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Grade 7 - Unit 2 - Health

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Unit 2

Health problems and health tips
Sounds: /f/ and /v/
Imperatives with more and less Compound
Talking about health problems Giving advice
on healthy lifestyles
• Heathy (a) /'helθi/ : khỏe mạnh

• Junk food (n) /ˈdʒʌŋk fuːd/ : đồ ăn vặt

• Sunburn (a) /'sʌnbə:n/ : cháy nắng

• Already (adv) /ɔ:l'redi/ : đã

1, Listen and read.

Nick: Hi, Phong. all the time, so I’m putting on weight too.
Phong: Oh, hi. You woke me up, Nick. Nick: All the more reason to go out.
Nick: But it’s ten o’clock already. Let’s go Phong: No, Nick. Plus, I think I have flu – I
out. feel weak and tired. And, I might get
Phong: No, count me out. I think I’ll stay sunburnt outside.
at home and play Zooniverse on my Nick: I won’t take no for an answer. I’m
computer. coming to your house now!
Nick: What? It’s such a beautiful day. Come
on! You already got enough sleep. Let’s do
something outdoors – it’s healthier.
Phong: What like, Nick?
Nick: How about going swimming? Or
cycling? They are both really healthy.
Phong: No, I don’t feel like it.

Nick: You sound down Phong, are you OK?

a Can you find a word or expression that b, Read the conversation again. Who wants to
means: do the following things?

1. the name of a
computer game  Zooniverse
2. I don’t want to  I don’t feel like it.

3. feeling sad  sound down X

 putting on weight X
4. becoming fatter
5. I don’t accept it  won’t take no for an
2, Match the health problems in the box with the pictures.
Then listen and repeat.
a. spots b. sunburn c. (put on) weight d. flu e. (an) allergy f. sickness

Allergy Sickness Flu

Put on weight Sunburn Spots

3, Can you match the correct advice (1-5) with the
people (a-e)?

a b c d e

Key: 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a

3. Be careful
2. Wash your 4. Do exercise 5. Wash your
1. Wear a hat with what you
hands regularly regularly. face regularly.
eat and drink.

1, Look at the pictures. Write the problem below the
picture of each patient.


Allergy Tired/ weak

2, Now, read the doctor’s notes about his patients and fill
in the missing words.

Patient 1: She looks very red. She was outdoors all day yesterday. I think she
has _________. sunburn

Patient 2: He keeps sneezing and coughing. I think he has ________.

flu 3: He looks so _______. He can’t keep his eyes open! He’s very hot too –
he has a _____________. tired
Patient 4: He ate some seafood yesterday. Now he feels _________. He says he
has a _________________ too. sick

Patient 5: He is holdingstomachache
his neck. I think he has a _________________.
sore throat
3, Role-play the meeting with the doctor. Use the cues in 1, 2 or
your own health problems.

Hi doctor Thao Hi Hung

I was outside all day

yesterday. I feel very hot
and my face is red.
I see. I think you have a
5, Listen and circle the words you hear.
6, Listen and circle the word(s) with the /f/ or /v/
sounds. Then say the sentences.

1. Fast food isn’t healthy.

2. I have felt sick all day.

3. Obesity is a problem – people are getting fatter.

4. Having a healthy lifestyle is important.

5. Too many sweets give you toothache.


Imperatives with GRAMMAR

more and less
1, Look at the pictures. Which health tips from the box above
would you give to each of these people?


2, Look at the article on the Teen Health website. Fill in the
blanks to complete their top six health tips.

Do more exercise Staying in shape is our most

1_______________ flu. We should all try to keep clean more. Then flu
important tip. You can play football, or even go for will find it harder to spread!
Wash your hands more.
long walks. It’s OK, but make sure it’s three times a 6____________________________ Many of us
week or more! love computer games, but we should spend less
Eat less junk food. You are what you eat! So make time playing them. Limit your time to just one
sure it’s healthy food like fruits and vegetables, not hour, twoless
ortime playing
three daysgames
a week, or less.
junk food. It can help you to avoid obesity too.
5_______________ There are some great things to
watch. Butless
Watch tooTV.
much isn’t good for you or your
2_______________ Getting plenty of rest is really
Sleep more!
important! It helps you to avoid depression and it
helps you to concentrate at school. You’ll also be
fresher in the mornings!
4_______________________ It’s so easy to get
3, Make compound sentences by joining the two simple
sentences. Use the conjunction given. Remember to add a

1. I want to eat some food. I have a sore throat. (but)

I want to eat some food, but I have a sore throat.
2. The Japanese eat healthily. They live for a long time. (so)
The Japanese eat healthily, so they live for a long time.
3. I feel tired. I feel weak. (and)
I feel tired, and I feel weak.
4. You can go and see the doctor. You can go to bed (or)

You can go and see the doctor, or you can go to bed now and rest.
4, Now, complete the second part of the compound sentences.

1. Nick washes his hands a lot, so …

He doesn‛t have flu

2. David eats lots of junk food, and …

He doesn’t do exercise.

3. The doctor told Elena she should sleep more, or …

She should do exercise too.

4. My sister plays computer games, but …

She still has good health

1, write F (fact) or M (myth) for each statement. Listen and check your answers
1. People who smile more are happier, and they live longer.

