COVIDguideline June 7th 20
COVIDguideline June 7th 20
COVIDguideline June 7th 20
Disease (COVID-
19) Pandemic
Understanding Coronavirus & Covid-19 : Symptoms, Spread
Responsibilities of Food Business Operators (FBO)
Preventive Measures to be taken by FBOs of different Food Sector
- Physical Distancing
- Personal Hygiene
- Cleaning & Sanitation
Other precautions as suggested by government
Management of food establishment on identification of COVID-19 positive case
COVID-19 requirements shall be followed along with Good Hygiene Practices laid under Schedule 4 of FSS
(Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011
Food Business Operator shall also implement updated guidelines issued by Ministry of Health
Section - 1
Coronavirus and COVID -
1. 1 What is Corona virus and Covid-19?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses.
In humans, several Corona viruses are known to cause respiratory infections
ranging from Common Cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
The most recently discovered Corona virus causes COVID-19.
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Assurance of assistance and pay / job protection especially in the low income group
of employees.
Employer to be aware and sensitive about workers salary, leave, safety, health
(physical & mental) and other issues during pandemic.
2. Responsibilities of FBO
FBO shall initiate screening of all personnel entering in the premises for following
- Fever / Temperature Check (37.5oC or 99.50F)
- Fatigue
- Cough (Dry & Wet)
- Shortness of breath / Breathing difficulties
(a) 18-20
(b) 24-30
(c) 24-32
(d) 20-32
(e) 20-30
Alcohol Good
Frequent No
Hand Wash based Respiratory
40-60 Sec with Sanitizers Hygiene Cleaning & Close
soap and water used for at least (Wear Mask/ Disinfection contact
20 seconds face cover)
Reporting of illness: Encourage workers to stay home if they are showing symptoms
like coughing, fever, breathlessness etc. Illness reporting on phone to be accepted.
Isolate the person if they have flu like symptoms while at work and inform the authority.
Personnel close to infected person must do self- quarantine / isolate as per directions of
the Government. Isolated persons to use dedicated toilets and washing area.
Discontinue use of Biometric / fingerprints, sharing of belongings, (e.g gloves, jackets,
common stationery, pens, work tools etc) during pandemic period.
Food premises, toilets, counters, equipments etc that came in contact with the infected
persons shall be thoroughly cleaned with hot water & detergent and disinfected with
0.1- 0.5% hypochlorite solution, QAC or a suitable equivalent.
3. Personal Hygiene
Face mask / cover and clean protective clothing MUST be worn by all. No gaps
should be observed after wearing the mask / cover. The face mask / cover should be
changed every 6 hours or as soon as they get wet/dirty. Reusable masks should be
washed and sanitized.
Reusable face covers should be discarded on loosing shape or getting damaged.
Disposal of the mask must be done separately in the closed bins. Paper/tissue, paper
bag may preferably be used to put used face covers before disposal.
Employee should avoid touching face, eyes, nose etc.
Double layered
N-95 Mask Elastomeric Respirator Disposable Facemasks Cloth Face Coverings
Important: Disposal of used PPE – As per Medical Waste
The used mask, gloves, gowns, shoe cover, head cover and other PPE are to be
considered like medical waste as it might be a source of further contamination. It
- Generally, Masks & gloves should be thrown in closed SEPARATE waste bin post use or in
paper bags sealed with due declaration
- Disposal as per manufacturers instructions
- If the mask is used by persons showing symptoms, then it will be put in a plastic bag before
throwing in separate waste bin.
- Masks (and other personal protective equipment) that are used in hospitals or quarantine or
isolation facilities should be decontaminated and incinerated at high temperatures in
dedicated facilities.
Give clear communication that Covid-19“it is recoverable”
Be Empathetic towards people.
Make SOP covering Emergency contacts, Details of family members etc.
Q. 1 Hands must be washed for min. ________ using _________ and
(a)50 sec, water and soap
(b)30 sec, water and soap
(c)20 sec, water and soap
(d)20 sec, using water and sanitizer
(b)covered using paper or paper bag
Ans: (b) False. Gloves may give false sense of security, but hand
washing is a must.
Q. 5 Hand washing is not required, if gloves are worn.
Ans: (b) False. Gloves may give false sense of security, but hand
washing is a must.
Q. 6 Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct
Following Food establishments shall be cleaned with soap and water, followed by
disinfection using quaternary ammonium compound such as BKC or freshly
prepared .5% hypochlorite solution (free chlorine) or any other disenfecant found
effective against coronavirus .
– food preparation/ production area,
– stores, packaging area,
– service area,
– waste disposal area,
– office space,
– transport vehicle
Clean Equipment, containers, utensils, cutlery, etc. thoroughly with soap and water.
Use of hot water (above 60o C) is recommended.
5. Cleaning & Sanitation
• Remove loose dirt and food particles.
Step 1: Preparation
• Rinse with warm, potable water.
Step 3: Sanitising • Treat with very hot, clean, potable water (75
°C) for at least 2 minutes.
Use chemicals as per the direction provided by the manufacturers.
There are more chemical based disinfectants available; this is just a suggestive list.
Cleaning and disinfecting equipment and metal surfaces
Q. 1 _______________can be used for disinfecting floor in food preparation area.
(a)- iii
(c)- I
(d)- ii
Section - 6
Special Instructions for
different food sectors
6.1 Food Services / Delivery / Takeaways
Food Service Area: Thorough cleaning and disinfection after every
meal preparation and common touch points such as door knobs,
equipment handles, desk, grocery cart handles, etc.
