EDIT 3101 - Database Management System - Lecture 1
EDIT 3101 - Database Management System - Lecture 1
EDIT 3101 - Database Management System - Lecture 1
Management System
Presented by:
Clement M. Sinyangwe (Mr)
Data, information and Knowledge
Manual Systems
Traditional File-Based Systems
Database Approach
Roles in the Database Environment
History of Database Management Systems
Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMSs
Classification of databases
Data, Information and Knowledge
• Data are raw facts.
– The word raw indicates that the facts have not yet been processed to
reveal their meaning.
• Information is the result of processing raw data to reveal its
– Accurate, relevant, and timely information is the key to good decision
• Knowledge refers to the practical use of information.
– While information can be transported, stored or shared without many
difficulties the same cannot be said about knowledge.
Good decision making is the key to organizational survival in a
global environment.
Note that raw data must be properly formatted for storage,
processing, and presentation.
Therefore, data management focuses on the proper generation,
storage, and retrieval of data.
Databases has evolved from Manual systems, computer file
Understanding the characteristics of file systems is important
because file systems are the source of serious data management
Manual Filling Systems
File-Based Systems
This is a collection of application programs that perform services
for the end-users.
Each program defines and manages its own data. The computer
files within the file system were similar to the manual files.
Although the file-based approach is largely obsolete,
there are good reasons for studying it.
Understanding the problems inherent in the file-based
systems may prevent us from repeating the same
problems in the database systems.
If you wish to convert a file-based system to a
database system, understanding how file system work
will be extremely useful.
Limitations of File-Based Systems
MySQL Oracle
PostgreSQL dBASE
Microsoft Access, Clipper
Ms SQL Server FoxPro
FileMaker Maria dB
DBMS provides the following facilities:
• It allows users to define the database (create, drop), usually
through a Data Definition Language (DDL)
• It allows users to insert, update, delete and retrieve data
from the database, usually through a Data Manipulation
Language (DML).
• It provides controlled access to the database through Data
Control language (DCL)
It provides an extremely powerful and useful tool
called Views.
A view mechanism provides users with only the data
they want or need to use.
Allows each user to have his or her own view of the
Benefits of views
Reduce complexity: by letting users see the data in the way
they want to see it.
Provide a level of security: can be set up to exclude data that
some users should not see.
Provide a mechanism to customize the appearance of the
Present a consistent, unchanging picture of the structure of the
database, even if the underlying database is changed
Control of data redundancy: it eliminates the redundancy by
integrating the files so that multiple copies of the same data are not
Data consistency: by controlling redundancy, we reduce the risk
of inconsistencies occurring.
Data independence: Application programs should be as
independent as possible from details of data representation and
storage. The DBMS can provide an abstract view of the data to
insulate application code from such details.
Efficient data access: A DBMS utilizes a variety of
sophisticated techniques to store and retrieve data
efficiently. This feature is especially important if the data is
stored on external storage devices.
Data integrity and security: If data is always accessed
through the DBMS, the DBMS can enforce integrity
constraints on the data.
Data administration: When several users share the data,
centralizing the administration of data can offer significant
Concurrent access and crash recovery: A DBMS
schedules concurrent accesses to the data in such a manner
that users can think of the data as being accessed by only
one user at a time.
Further, the DBMS protects users from the effects of
system failures.
Sharing data: the database belongs to the entire
organization and the data can be shared by all authorized
• Complexity: The provisions of the functionality that we expect of
a good DBMS makes the DBMS an extremely complex piece of
• Size: The complexity and breadth of functionality makes the
DBMS an extremely large piece of software, occupying many
megabytes of disk space and requiring substantial amount of
memory to run efficiently.
Greater impact of a failure: The centralization of
resources increases the vulnerability of the system.
Cost of DBMSs: the cost of a large multiuser DBMS that
service hundreds of users can be extremely expensive.
Additional hardware costs: The disk storage requirements
for the DBMS and the database may necessitate the
purchase of additional storage space.
The term database system refers to an organization of components
that define and regulate the collection, storage, management, and
use of data within a database environment.
Components of the DBMS environment
There are five major components in the DBMS environment
namely hardware, software, data, procedures and people.
People: Consists of users of the system and the staff who
manage the database.
– Data administrators:
– Database administrators:
– Database designers:
– Application developers:
– End-users:
• A DBMS can support many different types of
• Databases can be classified according to the number of
users, the database location(s), and the expected type
and extent of use.
The number of users determines whether the database is classified
as single-user or multiuser.
A single-user database supports only one user at a time.
A multiuser database supports multiple users at the same time.
Location might also be used to classify the database. A database
that supports data located at a single site is called a centralized
A database that supports data distributed across several different
sites is called a distributed database.
A database that is designed primarily to support a company’s day-to-day
operations is classified as an operational database (AKA transactional or
production database).
In contrast, a data warehouse focuses primarily on storing data used to
generate information required to make tactical or strategic decisions.
Databases can also be classified to reflect the degree to which the data are
Unstructured data are data that exist in their original (raw) state
Structured data are the result of taking unstructured data and formatting
(structuring) such data to facilitate storage, use, and the generation of
Application Areas of Database System
Airlines and railways
Credit card transactions
Health care information systems and electronic patient record
Human resources