2. Sleeping in at the weekend helps you recover from a busy week. M

3. Eat more fresh fish, like sushi, and you will be healthier.

4. Sitting too close to the TV hurts your eyes. F

5. Pick up food you drop quickly, and it’s safe to eat. M

6. Vegetarians don’t get enough vitamins in their food. M

Which sentence are you most
surprised by? Why?

Do you know any health facts or

myths in Viet Nam?
1, Quickly read the text. Match the correct headings with the paragraphs.

m ou nt a lorie ?
sv iew
h t a tis a c e r t ’
t the rig 2. Wh
3. A n ex p
1 . J us
b e t w e en iet
h av e s a d
g y to s h o u ld lo r i es a n L a wi s
e r e c a a
r ie s or e n Peopl and 2,500 . Sports Dr. D t. He know
c a l o v er y e ex p e r h o w m u c h
We n e e d
s we d o e
e, 1,600 tay in shap running
g k y so
th in
do the ing, riding
a b i s nd
day to g a bike a Sleeping exactl ed to eat,
lk e g et din s. le ne e n to
d ay : w a
s l e e pin g ! W
e eat. like ri t of calorie use less. p e o p
p e ople l is t
e n w lo y a l
and e om the foo d
c an use a atching TV re eating m a n
i s c
e. H k f o o d ,
f r e and w think you a s than d v
calorie at too many t eat
, w his a t less jun ies
u rie a lo r
I f w e e . I f w e d o n an d
’ Do yo or less calo tips ? E
n t y our c a
mo r e y o u need ? o u g
get fat e feel tired an d c
e b ec o m
i n
h, w ’ r
e n o u g
w e ak . if you

b c
2, Now answer the following questions.

1. What is a calorie?
A calorie is energy that helps us do our everyday activities.

2. What happens when we have too many calories?

If we eat too many calories, we can get fat.
3. What is a healthy number of calories per day?
To stay healthy you need between 1,600 and 2,500 calories.
4. Which activity uses a lot of calories?
Sports like riding a bike and running use a lot of calories.
5. Why do people listen to Dr. Law’s advice?
People listen to his advice because he is a diet/ nutrition expert.
3, Look at the table and discuss the following questions.

1. Why do you think some activities use more

calories than others?

2. Which activity uses more calories: gardening or


3. How many calories do you use doing aerobics

for 2 hours?

4. What do you think happens when we have too

few calories, but use too many calories?
5, Choose two or three activities you like to do. Complete the
table about those activities.

Activity Number of hours Total number of

( per day) calories What activities you do?

How long you do them every day?

How many calories you use doing these


Present your table to the

class. Try to include the
following information:
1, Look at the picture below. Answer the following

1. What sports do people do in the


2. The Olympic sport below is

sometimes called ‘the Ironman
event’. Why?
Listen to the interview with an ironman. Tick (x) Listen to the interview again. What advice
the problems he had as a child. does he give about preparing for the event?

Headache Do more exercise. X

Stomachache Eat more fruit/vegetables. X
Toothache Sleep more. X
Allergy X Eat less junk food.
Sick X Watch less TV.
4, Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. He wanted to do sports because of his friends. T

2. Taking up sports was easy. F

3. He takes part in this event only in Viet Nam. F

4. In this event, you swim, run, and climb. F

5. This event uses more than 6000 calories. T

5, Answer the following questions

1. Why is the triathlon a 2. Can you think of other Olympic

difficult event? sports that are harder/easier?

3. Would you like to try the triathlon one

day? Why/ Why not?
6, Look at Dr. Law's advice page. Can you match the problems
with the answers?

Key: 1. c 2. b 3. a

1, What health problems do you think each of these people has?

‘Oh, I forgot to wear a sun hat

‘I eat too much junk food, and
Sunburn I’m too weak to exercise.’

‘I never remember to wash my Put on weight

Spots ‘I think I ate something that
wasn’t good.’
‘I feel itchy and my nose is
running.’ Stomachache
2, Look at the pictures below. Write the health problem below each

Stomachache Flu

Put on weight Sunburn Spots

3, Complete the health tips below with 'more' or 'less'.

1. Eat _________ junk food. It makes you fat!

2. Wash your hands _______. You will have less chance of catching flu.

3. Sleep _________, but try to wake up at the usual time. Even at weekends!

4. Go outside ___________. If you do need to go outside, wear a sun hat.

5. Watch ____________ television. Looking at the screen for too long hurts your eyes.

6. Do ___________ exercise, and you will feel fitter and healthier.
4, Draw a line to link the sentences and a coordinator to
form meaningful sentences.

1. I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on
2. I don’t want to be tired tomorrow, so I should go to
bed early.
3. I have a temperature, and I feel tired.
4. I can exercise every morning, or I can cycle to school.
5, Choose one of the following health problems. Role-play a

Have Sunburn Putting On Weight Have Toothache

Have An Allergy Have A Cough And A Runny Nose

A: Hi doctor. I feel weak and sick.
B: Did you have enough calories? You should eat more, and I think
you should get more exercise too.
A: OK. Thank you doctor.

1. Write the questions.
2. Collect the answers from the survey.
3. Find out what health problems are most
4. Present your findings to the class.

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