Grade 7 Consolidation - Lesson 25 26
Grade 7 Consolidation - Lesson 25 26
Grade 7 Consolidation - Lesson 25 26
Let us Recall !
Look at these headings taken from textbooks and decide whether they are Expository
or Explanation text types
A. How is Chocolate Made? Explanation
B. The Philippine Eagle Expository
C. The Rise of Pop Culture in Expository
the Philippines
D. How was the Taal Volcano Explanation
Language Practice
Endemic Wingspan
– belongs to a particular - the distance from one wingtip
region or country to the opposite wingtip
Critically endangered
– living things with an Plumage Habitat
extremely high risk of – all the feathers – the natural home or
becoming extinct in the wild covering a bird environment of an animal,
plant, or other organism
Apex predator
- having no living members Conservation
- an animal at the top of
the food chain that kills - protecting Earth's
Unique and eats other animals but natural resources for
- one of its kind; unlike is not normally eaten by current and future
anything else any other animals generations
The Philippine Eagle
Lorem ipsum dolor sit each paragraph a heading that indicates the main
idea in the paragraph.
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod Ans:
1. Definition/Classification of the Philippine Eagle
(General Statement)
2. Appearance, Diet, Habitat, Threats (Detailed
information in paragraphs about topic/thing)
3. Conservation efforts (Conclusion)
Q3.What is the purpose of an information report?
‘Instructions on what to do if you lose your
cell phone’
Q3. What
Q1. What title Q2. What information are
are you information are you expecting
expecting for it? you expecting to to see in the
Give an example. see at the start rest of it?
of it?
Tracking App
Public transportation – a program that allows a cell
– buses or trains phone to be located wherever
the owner goes
2. Retrace Your Steps: Think back to where you last had your
phone and retrace your steps. Check the areas you visited,
including any nearby locations, such as stores, restaurants, or
public transportation.
8. Inform Friends and Family: Let your close contacts know that you
have lost your phone, especially if you suspect it may have been
stolen. This can help prevent any unauthorized usage or attempts to
impersonate you.
Q5.How can your Service Provider help you if you lose your cell phone?
Ans: They can suspend your service temporarily to prevent unauthorized
usage and assist you with any additional steps, such as blocking the SIM
Q6.Imagine that there have been reports of large numbers of cell phones
stolen at railway and bus stations. You have been asked to design a
poster for display at railway and bus stations warning people about the
problem and what to do if they lose their cell phone. Because of space
limits, you can only include 4 of the 8 instructions. Try to think which
instructions someone who had lost their phone would need to do
immediately. With a partner design a simple poster and explain your 4
Q1.The focus of the lesson was on revising how
information is presented in an Instructional text.
How has the lesson helped you to understand this?