Ellington Student Success Plan
Ellington Student Success Plan
Ellington Student Success Plan
Plans Through
Advisories/Enlisting Staff
for CREC
Presented by
Neil Rinaldi
Ellington High School
[email protected]
Why am I Here?
To present a practical high school application
model of a Capstone Project via advisories
To highlight critical components of developing
an advisory program
First Things First - Credits
Mrs. Judi Moeller – Guidance
Mrs. Ann Johnson – Science
Mr. Bill Prenetta – English
Mrs. Jan Arnone – Math
Ms. Beth Simmons – Social Studies
RHAM High School
Scott Leslie
Dan Uriano (student target plan)
Jen Sansoucy (student target plan)
EHS Advisory Program
Overarching Goals
Establish a forum for academic, college and career coaching,
and advising that cuts across subject areas. (Core Components
of CSDE Effective SSP)
Provide an ideal setting to promote Social, Emotional and
Physical Development (personalization) (Core Components of
CSDE Effective SSP).
Provide multiple opportunities between healthy student
development and academic success. (NEASC)
Help ensure that all young people have at least one adult who
knows them well. (NEASC)
Assist students in achieving our school-wide expectations for
student learning by developing a student portfolio
EHS Advisory Program
Two Elements
Student Portfolio/Capstone Project
Student #2
Student #3
Essential Advisory Program
Can the goals of the program be identified by our
Do the advisors have goals for their groups?
Can advisors easily and confidently implement the
activities they will use to reach our goals?
Are parents and students in support of an advisory
Can we schedule time for our advisory?