like hardware
 Manufacturing phase can introduce quality problem that are nonexistent (or easily
corrected) for software
 Both requires construction of “product” but approaches are different
 Software doesn’t “wear-out” Increate failure rate due to
Change side effect
“Wear out”
Failure Rate

Failure Rate

Actual Curve

Idealized Curve
Time Time

Bathtub curve of hardware failure Software failure curve

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 10
Software Application Domains

• System Software System

• Application Software e Point of Sale,
Artificial Customized
• Engineering / Applicatio
intelligence Software
Scientific Software Software
• Embedded Software Software
• Product line Application
Web Engineerin
Software Domains g /
• Web Application Scientific
• Artificial intelligence
Software Product line Embedded
Software Software

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 11

Software Engineering

Software engineering is the establishment and use of sound

engineering principles in order to obtain economically
software that is reliable and works efficiently in real
Software Engineering is the science and art of building (designing and writing programs) a
software systems that are:
1) on time
2) on budget
3) with acceptable performance
4) with correct operation

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 12

Software Myths Beliefs about software and the process used to build it.


Customer Myths

“Misleading Attitudes Practitioner's

that cause serious (Developer)
problem” are myths.
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 13
Management myth - 1 & 2
We have standards and procedures We have the newest computers
to build a system, which is enough. and development tools.

Realit Realit
y y
 Are software practitioners aware of  It takes much more than the latest
standard’s existence? model computers to do high-quality
 Does it reflect modern software software development.
engineering practice?  Computer-aided software engineering
 Is it complete? (CASE) tools are more important than
 Is it streamlined to improve time to
delivery while still maintaining a focus
on quality?
 In many cases, the answer to all of these
questions is "no.“
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 14
Management myth - 3 & 4
We can add more programmers I outsourced the development
and can catch up the schedule. activity, now I can relax and can
wait for the final working product.
Realit Realit
y y
 Software development is not a  If an organization does not
mechanistic process like manufacturing. understand how to manage and
 In the words of Fred Brooks : "adding control software projects internally, it
people to a late software project makes it will invariably struggle when it
later." outsources software projects.
 People who were working must spend
time educating the newcomers.
 People can be added but only in a planned
and well-coordinated manner.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 15

Customer myth - 1 & 2
A general statement of objectives Requirement Changes can be easily
(requirements) is sufficient to start a accommodated because software is
development. very flexible.
Realit Realit
y y
 Comprehensive (detailed) statements of  It is true that software requirements
requirements is not always possible, an change, but the impact of change
ambiguous (unclear) “statement of varies with the time at which it is
objectives” can lead to disaster. introduced.
 Unambiguous (clear) requirements can be  When requirements changes are
gathered only through effective and requested early the cost impact is
continuous communication between relatively small.
customer and developer.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 16

Practitioner's (Developer) myth – 1 & 2
Once we write the program, our I can’t access quality until it is
job is done. running.

Realit Realit
y y
 Experts say "the sooner you begin  One of the most effective software
'writing code', the longer it will take you quality assurance mechanisms can be
to get done." applied from the beginning of a project
 Industry data indicates that 60 to 80 % - the technical review.
effort expended on software will be after it  Software reviews are more effective
is delivered to the customer for the first “quality filter” than testing for finding
time. software defects.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 17

Practitioner's (Developer) myth – 3 & 4
Working program is the only Software engineering is about
deliverable work product. unnecessary documentation.

Realit Realit
y y
 A working program is only one part of a  Software engineering is not about
software configuration. creating documents. It is about creating
 A variety of work products (e.g., models, a quality product.
documents, plans) provide a foundation  Better quality leads to reduced rework.
for successful engineering and, more And reduced rework results in faster
important, guidance for software support. delivery times.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 18

Software Engineering Layered Approach

Software Engineering Tools allows automation of activities which

helps to perform systematic activities. A system for the support of
software development, called computer-aided software engineering
(CASE). Examples: Testing Tools, Bug/Issue Tracking Tools etc…

It provides technical how-to’s for building software, it

encompasses many tasks including communication,
requirement analysis, design modeling, program
construction, testing and support

It is a foundation of Software Engineering, It is the glue that

holds the technology layers, It defines a framework
Defines continuous process improvement principles
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 19
Software Engineering Layered Approach Cont.
Software Engineering is a layered technology

