Assessment in Learning 1 Chapter 4 1
Assessment in Learning 1 Chapter 4 1
Assessment in Learning 1 Chapter 4 1
The diagram illustrates the principle of constructive alignment in the assessment process.
The principle of constructive alignment simply
means that the teaching-learning activity or activities and
assessment tasks are aligned to the intended learning
outcome. The intended learning outcome is “to drive a car”.
The teaching-learning activity is driving a car not giving
lecturers on car driving. The assessment task is to let the
student drive a car not to describe how to drive a car.
Why the term “constructive”? Constructive alignment is
based on the constructive theory (Biggs, 2007) that learners
use their own activity to construct their knowledge or other
A Mental Exercises
In this mental exercises, determine whether or not the assessment
task is aligned to the learning outcome. If the assessment task is not aligned
to the learning outcome, improve it to align it to the learning outcome.
Learning Outcome Assessment Task
Dance tango Trace the history of tango
Interpret a given poem What is your favorite line in the poem? Why is it your
favorite line?
Present a report with PowerPoint Demonstrate how to do a PowerPoint presentation
Derive the meaning of at least 5 words by means of Match the meaning of the words in Column 1 with
context clues those in Column 2
Solve a given problem Determine what are given and what is asked
Pronounce short a sound correctly Encircle the words with short a sound
Trace the historical development of the Philippine Trace the historical development of the Philippine
basic education curriculum basic education curriculum with the use of an
appropriate graphic organizer
Learning Outcome Assessment Task
Dance tango REVISION:
Dance a tango in culminating program applying the
characteristics and techniques of a tango
Interpret a given poem REVISION:
What is your favorite line in the poem?
Why is it your favorite line?
What is the mood of the poem?
Who is the speaker of the poem?
What is the message of the poem?
Present a report with PowerPoint REVISION:
Make an individual PowerPoint presentation and report it.
Selected- Constructed-
response response
Alternate response Completion
Short answer
Matching type Essay
(restricted or non-restricted)
Product Performance
Product Output Tasks
For examples:
Visual – Ex. graph, experiments, oral
collage, reflective - presentation,
journal dramatization
4.6. Portfolio
Portfolio falls under non-paper and pencil test.
A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work or
documented performance (e.g. video of dance) that tells
the story of student achievement or growth. The word
purposeful implies that a portfolio is not a collection of all
student’s work. It is not just a receptacle for all student’s
works. The student’s work that is collected depends on
the type and purpose of a portfolio you want to have. It
can be a collection of products or recorded performance
or photos of performance.
Types of Portfolio
1. Working Portfolio
It is a project “in the works” containing work in progress
as well as finished samples of work. A growth portfolio
demonstrates an individual’s development and growth over
time. Development can be focused on academic or thinking
skills, content knowledge, self-knowledge, or any area that is
important for your purposes. For this reason, it is also called
development portfolio. Growth and development portfolio
can serve as a holding tank for work that may be selected
later for more permanent assessment or display portfolio.
2. Display, Showcase, or Best Works Portfolios
It is the display of the students’ best work. Students exhibit their
best work and interpret its meaning. Showcase portfolio demonstrates
the highest level of achievement attained by the student.
3. Assessment or Evaluation Portfolio
As the name implies, its main function is to document what a
student has learned based on standards and competencies expected
of students at each grade level. The standards and competencies of
the curriculum, then, will determine what students select for their
portfolios. Their reflective comments will focus on the extent to which
they believe the portfolio entries demonstrate their mastery of the
standards and competencies.
4.7. Scoring Rubrics
A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students’ work that
includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the
criteria. The main purpose of rubrics is to assess performance
made evident in processes and products. It can serve as a scoring
guide that seeks to evaluate a student’s performance in many
different tasks based on a full range of criteria rather than a single
numerical score. The objectives tests can be scored by simply
counting the correct answers, but the essay tests, student’s
products and student’s performances cannot be scored the way
objective tests are scored. Products and performances can be
scored reliably only with the use of scoring rubrics.
Rubrics have two major parts:
1. Coherent sets of criteria
2. Descriptions of levels of performance for
these criteria
Organization & - Organization and structure - Structure of the paper is - Structure is mostly clear -Structure of the paper is clear
Structure detract from the message. not easy to follow. and easy to follow. and easy to follow.
- Writing is disjointed and - Transitions need - Transitions are present. - Transitions are logical and
lacks transition of thoughts. improvement. - Conclusion is logical. maintain the flow of thought
- Conclusion is missing, or if throughout the paper.
provided, does not flow from - Conclusion is logical and
the body of the paper. flows from the body of the
Grammar, - Paper contains numerous - Paper contains few - Rules of grammar, - Rules of grammar, usage,
Punctuation & grammatical, punctuation, grammatical, punctuation usage, and punctuation and punctuation are followed;
Spelling and spelling errors. and spelling errors. are followed with minor spelling is correct.
Spelling is correct.
Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding
0 pts 4 pts 7 pts 10 pts
- Content is incomplete. - Content is not comprehensive - Content is accurate and - Content is comprehensive,
- Major points are not clear. and /or persuasive. persuasive. accurate, and persuasive.
-Specific examples are not - Major points are addressed, - Major points are stated. - Major points are stated clearly
used. but not well supported. - Responses are adequate and are well supported.
- Responses are inadequate or and address topic. - Responses are excellent, timely
- Organization and structure
do not address topic. - Content is clear. and address topic.
detract from the message.
-Specific examples do not -Specific examples are used. - Content is clear.
- Writing is disjointed and lacks
support topic. -Specific examples are used.
transition of thoughts. - Structure is mostly clear
- Structure of the paper is not and easy to follow. -Structure of the paper is clear
- Paper contains numerous
easy to follow. - Transitions are present. and easy to follow.
grammatical, punctuation, and
- Transitions need improvement. - Conclusion is logical. - Transitions are logical and
spelling errors.
- Conclusion is missing, or if maintain the flow of thought
- Rules of grammar, usage,
provided, does not flow from the and punctuation are followed throughout the paper.
body of the paper. with minor errors. - Conclusion is logical and flows
- Paper contains few Spelling is correct. from the body of the paper.
grammatical, punctuation and - Rules of grammar, usage, and
spelling errors. punctuation are followed; spelling
is correct.
4.8. Assessment Methods and
Multiple Intelligences
Learners have multiple intelligences and varied
learning styles. Students must be given the opportunity
to demonstrate learning that is aligned to their multiple
intelligences and to their learning styles.
4.9. Assessment of Learning Outcomes
in the K to 12 Program
Here are the assessment practices lifted from
DepEd Order 8, s. 2015 for the guidance of all teachers:
1. Teachers should employ assessment methods that are
consistent with standards. This means that assessment as
a process must be based on standards and competencies
that are stated in the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Assessment
must be based NOT on content but on standards and
competencies. Therefore, there must be alignment between
assessment tools or tasks and standards and competencies.
2. Teachers must employ both formative and summative
assessment both individually and collaboratively.
Assessment is done primarily to ensure learning, thus teachers
are expected to assess learning in every stage of lesson
development – beginning, middle and at the end.
3. Grades are a function of written work, performance tasks
and quarterly test. This means that grade does not come from
only one source rather from multiple sources with emphasis on
performance tasks from Grade 1 to 12.
4. The cognitive process dimensions given by Krathwohl and
Anderson (2001) – from remembering, understanding,
applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating – governs
formulation of assessment tasks.