4-Exercise Physiology-Effect of Exercise On Body Systems

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Effect of exercise on Body

Prepared By:- Zainab A li Hussein
Assistance lecturer

 At the end of this lecture students will be able to:-

 effect of exercise in various systems:-

 Musculoskeletal system

 Neuromuscular system

 cardiovascular system

 respiratory system
It can be divided

Immediate • Body changes that takes place as

soon as we start the exercise


Long term • Physiological adaptation which

takes place in body with regular

effect exercise
 The rapid increase in energy requirements during exercise requires equally
rapid circulatory adjustments to meet the increased need for oxygen and
nutrients to remove the end-products of metabolism such as carbon dioxide
and lactic acid and to dissipate excess heat.

 The shift in body metabolism occurs through a coordinated activity of all

the systems of the body: neuromuscular, respiratory, cardiovascular,
metabolic, and hormonal.
 The short-term effects of exercise on the muscles:

1. Working muscles produce heat

2. Increased muscle fatigue due to lactate accumulation

3. Blood is re-distributed to working muscles (Shunting)

 On

– Blood

– Blood volume

– Blood pressure

– Venous return

– Cardiac output

– Heart rate

– Blood flow to skeletal muscle

1. On blood

Mild hypoxia due Secrete
to exercises
apparatus erythropoietin

Stimulate the
Release RBC
bone marrow
2.On blood volume

Heat produce Thermal system Sweat secretion, Decrease blood

during exercise activation so fluid loss volume
3. Venous return
 Increase due to muscle pump

 Respiratory pump, splanchnic

4. On heart rate
 Increase with exercise even thought of preparation due to impulses from cerebral cortex
to medullary center which decrease vagal tone

 Moderate exercise 180 beats/min

 Severe exercise 240 to 260 beats/min

 The increase in HR is due to
– Impulses from proprioceptor. These impulses act through higher centers and increase HR

– Increased CO2 tension which acts through medullary centers

– Rise in body temperature, which acts on cardiac centers via the

the hypothalamus, increased temperature also stimulates the SA node directly

– Circulating catecholamines secreted during exercise

5. Cardiac output
 CO increase up to 20 L/min in moderate exercise to 35 L/min during severe


 Stroke volume increases due to

increased force of contraction
6. Blood pressure
 Isotonic exercise

– Increase systolic pressure due to HR and SV but diastolic pressure reduces due to
decreased peripheral resistance (Vasodilation).

 Isometric exercises

– Increase systolic as well as diastolic pressure due to increased peripheral resistance

7. On blood flow to skeletal

 Resting is 3-4 ml/100 mg of the muscle

 During moderate exercise 60 to 80 mL and severe exercise 90 to 120 mL
Effect On
 Pulmonary Ventilation

 Diffusion capacity of O2

 Consumption of O2

 O2 dept

 Vo2 max

 Respiratory Quotient
1. Pulmonary ventilation
 It is amount of air that enters and leaves the lungs in 1 min

 In normal condition PV=TV*RR 6 ltr=500 ml *12

 During exercise 60 ltr=2000 ml* 30

 In severe exercise, it can go up to 100 ltr per minute also.

 Factors responsible for increased MV:

– Higher center
– Chemoreceptor's (central, peripheral)

– Proprioception

– Body Temperature

– Acidosis
2. Diffusion capacity of O2
 O2 diffusion capacity increases from 21ml/min to 45
to 50 ml/min because of increased blood flow through pulmonary capillaries.
3. Consumption of O2
 O2 consumption increases during exercise by
 Vasodilatation causes greater blood flow to
 Which causes greater oxygen supply to muscle

 Oxygen utilization by muscle is directly proportional to the amount of

oxygen available
4. O2 debt

 Oxygen debt is an extra amount of oxygen required by muscle during recovery from
severe muscle exercise.

 O2 debt increases 6 times than normal resting conditions

 Extra oxygen is required for

– Reformation of glucose from lactic acid, accumulated during exercise

– Resynthesis of ATP and creatine phosphate

– Restoration of the amount of oxygen dissociated from hemoglobin and myoglobin

5. Effect on vo2 max
 It is the amount of O2 consumed under maximum aerobic metabolism.
 VO2 max= CO*Amount of O2 consumed by
 In normal health

 Males - 35 to 40 ml/kg body weight per minute

 Female - 30 to 35 ml/kg body weight per minute

 During exercise, it increases by 50%

6. Effect on respiratory

 It is the molar ratio of CO2 production to O2 consumption.

