Are You Feeling The Pressure?: The Ratcheting Up of Library Technology
Are You Feeling The Pressure?: The Ratcheting Up of Library Technology
Are You Feeling The Pressure?: The Ratcheting Up of Library Technology
Part I
Technology trends Technology change The technology ratchet
Forces of Change
Technology Librarians
Source: Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World, OCLC, 2007
Source: Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World, OCLC, 2007
From: Curran, Murray and Christian. Taking the information to the public through Library 2.0. Library Hi-Tech Vol. 25. No. 2, 2007 pp288-297.
Technology Ratchet
What Technologies Make You Feel Pressured?
Web Technologies
blogs, wikis, rss, aggregators, social collaboration tools, social networks, flickr, tagging, folksonomies, gaming, podcasts
Library Technologies
link resolvers, federated search, institutional repositories, open worldcat
Academic Technologies
courseware, hardware/software, learning objects screencasting
Part II
Strategies for technology adoption Bandwagon jumping and shiny toys Tips for technology adoption
Part III
Creating better library user experiences UX Trends The experience economy
This is a 2-4 minute activity Think about something at your library that you think is broken. Either something that doesnt work or a solution that has no problem attached to it. Just jot down a description of that on a sheet of paper Also why do you think it is broken?
Complex Takes time to learn Many features Added value Better quality Personalized help
Simplicity Complexity Conundrum how to resolve the tension between the two yet encourage quality research and education
Word Association
What comes to your mind when you hear the word
Write it down
Do you think library workers are designers? Yes or No
Understand the users Work creatively to identify and develop the solution Bottom Line its how designers approach challenges
Design Thinking
Approaching library problems the way designers approach design problems. Librarianship by Design draws mostly from instructional design for influence How is it different? Thoughtful process to create new services Integrates needs assessment and evaluation User-centered not technology-driven
In what ways are design thinking and instructional systems design similar Compare ADDIE and the IDEO Method ADDIE Analysis Design/Develop Implement Evaluate IDEO Understand/Observe Visualize/Brainstorm Implement Evaluate/Refine
Design Thinking
Empathic Design
Prototyping process
Caring Nice Go extra mile Courteous Training Satisfied Patron Fast/Convenient Answers Rule Bending
Holistic Totality of Experience WoW Factor (not broken) Memorable Loyalty Localized Design-based What kind of experience Understanding user
Part IV
Strategies for keeping up and keeping found things found Professional development Going beyond librarianship Coping with technology change
1. Databases/Systems have to learn new features, interface changes, upgrades; formal training may be needed. example RefWorks, VR systems, etc.
2. New web technologies social collaboration tools; learn by playing/experimenting example scholar; jing; facebook apps 3. New developments in peripheral fields computing; instructional technology
Final Thoughts
Be open to new technology but resist pressure to do it all Allow opportunities for staff development and time for play Before you go too far connect new technology to your library plan As always, keep up, talk to colleagues, visit other libraries, share with co-workers
Questions Discussion