Cea Rename 2
Cea Rename 2
Cea Rename 2
• Chapters :-
• I Definitions.
• II. Designated Person(s) -Designated Person, Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer,
Training and Certification
• III. General Safety Requirements
• IV. General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity
• V. Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage not
• exceeding 650V..
• VI.Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage
• exceeding voltage 650V.
• VII. Safety requirements of overhead lines, underground cables and
• generating stations.
• VIII. Safety requirements for Electric traction
• IX. Safety requirements for mines and oil fields
• X. Miscellaneous
Chapter III : General Safety Requirements
• Reg 14. Construction, Installation, protection, operation
and maintenance of electric supply lines and apparatus.
• Reg 15. Service lines and apparatus on consumer’s premises.
• Reg. 16. Switchgear on consumer’s premises.
• Reg 17. Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductors
and position of switches and switchgear therein.
• Reg 18. Earthed terminal on consumer’s premises.
• Reg 19. Accessibility to bare conductors.
• Reg 20. Danger Notices.
• Reg 21. Handling of electric supply lines and apparatus
Chapter III : General Safety Requirements
Reg.22:- Supply to vehicles and cranes
Reg.23- Cables for portable or transportable apparatus.
Reg.24:- Cables protected by bituminous materials
Reg.25 :- Street boxes
Reg.26:-Distinction of different circuits
Reg.27:- Distinction of the installations having more than one feed
Reg.28:- Accidental charging
Reg.29:- Provisions applicable to protective equipment
Reg.30:-Display of instructions for resuscitation of persons suffering from electric shock
Reg.31:-Precautions to be adopted by consumers, owners, occupiers, electrical contractors,
electrical workmen and suppliers.
Reg.32:- Periodic inspection and testing of installations.
Reg.33:-Testing of consumer’s installation.
Reg.34:-Generating units required to be inspected by Electrical Inspector.
General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity
• (2) A similar plan on the scale not less than 25 cm. to a km. (1:4000)
shall be kept by the manager or owner of one or more wells in any oil-
• (4) The plans specified under this regulation shall be examined and
corrected as often as necessary to keep them up-to-date and the dates
of such examinations shall be entered thereon by the manager or
owner of the mine or wells and such plans shall be available to the
Inspector, or inspector of mines, at any time.
• Reg 97. Lighting, overhead lines, communications and fire
• (1) In a mine illuminated by electricity, one or more flame safety
lamps, or other lights approved by the inspector of mines, shall be
maintained in a state of continuous illumination in all places where
failure of the electric light at any time shall be prejudicial to safety.
• (3) All apparatus that has to be worked or attended to and all handles
intended to be operated shall be placed at a spacious working place
which is accessible, clear of obstruction and free from danger, so far
as circumstances permit.
• Reg 99. Method of earthing.
(2) The operation of the switchgear and the relays shall be recorded
daily at the generating station, sub-station or switch station in a
register kept for the purpose.
• (3) The effectiveness of the switchgear and the protective system shall
always be kept and maintained in working order, shall be checked
once every three months and the result thereof shall be recorded in a
separate register kept for the purpose.
• Reg 101. Earthing metal.
• (1) All metallic sheaths, coverings, handles, joint boxes,
switchgear frames, instrument covers, switch and fuse
covers of boxes, all lamp holders, unless efficiently
protected by an insulated covering made of fire resisting
material, and the frames and bedplates of generators,
transformers and motors, including portable motors, shall
be earthed .by connection to an earthing system in the
manner specified in regulation 99.
• (2) Where cables are provided with a metallic covering
constructed and installed in accordance with clause (d) of
regulation 106, such metallic covering may be used as a
means of connection to the earthing system.
• (3) All conductors, of an earthing system shall have
conductivity, at all parts and all joints, at least equal to
fifty per cent of that of the largest conductor used solely to
supply the apparatus, a part of which desired to be earthed:
• Provided that no conductor of an earthing system
shall have a cross- sectional area, less than 0.15
sq. cm. except in the case of the earth conductor of
a flexible cable used with portable apparatus
where the voltage does not exceed 125 Volts, and
the cross-sectional area and conductance of the
earth core is not less than that of the largest o£ the
live conductors in the cable.