 Main principle of Software Engineering is Quality Focus.
 An engineering approach must have a focus on quality.
 Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3, CAPABILITY
MATURITY MODEL (CMM), CMMI & similar approaches encourages a continuous
process improvement culture
Process Layer
 It is a foundation of Software Engineering; It is the glue that holds the technology layers
together and enables logical and timely development of computer software.
 It defines a framework with activities for effective delivery of software engineering
 It establish the context in which technical methods are applied, work products (models,
documents, data, reports, forms, etc.) are produced, milestones are established, quality is
ensured, and change is properly managed.
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 20
Software Engineering Layered Approach Cont.
 It provides technical how-to’s for building software
 It encompasses many tasks including communication, requirement analysis, design
modeling, program construction, testing and support

 Software engineering tools provide automated or semi-automated support for the process
and the methods
 Computer‐aided software engineering (CASE) is the scientific application of a set of tools
and methods to a software system which is meant to result in high‐quality, defect‐free,
and maintainable software products.
 CASE tools automate many of the activities involved in various life cycle phases.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 21

Software Process
 A process is a collection of activities, actions and tasks that are performed when some work
product is to be created
 A process is not a rigid prescription for how to build the software, rather it is adaptable
approach that enables the people doing the work to pick and choose the appropriate set of
work actions and tasks
 An activity try to achieve a broad objective (e.g., communication with stakeholders)
 An activity is applied regardless of the application domain, size of the project, complexity
of the effort, or degree of accuracy with which software engineering is to be applied.
 An action (e.g., architectural design) encompasses a set of tasks that produce a major work
product (e.g., an architectural design model).
 A task focuses on a small, but well-defined objective (e.g., conducting a unit test) that
produces a noticeable outcome.
 Each of these activities, actions & tasks reside within a framework or model

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 22

Software Process Software Process Framework
 Figure represents “The Software Process” Process framework
 Each framework activity is populated by Umbrella activities
set of software engineering actions framework activity #1
 Each software engineering action is Software Engineering action #1.1

Software Process
Task Sets Work tasks
defined by a task set that identifies work … Work products
to be completed, product to be produced, … Quality assurance points
quality assurance points & milestones to Software Engineering action #1.k
indicate progress Task Sets Work tasks
… Work products
… Quality assurance points
The purpose of software process is
 to deliver software in timely manner and framework activity #n

 within sufficient quality to satisfy those

 Who has given proposal for software
development and
 Those who will use software
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 23
Process Framework Activities (CPMCD)
A process framework establishes the foundation for complete software engineering process, it encompasses five activities

Communication Planning Software Project Plan which

Communication with
defines workflow that is to
Customers / stockholders
to understand project
It describes technical task, risks,
requirements for defining
resources, product to be
software features
produced & work schedule
Modeling Creating models to Constructio Code Generation
understand requirements n (manual or automated)
and shows design of &
software to achieve Testing
requirements (to uncover errors in the code)
Deliver Software to Customer
Deployment Collect feedback from customer based on evaluation
Software Support
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 24
Umbrella Activities
 Umbrella activities applied throughout the software project &
help a software team to manage and control progress, quality,
change & risks
 Umbrella activities are those which
keep running in the background
throughout the software development

Software project Risk Software quality

It establish a
Tracking & Control Management assurance
Technical Reviews Measurement
Management for software
Software Configuration Management engineering
Work product preparation and production work.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 25

Umbrella Activities Cont.
 Software project tracking and control: allows the software team to assess progress
against the project plan and take any necessary action to maintain the schedule.
 Risk management: assesses (evaluates) risks that may affect the outcome of the project
or the quality of the product.
 Software quality assurance: defines and conducts the activities required to ensure
software quality.
 Technical reviews: assesses software engineering work products in an effort to uncover
and remove errors before they are propagated to the next activity.
 Measurement: defines and collects process, project and product measures that assist the
team in delivering software that meets stakeholders’ needs.
 Software configuration management: it manages the effects of change throughout the
software process.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 26

Umbrella Activities Cont.
 Reusability management: it defines criteria for work product reuse (including software
components) and establishes mechanisms to achieve reusable components.
 Work product preparation and production: it encompasses (includes) the activities
required to create work products such as models, documents, logs, forms and lists.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 27

Software Process Models The process model is the abstract representation of process.