Hand wash & sanitation facility: Available to workers, customers
especially at the entry
Raw material, packaging material etc. ordered 48-72 hrs in
Prevention of surface contamination: Use barrier such as tongs,
gloves or other utensils to prevent direct hand contact with food,
especially for uncooked food.
No Open Display of ready-to-eat foods, should be kept covered in
glass displays
Visual display of DOs and DONTs
Pick-up zones for customers to help maintain social distancing.
Prepare food for limited customers
Disposable items: Use disposable utensils, cutlery, and single use
sachet (of salt pepper, sugar, ketchup, etc), menu cards
6.1 Food Services / Delivery / Takeaways
• Prohibition of self service, buffet, mass gathering until
approved by state govt.
• In case approved, ensure that
– Dedicated food handler(s) should serve food items to
customers instead of multiple customers using the serving
– Minimum 2 meter gap is maintained between the food handler
and customer.
– Minimum 2 meter gap is maintained between the seating space
and tables in the service area.
– Not more than 50% seating capacity occupied at one point of
– High touch points such as countertops, tongs, ladles, handles,
etc. should be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
6.1 Food Services / Delivery / Takeaways
E- Payments / E-Wallets: Refrain from handling cash. If
handled, wash or sanitise hands. Encourage customers to use
e-wallets such as UPI, QR codes, net-banking. In case
credit/debit cards are used, the card machine to be sanitized
with 70 % alcohol after each use.
On-line orders: Encourage customers to place orders online
or on telephone, well in advance to reduce the wait time.
Food Delivery: Food Handler
– Face to be covered with a clean mask or face cover. Hands to
be sanitised before food pick up and after delivery.
– Physical distancing of 2 meter is followed between self and
– Contact with common touch points such as door bell, handles,
etc to be avoided. If unavoidable, hands to be immediately
– Contactless delivery methods shall be encouraged.
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Cleaning, Sanitizing,
retention time
Disinfection measures
are to be adopted to
ensure that food 2-3 days 2-3 days 4 Days
packaging is kept clean On Stainless On Wood
On Plastics On Wood
and away from sources Steel
of contamination
Customer entering food premise should be checked for COVID-19 symptoms. They should be
encouraged for takeaways
Consumers must follow the usual precautions of wearing mask/face covers when going out for
buying any food, dining in a restaurant or taking deliveries. Frequent use of hand sanitiser is
All customers should maintain social distancing while waiting in queues, placing orders, paying
bills. Minimum distance of 2 meter should be maintained while dining in a restaurant. Sharing
of food and drinks should be discouraged.
Customers shall be advised to only touch the products that they intend to purchase.
Contact with food products not intend for purchase should be avoided.
Section - 9
Guidelines for management of food establishment
on identification of COVID-19 positive case
9. Recommended protocol
In-house emergency response team should have a detailed plan for emergency response
to COVID-19 suspect/positive case in the premise
In case any employee has symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (i.e., fever, cough, and/or
shortness of breath) onsite at the facility
̶ Immediately isolate in designated area
̶ Advise home quarantine
̶ Take immediate medical consultation from nearest designated hospital/clinic OR
State/central helpline
̶ Home quarantine for mild/moderate cases after assessment
̶ Follow guidelines of MoHFW or managing COVID-19 suspect/positive case
Contact tracing of employees/ food handlers who came in close contact (within 1 meter)
should be identified and list shared with designated hospital/clinic OR State/central helpline
Employee with COVID-19 symptoms should not report to work. Illness should be reported to
manager/in-house emergency response team over email or phone.
If person tests negative then the employee and close contacts may retain work immediately.
9. Recommended protocol
Guidelines for cleaning and disinfection of premise/area accessed by COVID-19
positive person
Exposed area/section, toilet, workstation, counters, lockers and equipment that came in contact
with the infected person and immediately closed for others. In no circumstances, they should be
kept operational without thorough disinfection.
Entire manufacturing plant need not be closed. Demarcate area(s)/sections(s) known or likely to
have exposure to COVID-19 suspect/infected person shall be disinfected as per the protocol.
Area confirmed not to have exposed may remain operational.
Immediate cleaning and disinfection shall be done.
Use QAC/0.5% freshly prepared hypochlorite sol./70% alcohol or any other disinfectant found
effective for coronavirus.
Disposal of waste of COVID-19 infected person: Waste should be collected and sealed in
separated bags. These bags should be labelled and handed over to authorised waste collectors
engaged by local bodies or Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility.
Follow guidelines or recommendations issued by the State/UT or local health authority
Section - 10
. Guidelines for Food Handled by COVID-19
suspect or positive employee
10. Food Handled by COVID-19 suspect/positive
There is currently no evidence to support that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be transmitted
to humans through food or food packaging materials.
However, this virus can survive on different surfaces for upto 72 hours.
The following guidelines for treatment of foods handled by a COVID-19 positive food
employee shall be implemented:
‒ Raw/cooked food preparation with shelf life less than 72 hours or intended for immediate
consumption shall be discarded.
‒ Packaged food with shelf life more than 72 hours and not intended for immediate consumption
should be stored separately for at least 72 hours
(Note: Since the information on the COVID-19 Pandemic is evolving continuously, these guidelines
are based on the present information available about the pandemic and can be revised as and
when any new information is available)