Assessment of Neurologic Function: Dr. Lubna Dwerij
Assessment of Neurologic Function: Dr. Lubna Dwerij
Assessment of Neurologic Function: Dr. Lubna Dwerij
The brain itself contains more than 100 billion cells that:
Link the motor and sensory pathways.
Monitor the body’s processes,
Respond to the internal and external environment,
Maintain homeostasis
Direct all psychological, biologic, and physical activity
through complex chemical and electrical messages
Anatomic and Physiologic Overview
Cells of the Nervous System
The basic functional unit of the brain is the
The dendrites are branch-type structures for
receiving electrochemical messages.
The axon is a long projection that carries
electrical impulses away from the cell body.
Some neurons have a myelinated sheath that
increases speed of conduction.
Nerve cell bodies occurring in clusters are called
ganglia or nuclei. A cluster of cell bodies with the
same function is called a center (eg, the
respiratory center).
Neurotransmitters communicate messages from one
neuron to another or from a neuron to a specific target
A neurotransmitter potentiates, terminates, or modulates
a specific action, and it can either excite or inhibit
activity of the target cell.
Many neurologic disorders are due, at least in part, to an
imbalance in neurotransmitters.
For example, Parkinson’s disease develops from decreased
availability of dopamine, while acetylcholine binding to
muscle cells is impaired in myasthenia gravis
Assessment of the Nervous System
Health History
An important aspect of the neurologic assessment is the
history of the present illness.
The initial interview provides an excellent opportunity to
systematically explore the patient’s current condition and
related events while simultaneously observing overall
appearance, mental status, posture, movement, and
Neurologic disease may be stable or progressive,
characterized by symptom-free periods as well as
fluctuations in symptoms.
Assessment of the Nervous System
The health history therefore includes details about the
onset, character, severity, location, duration, and
frequency of symptoms and signs;
Associated complaints; precipitating, aggravating, and
relieving factors;
Progression, remission, and exacerbation; and the
presence or absence of similar symptoms among family
Common Symptoms
The symptoms of neurologic disorders are as varied as the
disease processes themselves.
Symptoms may be subtle or intense, fluctuating or
permanent, inconvenient or devastating.
Common Symptoms - Pain
Pain is considered an unpleasant sensory perception and
emotional experience associated with actual or potential
tissue damage or described in terms of such damage.
Pain is therefore considered multidimensional and entirely
In neurologic disease, acute pain may be associated with
brain hemorrhage, spinal disk disease, or trigeminal
In contrast, chronic or persistent pain extends for long
periods of time and may represent a broader pathology.
This type of pain can occur with many degenerative and
chronic neurologic conditions (eg, multiple sclerosis).
Common Symptoms - Seizures
Seizures are the result of abnormal paroxysmal discharges
in the cerebral cortex, which then manifest as an
alteration in sensation, behavior, movement, perception,
or consciousness.
The alteration may be short, such as in a blank stare that
lasts only a second, or of longer duration, such as a tonic–
clonic grand mal seizure that can last several minutes.
The seizure activity reflects the area of the brain affected.
Seizures can occur as isolated events, such as when
induced by a high fever, alcohol or drug withdrawal, or
A seizure may also be the first obvious sign of a brain lesion
Common Symptoms - Dizziness and Vertigo
Dizziness is an abnormal sensation of imbalance or
It is fairly common in the elderly and one of the most
common complaints encountered by health professionals.
Dizziness can have a variety of causes, including viral
syndromes, hot weather, roller coaster rides, and middle
ear infections.
One difficulty confronting health care providers when
assessing dizziness is the vague and varied terms patients
use to describe the sensation.
Common Symptoms - Dizziness and Vertigo
About 50% of all patients with dizziness have vertigo,
which is defined as an illusion of movement, usually
Vertigo is usually a manifestation of vestibular
It can be so severe as to result in spatial disorientation,
lightheadedness, loss of equilibrium, and nausea and
Common Symptoms – Visual
Visual defects that cause people to seek health care can
range from the decreased visual acuity associated with
aging to sudden blindness caused by glaucoma.
Lesions of the eye itself (eg, cataract), lesions along the
pathway (eg, tumor), or lesions in the visual cortex (eg,
stroke) interfere with normal visual acuity.
Abnormalities of eye movement (as in the nystagmus
associated with multiple sclerosis) can also compromise
vision by causing diplopia or double vision.
Common Symptoms-Muscle Weakness
Muscle weakness is a common manifestation of neurologic
Weakness can be sudden and permanent, as in stroke, or
progressive, as in neuromuscular diseases such as
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Any muscle group can be affected
Common Symptoms- Abnormal Sensation
Abnormal sensation is a neurologic manifestation of both
central and peripheral nervous system disease.
Altered sensation can affect small or large areas of the
body. It is frequently associated with weakness or pain and
is potentially disabling.
Lack of sensation places a person at risk for falls and
Past Health, Family, and Social History
The nurse may inquire about any family history of genetic
The nurse should be aware of any history of trauma or
falls that may have involved the head or spinal cord.
Questions regarding the use of alcohol, medications, and
illicit drugs are also relevant.
The history-taking portion of the neurologic assessment is
critical and, in many cases of neurologic disease, leads to
an accurate diagnosis.
Past Health, Family,
and Social History
Physical Assessment
Glasgow coma scale