 Also known as Software development life cycle

(SDLC) or Application development life cycle
Models Communication Phases
 Process models prescribe a distinct set of
activities, actions, tasks and milestones
(deliverables) required to engineer high quality
Deployment SDLC Planning

 Process models are not perfect but provide
roadmap for software engineering work.
 Software models provide stability, control and Cycle
organization to a process that if not managed can
easily get out of control. Construction Modeling
 Software process models are adapted (adjusted)
to meet the needs of software engineers and
managers for a specific project.
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 28
Different Process Models
 Process model is selected based on
different parameters Models
 Type of the project & people  Waterfall Model (Linear Sequential
 Complexity of the project Model)
 Size of team  Incremental Process Model
 Expertise of people in team

 Prototyping Model
Working environment of team
 Software delivery deadline  The Spiral Model
 Rapid Application Development Model
 Agile Model

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 29

The Waterfall Model Classic life cycle or linear sequential

• Project initiation
• Requirements Planning
gathering • Estimating
• Scheduling Modeling
• Tracking • Analysis
• Design Construction
• Coding
• Testing Deployment
• Delivery
• Support
• Feedback

When requirements for a problems are well understood then this model is used
in which workflow from communication to deployment is linear
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 30
The Waterfall Model
When to Advantages
use ?
  Simple to implement and manage
Requirements are very well known,
clear and fixed
 Product definition is stable Drawbacks
 Technology is understood  Unable to accommodate changes at later
 There are no ambiguous (unclear) stages, that is required in most of the
 Working version is not available during
 Ample (sufficient) resources with
development. Which can lead the
required expertise are available freely
development with major mistakes.
 The project is short
 Deadlock can occur due to delay in any
 Not suitable for large projects.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 31

Incremental Process Model
 There are many situations in which initial software requirements are reasonably well
defined, but the overall scope of the development effort prevent a purely linear process.

 In addition, there may be a compelling need to provide a limited set of software

functionality to users quickly and then refine and expand on that functionality in later
software releases.

 In such cases, there is a need of a process model that is designed to produce the software in

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 32

Incremental Process Model
Software Functionality & Features

Project Calendar Time

 The incremental model combines elements of linear and parallel process flows.
 This model applies linear sequence in an iterative manner.
 Initially core working product is delivered.
 Each linear sequence produces deliverable “increments” of the software.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 33

Incremental Process Model
e.g., word-processing software developed using the incremental model
 It might deliver basic file management, editing and
document production functions in the first increment
 more sophisticated editing in the second increment; Advantages
 spelling and grammar checking in the third  Generates working software
increment; and quickly and early during the
 advanced page layout capability in the fourth software life cycle.
increment.  It is easier to test and debug during
a smaller iteration.
When to
 Customer can respond to each
use ?
 When the requirements of the complete system built.
are clearly defined and understood but staffing  Lowers initial delivery cost.
is unavailable for a complete implementation  Easier to manage risk because
by the business deadline. risky pieces are identified and
handled during iteration.
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 34
Evolutionary Process Models
 When a set of core product or system requirements is well understood but the details of
product or system extensions have yet to be defined.
 In this situation there is a need of process model which specially designed to accommodate
product that evolve with time.
 Evolutionary Process Models are specially meant for that which produce an increasingly
more complete version of the software with each iteration.
 Evolutionary Models are iterative.
 They are characterized in a manner that enables you to develop increasingly more complete
versions of the software.
 Evolutionary models are
 Prototyping Model
 Spiral Model

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 35

Prototyping model
When to
use ?
 Customers have general objectives of software but do not have detailed requirements
for functions & features.
 Developers are not sure about efficiency of an algorithm & technical feasibilities.

 It serves as a mechanism for identifying software requirements.

 Prototype can be served as “the first system”.
 “quick and dirty” – quality not important, scripting etc. can be used
 Things like exception handling, recovery, standards are omitted
 Both stakeholders and software engineers like prototyping model
 Users get feel for the actual system
 Developers get to build something immediately

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 36

Prototyping model cont.
It works as
follow  Communicate with stockholders &
define objective of Software
Deployment & Communication  Identify requirements & design quick plan
 Model a quick design (focuses on visible
part of software)
 Construct Prototype & deploy
of Prototype Quick Plan  Stakeholders evaluate this prototype and
provides feedback
 Iteration occurs and prototype is tuned
Modeling Quick based on feedback
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 37
Prototyping model cont.
Problem Areas
 Potential hit on cost and schedule
 Customer demand that “a few fixes” be applied to make the prototype a working
product, due to that software quality suffers as a result
 Developer often makes implementation in order to get a prototype working quickly;
without considering other factors in mind like OS, Programming language, etc.
 Potential false sense of security if prototype does not focus on key (high risk) issues

 Users are actively involved in the development
 Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a
better understanding of the system being developed
 Errors can be detected much earlier
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 38
The Spiral Model
 It provides the potential for rapid
 Software is developed in a series of
evolutionary releases.
 Early iteration release might be prototype
but later iterations provides more complete
version of software.
 It is divided into framework activities
(C,P,M,C,D). Each activity represent one
segment of the spiral
 Each pass through the planning region results
in adjustments to
 the project plan
 Cost & schedule based on feedback

