CSE327 Lecture 11 MMA1

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(CSE 327)
Lecture 11
(Issue/Bug Tracking)
Issue Tracking
•A human action that produces an incorrect result
•For example, the type integer is used instead of double causing
loss of information during execution.

Fault / Defect
•Fault is a software defect (incorrect step, process or data
definition) that causes a failure. Example, infinite program loop.
•The adjudged cause of failure is called a fault. Example: A
failure may be cause by a defective block of code.
•The inability of a system or component to perform its required functions
within specified performance requirements .
•A manifest observable violation against specification or client expectations
by the system.
• For example: Client requirement needs the administrator to be able to
add new users, however, the system does not allow it.

•The difference between a computed, observed, or measured value or
condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition.
•For example, if an equation should return 100 but is returning 99.95.
•A software bug is an error, failure, or fault in a
computer program or system that causes it to produce
an incorrect or unexpected result.
Fault and Failure Example
• A patient gives a doctor a list of symptoms
– Failures
• The doctor tries to diagnose the root cause of
the ailment
– Fault
• The doctor may look for anomalous internal
conditions (high blood pressure, irregular
heartbeat, bacteria in the blood stream)
– Errors
Software Faults, Errors & Failures
• Software Fault : A static defect in the software

• Software Error : An incorrect internal state that is the

manifestation of some fault

• Software Failure : External, incorrect behavior with

respect to the requirements or other description of the
expected behavior

A Concrete Example
Fault: Should start
searching at 0, not 1

public static int numZero (int [ ] arr)

Test 1
{ // Effects: If arr is null throw NullPointerException [ 2, 7, 0 ]
// else return the number of occurrencesExpected: of 0 in1 arr
int count = 0; Actual: 1
for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++)
{ Error: i is 1, not 0, on Test 2
if (arr [ i ] == 0)the first iteration [ 0, 2, 7 ]
{ Failure: none Expected: 1
count++; Actual: 0
} Error: i is 1, not 0
return count; Error propagates to the variable count
} Failure: count is 0 at the return statement

•Consider a medical doctor making a diagnosis for a

patient. The patient informs the doctor with a list of
symptoms (i.e. failures). The doctor then discovers the
root cause (i.e. fault) of the symptoms. The doctor
advises the patient to do some medical test and finds
that the patient has high blood pressure, irregular
heartbeat, high cholesterol etc. (which corresponds to
Software Development - Quality
To ensure functional and quality requirements
are met we need a quality control mechanism
Verification and Validation (V&V) provides this
control mechanism
Ensure high quality software
Combine preventative and corrective measures
Verification & Validation (IEEE)
• Verification : The process of determining
whether the products of a given phase of the
software development process fulfill the
requirements established during the previous

• Validation : The process of evaluating software

at the end of software development to ensure
compliance with intended usage
IV&V stands for “independent verification and
•Finding faults or defects in the program or system by using various inputs and
•Verifying correct behaviour.
•It is the process of evaluating a system with the intent to find whether it satisfies
the specified requirements or not.
•In simple words, testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps,
errors, or missing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements.
•Fix a specific problem of the program or the system by finding the defect and the
cause of the defect.
•Checks, detects and corrects errors or bugs to allow proper program operation
according to set specifications.
Software is a Skin that
Surrounds Our Civilization

Quote due to Dr. Mark Harman

Traditional Testing Levels

Figure: Software development activities and testing levels – the “V


• The requirements analysis phase of software development
captures the customer’s needs.
• Acceptance testing is designed to determine whether the
completed software in fact meets these needs. In other
words, acceptance testing probes whether the software
does what the users want.
– Acceptance testing must involve users or other individuals who
have strong domain knowledge.
V-Model Cont.
• The architectural design phase of software development chooses
components and connectors that together realize a system whose
specification is intended to meet the previously identified requirements.
• System testing is designed to determine whether the assembled system
meets its specifications. It assumes that the pieces work individually, and
asks if the system works as a whole.
– This level of testing usually looks for design and specification problems.

– It is a very expensive place to find lower-level faults and is usually not done by the
programmers, but by a separate testing team
V-Model Cont.
• The subsystem design phase of software development specifies the
structure and behavior of subsystems, each of which is intended to satisfy
some function in the overall architecture. Often, the subsystems are
adaptations of previously developed software.
• Integration testing is designed to assess whether the interfaces between
modules (defined below) in a subsystem have consistent assumptions and
– Integration testing must assume that modules work correct.

– Integration testing is usually the responsibility of members of the development

V-Model Cont.
• The detailed design phase of software development determines the
structure and behavior of individual modules. A module is a collection
of related units that are assembled in a file, package, or class.
– This corresponds to a file in C, a package in Ada, and a class in C++ and Java.

• Module testing is designed to assess individual modules in isolation,

including how the component units interact with each other and their
associated data structures.
– Most software development organizations make module testing the
responsibility of the programmer; hence the common term developer testing.
V-Model Cont.
• Implementation is the phase of software development that
actually produces code. A program unit, or procedure, is one
or more contiguous program statements, with a name that
other parts of the software use to call it.
– Units are called functions in C and C++, procedures or functions in
Ada, methods in Java, and subroutines in Fortran.

• Unit testing is designed to assess the units produced by the

implementation phase and is the “lowest” level of testing.
– As with module testing, most software development organizations
make unit testing the responsibility of the programmer, again, often
called developer testing.
Traditional Testing Levels
 Acceptance testing : Is
the software acceptable
to the user?

 System testing : Test the

overall functionality of
the system

 Integration testing : Test

how modules interact
with each other

 Module testing (developer

testing) : Test each class,
file, module, component

 Unit testing (developer

This view obscures underlying similarities testing) : Test each unit
(method) individually
10/31/23 50
Object-Oriented Testing Levels
 Inter-class testing : Test
multiple classes together

Class A Class B
 Intra-class testing : Test
method mA1() method mB1() an entire class as
sequences of calls
method mA2() method mB2()
 Inter-method testing :
Test pairs of methods in
the same class
 Intra-method testing : Test
each method individually


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