Serif Project - 2010
Serif Project - 2010
Serif Project - 2010
Trust us! We’re Awesome
Everyone here works directly with our clients, so if a client has a question that relates to the design they’ll speak to the designer that worked on it. It’s fun, as it
should be. We spend so much of our life working that we’d best enjoy it. Everyone here works directly with our clients, so if a client has a question that relates to
the design they’ll speak to the designer that worked on it. It’s fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our life working that we’d best enjoy it. Everyone here
works directly with our clients, so if a client has a question that relates to the design they’ll speak to the designer that worked on it. It’s fun, as it should be. We
spend so much of our life working that we’d best enjoy it.
Your customers and the landscape Your customers and the landscape Your customers and the landscape
1990 they navigate are changing. We 1996 they navigate are changing. We 2000 they navigate are changing. We
identify latent customer needs and identify latent customer needs and identify latent customer needs and
business opportunities, create new business opportunities, create new business opportunities, create new
approaches to your offering, and approaches to your offering, and approaches to your offering, and
help facilitate change with design help facilitate change with design help facilitate change with design
inside your organization. inside your organization. inside your organization.
We are
Professional & 01
I think really great products come from melding two points
of view the technology point of view and the customer
Competent in
point of view.
Our Services.
I think really great products come from melding two points
of view the technology point of view and the customer
point of view.
Everyone that works here has a desire to create amazing user experiences. Being
great at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends to get people
03 I think really great products come from melding two points
of view the technology point of view and the customer
point of view.
hired is fit. When talented people fit well together they produce some pretty
impressive stuff. We always strive to put the right people with the right skills on the
right projects. There are no pitch teams, no “B” teams.
I think really great products come from melding two points
Everyone here works directly with our clients, so if a client has a question that of view the technology point of view and the customer
relates to the design they’ll speak to the designer that worked on it. It’s fun, as it point of view.
should be. We spend so much of our life working that we’d best enjoy it. Everyone
Creative Ideas
here works directly with our clients, so if a client has a question that relates to the
design they’ll speak to the designer that worked on it. It’s fun, as it should be. We
spend so much of our life working that we’d best enjoy it. Everyone here works I think really great products come from melding two points
directly with our clients, so if a client has a question that relates to the design of view the technology point of view and the customer
they’ll speak to the designer that worked on it. It’s fun, as it should be. We spend so point of view.
much of our life working that we’d best enjoy it.
Our team
Trust us! We’re Awesome
Key People
Jane Doe John Doe David Froster Jacob Ali Joseph Young
CEO Art Director Manager Art Director Marketing Assistant
Marketing Flow
Market Market
Our commitment to combining Our commitment to combining
highly effective working practices highly effective working practices
with paradigm-busting creativity with paradigm-busting creativity
means the only thing. means the only thing.
Profit Progress Profit
Our commitment to combining Our commitment to combining
highly effective working practices highly effective working practices
with paradigm-busting creativity with paradigm-busting creativity
means the only thing. means the only thing.
Survey Area
Our commitment to combining Our commitment to combining
highly effective working practices highly effective working practices
with paradigm-busting creativity Business Sales with paradigm-busting creativity
means the only thing. Strategy Strategy means the only thing.
The 1st Project. THE 2nd Project. The 3rd Project. The 4rd Project.
Å Vivamus ipsum lacus vel augue Ä Vivamus ipsum lacus vel augue 3 Vivamus ipsum lacus vel augue Z Vivamus ipsum lacus vel augue
laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor
auctor. Cum sociis natoque auctor. Cum sociis natoque auctor. Cum sociis natoque auctor. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient penatibus et magnis dis parturient penatibus et magnis dis parturient penatibus et magnis dis parturient
montes. montes. montes. montes.
Profit Sales
Promotion Profit
The Business Company has a reputation and a The Business Company has a reputation and a
track record for delivering innovative, track record for delivering innovative,
74% development solutions that
increase topline, improve profitability, and engage
45% development solutions that
increase topline, improve profitability,
people in driving . The Business Company has a and engage people in driving . The Business
reputation and a track record for delivering Company has a reputation and a track record for
innovative, development solutions that delivering innovative, development solutions
increase topline, improve profitability, and engage that increase topline, improve profitability,
people in driving . and engage people in driving .