 During exercise, it increases to 1.5 to 2

 However, at end of exercise, it reduces to 0.5

per unit time

Physiological adaptation
 Changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory
systems as well as changes in muscle metabolism
occur following endurance training. These changes are reflected both at rest
and with exercise.
Muscular System adaptation
 Hypertrophy
– Increase myofibril volume.

– Increase protein synthesis by amino acids

 Hyperplasia
– Increase no of muscle fiber.

– Due to longitudinal splitting of fiber.

 Muscle fiber adaptation

– Long distance trainer have high protein of slow twitch muscle fiber.

– Sprinters have fast twitch muscle fiber.

 Body composition
– Strengthening exercise causes decreased fatty mass and
increase lean body mass
– Endurance exercise causes only decreased fatty mass.
 Bone
– Regular weight-bearing exercise increases bone
mineral density
– Also prevents risk of fracture, injury, and age-related
bone loss changes.
 Connective tissue adaptation
– Increase tensile strength of tendons & and ligaments

– Increase Strength in tendon mainly at the myotendinous junction

– Strength in ligament at ligament-bone interface

– Connective tissue around muscle fiber strongly provides support.

– Eccentric loading exercise improves Non contractile tissue strength

 Endurance training
– Better capacity to extract Oxygen
– Increase vascularity & capillary bed density
– Increase muscle glycogen storage.
 Strength training
– Increase the size of muscle fiber
– Increase contractile protein actin & myosin
– Increase production of cross bridges for force contraction
Nervous system adaptation
 Exercise increases Neural drive (It is a measure of
the combined motor unit recruitment and rate
coding of active motor units within a muscle)
• Increased motor unit firing
• Increases nerve excitability and NCV
• Increases dimension of both pre-synaptic and
post-synaptic component of NMJ. These is
associated with a greater number of pre-synaptic
vesicles containing neurotransmitters upon its release.
It results in more efficient nerve to
muscle communication and less fatigue.
Cardiovascular system adaptation
 Changes at rest
– A reduction in the resting pulse rate occurs in some individuals because of a
decrease in sympathetic drive

– A decrease in blood pressure occurs in some individuals with a decrease in

peripheral vascular resistance. The largest decrease is in systolic blood
pressure and is most apparent in hypertensive individuals.

– An increase in blood volume and hemoglobin may occur. This facilitates the
oxygen delivery capacity of the system.
 Changes During Exercise
– A reduction in the pulse rate occurs in some individuals

– Increased stroke volume may occur because of an increase in myocardial

contractility and an increase in ventricular volume

– Increased cardiac output may occur as a result of the increased stroke


– Increased extraction of oxygen by the working muscle occurs in some

individuals because of enzymatic and biochemical changes in the muscle
– Decreased blood flow per kilogram of the working muscle may occur
even though increasing amounts of blood are shunted to the exercising
muscle. The increase in the extraction of oxygen from the blood
compensates for this change.

– Decreased myocardial oxygen consumption (pulse rate times systolic

blood pressure) for any given intensity of exercise may occur as a result of
a decreased pulse rate with or without a modest decrease in blood pressure
Respiratory system adaptation
 Changes at Rest
– Larger lung volumes develop because of improved pulmonary function,
with no change in tidal volume.

– Larger diffusion capacities develop because of larger lung volumes and

greater alveolar-capillary surface area.
 Changes During Exercise
– Larger diffusion capacities occur for the same reasons as those listed
previously; the maximum capacity of ventilation is unchanged.

– A smaller amount of air is ventilated at the same oxygen consumption

occurs; maximum diffusion capacity is unchanged.

– The maximal minute ventilation is increased.

– Ventilatory efficiency is increased.

Thank you
 Therapeutic exercise Carolyn kisner & Colby
 Essential of Medical physiology
 Exercise Physiology Integrating theory and application.
 Essentials of exercise physiology
 Exercise physiology McArdle ; Katch and Katch

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