4-Exercise Physiology-Effect of Exercise On Body Systems
4-Exercise Physiology-Effect of Exercise On Body Systems
4-Exercise Physiology-Effect of Exercise On Body Systems
Prepared By:- Zainab A li Hussein
Assistance lecturer
Musculoskeletal system
Neuromuscular system
cardiovascular system
respiratory system
It can be divided
effect exercise
The rapid increase in energy requirements during exercise requires equally
rapid circulatory adjustments to meet the increased need for oxygen and
nutrients to remove the end-products of metabolism such as carbon dioxide
and lactic acid and to dissipate excess heat.
– Blood
– Blood volume
– Blood pressure
– Venous return
– Cardiac output
– Heart rate
Mild hypoxia due Secrete
to exercises
apparatus erythropoietin
Stimulate the
Release RBC
bone marrow
2.On blood volume
4. On heart rate
Increase with exercise even thought of preparation due to impulses from cerebral cortex
to medullary center which decrease vagal tone
– Increase systolic pressure due to HR and SV but diastolic pressure reduces due to
decreased peripheral resistance (Vasodilation).
Isometric exercises
Diffusion capacity of O2
Consumption of O2
O2 dept
Vo2 max
Respiratory Quotient
1. Pulmonary ventilation
It is amount of air that enters and leaves the lungs in 1 min
– Higher center
– Chemoreceptor's (central, peripheral)
– Proprioception
– Body Temperature
– Acidosis
2. Diffusion capacity of O2
O2 diffusion capacity increases from 21ml/min to 45
to 50 ml/min because of increased blood flow through pulmonary capillaries.
3. Consumption of O2
O2 consumption increases during exercise by
Vasodilatation causes greater blood flow to
Which causes greater oxygen supply to muscle
Oxygen debt is an extra amount of oxygen required by muscle during recovery from
severe muscle exercise.
– An increase in blood volume and hemoglobin may occur. This facilitates the
oxygen delivery capacity of the system.
Changes During Exercise
– A reduction in the pulse rate occurs in some individuals