• (4) All joints in earth conductors and all joints in
the metallic covering of cables shall be properly
soldered or otherwise efficiently made.
• (5) No switch, fuse or circuit-breaker shall be
inserted in any earth conductor.
• (6) This regulation shall not apply, except in the
case of portable apparatus, to any system in a mine
in which the voltage does not exceed 30 V.
• Reg 102. Voltage limits.
• Electricity shall not be transmitted into a mine at a voltage
exceeding 11000 Volts and shall not be used therein at a
voltage exceeding 6600 Volts: Provided that-
• (i) where hand-held portable apparatus is used, the voltage
shall not exceed 125 V;
• (ii) where electric lighting is used,-
• (a) in underground mines, the lighting system shall have a
mid or neutral point connected with earth and the voltage
shall not exceed 125 V between phases;
• (b) on the surface of a mine or in an, open cast mine, the
voltage may be raised to 250 V, if the neutral or the mid
point of the system is connected with earth and the voltage
between the phases does not exceed 250 V;
• (iii) where portable hand-lamps are used in
underground working of mine, the voltage
shall not exceed 30 V;
• (iv) where any circuit is used for the remote
control or electric inter- locking of
apparatus, the circuit voltage shall not
exceed 30 V:
• Provided further that in fixed plants, the
said voltage may be permitted up to 650 V,
if the bolted type plug is used
• Reg 103. Transformer.
• Where electricity is transformed, suitable
provision shall be made to guard against
danger by reason of the lower voltage
apparatus becoming accidentally charged
above its normal voltage by leakage from or
contact with the -higher voltage apparatus.
• Reg 104. Switchgear and terminals.
• Switchgear and all terminals, cable-ends, cable-joints and connections
to apparatus shall be totally enclosed and shall be constructed,
installed and maintained as to comply with the following
requirements, namely:-
• (i) all parts shall be of mechanical strength sufficient to resist rough
• (ii) all conductors and contact areas shall be of adequate current-
carrying capacity and all joints in conductors shall be properly
soldered or otherwise efficiently made;
• (iii) the lodgement of any matter likely to diminish the insulation or
affect the working of any switchgear shall be prevented;
• (iv) all live parts shall be so protected or enclosed as to prevent
persons accidentally coming into contact with them and to prevent
danger from arcs, short-circuits, fire, water, gas or oil;
• (v) where there may be risk of igniting gas, coal-dust, oil or other
inflammable material, all parts shall be, so protected as to prevent
open sparking; and
• (vi) every switch or circuit-breaker shall be so constructed as to be
capable of opening the circuit it controls and dealing with any short-
circuit without danger.
• Reg 105. Disconnection of supply.
• (1) Properly constructed switchgear for disconnecting the supply of
electricity to a mine or oil-field shall be provided at a point approved
by the inspector of mines.
• (2) At any time, when any cable or overhead line supplying electricity
to the mine from the aforesaid switchgear is live, a person designated
to operate the said switchgears shall be available within easy reach
• Provided that in the case of gassy coal seam of second degree and
third degree gassiness, the main mechanical ventilator operated by
electricity shall be interlocked with the switchgear so as to
automatically disconnect the power supply in the event of stoppage of
main mechanical ventilator.
• (3) When necessary in the interest of safety, any apparatus suitably
placed, shall be provided for disconnecting the supply from every part
of a system.
• (4) If the inspector of mines in the interest of safety considered it
necessary, he may direct that the apparatus specified in sub-regulation
(3) shall be so arranged as to disconnect automatically, from the
supply, any section of the system subjected to a fault.
• (5) Every motor shall be controlled by switchgear which
shall be so arranged as to disconnect the supply from the
motor and from all apparatus connected thereto and such
switchgear shall be so placed as to be easily operated by
the person designated to operate the motor.