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 39

The Spiral Model Cont.
When to use Spiral Advantages
 For development of large  High amount of risk analysis hence, avoidance of
scale / high-risk projects. Risk is enhanced.
 When costs and risk evaluation  Strong approval and documentation control.
is important.  Additional functionality can be added later.
 Users are unsure of their needs.  Software is produced early in the Software Life
 Requirements are complex. Cycle.
 New product line. s
 Can be a costly model to use.
 Significant (considerable)
changes are expected.  Risk analysis requires highly specific expertise.
 Project’s success is highly dependent on the risk
analysis phase.
 Doesn’t work well for smaller projects.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 40

It is a type of
Rapid Application Development Model (RAD) incremental model
in which;
Communicatio Team - 1 components or
n functions are
developed in
Construction • Integratio parallel.
Planning n Rapid development
• Delivery
Team - 2 • Feedback is achieved by
• Business component based
Modeling Modeling Deploymen
• Data construction
Construction t
• Process
This can quickly
Modeling Team - 3 • Component give the customer
Modeling Reuse
• Automatic something to see
Construction Code and use and to
Generation provide feedback.
• Testing
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 41
Rapid Application Development Model (RAD) Cont.
Communicatio  This phase is used to understand business problem.
Planning  Multiple software teams work in parallel on different systems/modules.

Modeling Construction
 Business Modeling: Information flow among the  It highlighting the use of pre-
business. existing software component.
 Ex. What kind of information drives (moves)?
 Who is going to generate information? Deployment
 From where information comes and goes?
 Integration of modules
 Data Modeling: Information refine into set of developed by parallel teams,
data objects that are needed to support business. delivery of integrated software
 Process Modeling: Data object transforms to and feedback comes under
information flow necessary to implement deployment phase.
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 42
Rapid Application Development Model (RAD) Cont.
When to Use?
 There is a need to create a system that can be modularized in 2-3 months of time.
 High availability of designers and budget for modeling along with the cost of automated
code generating tools.
 Resources with high business knowledge are available.

Advantages Drawback
 Reduced development time.  For large but scalable projects, RAD requires
sufficient human resources.
 Increases reusability of components.
 Projects fail if developers and customers are
 Quick initial reviews occur.
not committed in a much-shortened time-
 Encourages customer feedback. frame.
 Integration from very beginning  Problematic if system can not be
solves a lot of integration issues. modularized.
 Not appropriate when technical risks are
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 43
Component based Development
 Commercial off the shelf (COTS) software components are offered as product.
 COTS provides set of functionality with well defined interfaces that enables component to
be integrated into software.
 The component-based development model incorporates many characteristics of the spiral
 It is evolutionary in nature.
 Component based development model constructs applications from prepackaged software
 Modeling and construction activities begin with the identification of components.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 44

Component based Development
Component based development incorporates the following steps
1. Available component-based products are researched & evaluated for software
2. Component integration issues are considered.
3. A software architecture is designed to accommodate the components.
4. Components are integrated into the architecture.
5. Testing is conducted to insure proper functionality.

 It leads to software reuse.
 It reduces development cycle time.
 Reduction in project cost.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 45

Evolutionary Vs Incremental



Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 46

Typical Effort Distribution

Req. - ? Req.- 15-20%

Design - ? Design - 25-
Coding - ? 30%
Testing - ? Coding - 25-
Testing - 20-
Coding is not the most expensive!

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 47

How programmers spend their time?
Writing programs -?
Reading programs and manuals - ? • Programmers spend
Job communication more time in reading
programs than in
Others -? writing them.
Writing programs -• Writing programs is a
13% small part of their
Reading programs and manuals - lives.
Job communication - 32%
Others -
Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 48
When are defects introduced?
Requirement - ?
Design -? • Defects can be injected
Coding at any of the major

Requirement - 20% • Cost of latency: Cost

of defect removal
Design - 30% increases exponentially
Coding - 50% with latency time.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 49

When are defects introduced?

• Cheapest way to detect

and remove defects
close to where it is
Cost to fix injected.
(log scale)
• Hence must check for
defects after every

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 50

Product & Process
 If the process is weak, the end product will suffer. But more confidence on process is also
 People gain more satisfaction from the creative process as they do from the end product.
 Like an artist enjoys the brush strokes as much as the framed result.
 A writer enjoys the search for the proper metaphor (comparison) as much as the finished book.
 As software professional, you should also derive as much satisfaction from the process as
the end product.
 The duality (contrast) of product and process is one important element in keeping creative
people engaged as software engineering continues to evolve.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Software & Software Engineering 51


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