Marketing Economy
The Business Company has a reputation and a The Business Company has a reputation and a
track record for delivering innovative, track record for delivering innovative,
88% development solutions that
increase topline, improve profitability, and engage
90% development solutions that
increase topline, improve profitability,
people in driving . The Business Company has a and engage people in driving . The Business
reputation and a track record for delivering Company has a reputation and a track record
innovative, development solutions that for delivering innovative, development
increase topline, improve profitability, and engage solutions that increase topline, improve
people in driving . profitability, and engage people in driving .
Sales Flow
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Marketing Promotion
After listening closely to a client's needs, we use our knowledge and experience to After listening closely to a client's needs, we use our knowledge and experience to
carefully craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an amazing product. One that their carefully craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an amazing product. One that their
customers will enjoy using, time and time again. After listening closely to a client's customers will enjoy using, time and time again. After listening closely to a client's
needs, we use our knowledge and experience to carefully craft a strategy that'll help needs, we use our knowledge and experience to carefully craft a strategy that'll help
them deliver an amazing product. One that their customers will enjoy using, time and them deliver an amazing product. One that their customers will enjoy using, time and
time again. time again.
Total Trips
Cities Visited
Country Visited
Total Country
Of The World
Trust us! We’re Awesome
After listening closely to a client's After listening closely to a client's After listening closely to a client's
needs, we use our knowledge and needs, we use our knowledge and needs, we use our knowledge and
experience to carefully craft a experience to carefully craft a experience to carefully craft a
Revise strategy that'll help them deliver an Deliver strategy that'll help them deliver an Launch strategy that'll help them deliver an
amazing product. One that their amazing product. One that their amazing product. One that their
customers will enjoy using, time and customers will enjoy using, time and customers will enjoy using, time and
time again. time again. time again.
Plan Result
Our commitment to combining highly Our commitment to combining highly
effective working practices with effective working practices with
paradigm-busting creativity means the paradigm-busting creativity means the
only thing we’ll exceed are your only thing we’ll exceed are your
expectations. expectations.
Our commitment to combining highly Our commitment to combining highly
effective working practices with effective working practices with
paradigm-busting creativity means the paradigm-busting creativity means the
only thing we’ll exceed are your only thing we’ll exceed are your
expectations expectations
Discuss Time
Our commitment to combining highly Our commitment to combining highly
effective working practices with effective working practices with
paradigm-busting creativity means the paradigm-busting creativity means the
only thing we’ll exceed are your only thing we’ll exceed are your
expectations. expectations.
Our commitment to combining highly Our commitment to combining highly
effective working practices with effective working practices with
paradigm-busting creativity means the paradigm-busting creativity means the
only thing we’ll exceed are your only thing we’ll exceed are your
expectations expectations
Discover Define
Our commitment to combining highly effective working Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only
thing we’ll exceed are your expectations. thing we’ll exceed are your expectations.
Our commitment to combining highly effective working Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only
thing we’ll exceed are your expectations thing we’ll exceed are your expectations
Deliver Drive
Our commitment to combining highly effective working Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only
thing we’ll exceed are your expectations. thing we’ll exceed are your expectations.
Our commitment to combining highly effective working Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only
thing we’ll exceed are your expectations thing we’ll exceed are your expectations
Brand Strength
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Brand Weaknesses
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Brand Opportunities
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Brand Threats
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla feugiatbibendum porttitor. Aenean consectetur
dignissim sapien, ut imperdiet urna tristique vel. Vestibulum
ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultricesposuere
cubilia Curae; Etiam mi lorem, luctus vitae vestibulum
Our Apps
01 New Interface 03 Social Media
Everyone that works here has a Everyone that works here has a
desire to create amazing user desire to create amazing user
experiences. Being great at experiences. Being great at
what you do is the cost of what you do is the cost of
entry at Neue Swiss, what entry at Neue Swiss, what
tends to get people hired is fit. tends to get people hired is fit.
When talented people fit well When talented people fit well
together they produce. together they produce.